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Everything posted by Alpo

  1. Because I learned to drive on a standard, and you never put your left foot on the brake.
  2. That's kind of shocking isn't it? I called Smith & Wesson a few years ago. I had heard that they would give you a date if you called. They wouldn't give you a letter - they would sell you a letter - but they would give you the shipping date. I figured they were going to transfer me to some girl sitting at a computer. So the phone rings a couple of times and then this guy says, "Roy Jinks". Damn.
  3. Somebody up the thread mentioned standing on the brake to start his car. Is that common now? I know several years ago they started where you had this stand on the brake to shift gears. You couldn't take it out of park unless you had your foot on the break. And you couldn't shift from reverse into drive without putting your foot on the brake. Since all the new cars have fuel injection - right? - you're not supposed to pump the gas when you start them. Right? Both of my vehicles have carburetors, and if I could not pump the gas as I was starting the car they would never start. So having to stand on the brake to start the car would not work.
  4. I have one of those plug-in air freshers in the back bedroom. I may have it turned up a little high. It doesn't make it across the hall into my bedroom, but it goes down the hallway real good. So I'm in my bedroom watching television. I got a frozen lasagna nuking in the kitchen. I go out to check on it. I walk out of my bedroom into air freshener. And as I walk down the hallway it changes. At one end of the hallway, Glade cashmere woods. At the other end of the hallway, Stouffer's lasagna. But they meet in the middle. They mix. They meld. Cashmere garlic tomato.
  5. Having found that video, I got sucked down the rat hole of watching Knight's Tale videos. And the ending, where the bad guy - Avatar, or something like that - gets knocked off his horse and his flying backwards through the air. He's not wearing spurs. Now I'm sure they didn't have spurs on the stuntman to make it less likely he would spike himself doing that backflip. But a knight without spurs. That's not good.
  6. This comment, about Jesus not being from Australia, made me think of this scene. Well the pope may be French, but Jesus is English. You're on.
  7. What is that above the cheese, and between the tomato and the egg? That white thing below the cheese - that's cauliflower, right?
  8. Not if he's happy with it. The problem would be if somebody that he probably showed his new 45 to told him he got screwed. "You traded him a gun worth two grand for a gun worth $500!!?? Did he at least kiss you??" But I look at like this. I have an item - it does not matter what the item is - that according to "everyone that knows" it is worth $2,000. But I don't use it. I don't like it. So it sits on a shelf. Its value to me is zero. And if I trade it for something that "everyone that knows" says is worth $500, but I enjoy this new item and I use this new item - I came out okay in this trade. I traded something that was worthless to me for something that was useful.
  9. I can't answer your question, but if I was your friend I wouldn't make the trade. I would get a new top half. The simplest solution would be to change it to 9 mm. But a 45 conversion would not be too difficult. And then you still got that 38 top half if you ever get the urge.
  10. I assume you crushed the match heads between the two bolts, and it popped?
  11. You put beets on them. Raw, canned, or pickled?
  12. That is a neat optical delusion. The grayish roof shingles kind of fade into the tree. The white edge of the roof looks like a chair edge. The porch supports coming down from the roof make it look like there is a white chair sitting on the top of that bronco. The porch supports look like the chair legs. The edge of the roof looks like the edge of the seat and the edge of the back. And as I say the shingles just kind of fade away amongst the tree.
  13. The internet archive is also got it. You can read it on their site. You can't keep it, but you can read it. For free. They've also got yours.
  14. I would prefer the potatoes to just be diced and boiled. I don't like the texture of mashed potatoes. I like to chew my food. That's one of the reasons I don't like English peas. Or sweet peas, or green peas, or whatever you might call them things. They're mushy. Yuck.
  15. Wowzer. I just did a search, and Complications is available on Amazon. $4 for Kindle. $100 for paperback. $100 for a paperback? That must be one damn good book.
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