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Everything posted by Alpo

  1. First of all it was his wife, not him, that had the Heinz stock. Secondly, she sold all of her Heinz stock back before he started running for president. He doesn't make any money on it.
  2. I like this little old lady. I assume they're doing a drug deal in front of her house. She tells them to leave. Tells them she'll give them 10 minutes to get out of there and then she's coming back outside with her pistol and she's starting to shoot. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAvin04xQs6/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
  3. On a survival board I was on years ago, they were talking about what to use when there was no longer any toilet paper. Phone books. Leaves. Corn cobs. And somebody come up with what I thought was an excellent idea. Washcloth in a bucket of water. Wash yourself clean, then ring out the rag and leave it for the next person. Lot more sense than trying to make something disposable.
  4. I've discovered that you always need to ask. Somebody was talking about an 11/22 rifle. I thought it was a typo. Nope. Real gun. Somebody else talks about a 21 rimfire. Obviously a typo. Nope. New cartridge. So I have quit assuming that it is a typo, and I'm now assuming that is something I have never heard of. And I ask.
  5. At Mule Camp, on Friday night, they had a dinner for contestants. Barbecue as far back as I can recall. So I'm sitting there one night, scarfing down the plate of pulled pork, some large slices of garlic bread, and a bowl of Brunswick stew. This was an all-you-can-eat dinner. So I finished everything on my plate and tipped the bowl up to drain the last of the liquid. Then I went up and got a refill. When I came back and sat down the guy on the other side of the table pointed to the bowl and asked what it was. I said, "where you from?" He said he was from Ohio. Okay. And I told him it was Brunswick stew. He said he saw that on the menu board. But what was Brunswick stew? I told him it was meat and maters and baby lima beans. Some people put potatoes in it but these people didn't and I considered that a good thing because potatoes don't belong in Brunswick stew. And he tried some. By then I had emptied my second bowl and was contemplating making a third trip. He asked what kind of meat it was. I waited till I saw he had a mouthful, and then I told him it was squirrel. He hesitated a moment, then continued chewing and swallowed. Said he had never had squirrel before, but that was pretty good. Then he went up and got a second helping. And I'm sitting there trying to decide whether I should tell him that it was chicken, or leave him to believe it was squirrel.
  6. "Turn on"? Turn in the lights doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it does to other people.
  7. It's like the 4473. A Ruger is found at a crime scene. The cops ask Ruger, Ruger says they sold it to Davidson, Davidson say they sold it to Sports South, and Sports South says they sold it to Joe's Gun shop in Pascagoula Mississippi. They go to Joe's and they look at the 4473 and they find out that Alpo bought it. The problem is, I sold it at a yard sale 5 years ago. Since that time it has been resold and rebought three times. The last time it was sold it was sold to Bob's Gun shop in Dothan Alabama. Where John Wayne bought it, and filled out the 4473. But since the direct chain broke 5 years ago when I sold it, they have no idea that it was sold at Bob's Gun shop in Dothan, so they don't go there to check the 4473 to see who bought it. It just ends at me.
  8. Took my family to a Chinese restaurant one time. The hostess lead us to our table. As we were going down there I was trying to get the boy, who was maybe 10 at the time, to tell her shay shay (that is undoubtedly not how it is spelled but that is how it is pronounced) when we got to the table. He was shy and did not. After she left my father started teasing him. She came back while Grandpa was teasing him and asked what was going on. I told her that I had been trying to get him to tell her thank you in Mandarin for taking us to the table. She said, "I wouldn't have understood. I'm Korean". My younger brother's wife is mainland Chinese. On a trip one time we stopped at a Chinese restaurant for lunch. My father decided that that she should order for all of us. When the waitress came over, the first thing my sister-in-law did was say, in English, "Do you speak Mandarin?" Receiving an affirmative answer, she then shifted from English to Mandarin and ordered that way. There used to be a Tex-Mex place down at the end of the road. Taco Tex. But everyone working there was just normal American. Over the years it has changed hands and names, but still it was just normal Americans. It was closed for about 6 months, and when it opened it was called El Milagro. When I went in there for the first time I immediately noticed that it was no longer a Tex-Mex place staffed with regular Americans. It was a Mexican restaurant. Full of Mexicans. I was the only white guy in the place. That's an interesting experience.
  9. Forty, I want to thank you. I had heard of this woman before, and meant to read the books, and then got sidetracked and totally forgot about her. Your question reminded me, and I am now about a quarter of the way into Cocaine Blues - the first book in the series. The first chapter, I wasn't really sure of. But it gets better and better and better as it goes along.
  10. Would that be a 12 gauge Model 12 or a 16 gauge Model 12? Some people might consider that important.
  11. When Daddy was growing up he spent summers on his cousin's farm. 1930s. Outhouse. And corn cobs. He told me that there was a bucket of red corn cobs and a bucket of white corn cobs. The procedure was wipe with two red ones, then wipe with a white one to see if you needed another red one.
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