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Cheyenne Culpepper 32827

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Cheyenne Culpepper 32827 last won the day on September 26 2017

Cheyenne Culpepper 32827 had the most liked content!


About Cheyenne Culpepper 32827

  • Birthday October 5

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Tusco Longriders, Ohio Valley Vigilanties, Sandusky Regulators, Miakka Misfits, Gold Coast Gunslingers, Doodle Hill Regulators

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Ohio, southern FL
  • Interests
    CAS, sitting around the camper with pards shooting the breeze after a good day of shooting, getting a good smile, and being ready to "soar with eagles". Knowing that I am forgiven no matter how I screw up!

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Cheyenne Culpepper 32827's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Please contact me at artsflash@gmail.com


    Please view:  ccwohio.com

  2. Tex doesn't like me posting prayer requests for him on the SASS Wire so please keep this one private.


    A message from Cat:


    "Tex in hospital with very bad infection-sepsis. Is in critical care unit in Pres downtown. Thought u should no. Cat"

  3. both the smokewagons and Peitta's performed well today... yippee!!! thanks again!!!!
  4. Eureka!! talk about coincidence!!! the trigger bolt spring apparently gave up the ghost when I put the new hammers in,,, the bolt was real mushy and then wasn't working at all...I didn't touch it when I did the install, but noticed it was weak and bent it to give more tension,,, a wire spring,,, that's when it gave up completely,, fortunately I had two new flat ones and now they both seem to be 'healed"!! Thank you Larsen for giving the heads up where to look!!! the Peitta,,, two slight swipes and it is much better, it may need a third to be near perfect,,, but after shooting today and messing with these for at least two hours I'll leave the Peittas for another day to perfect them,,, think I'll take them tomorrow too tho,,,run some rounds thru them thanks Larsen and OLG!!
  5. I bought new hammers with lowered spurs for my smokewagons,,,,, 1. both can over rotate the clynders,,, one worse than the other,,, seems like the bolt isn't popping up like it should... what to I need to smoothe out to fix this? 2. my piettas,,, one has to be cocked pretty hard to catch the final cocking position so that the hammer doesn't fall before locking.. do I need to take a lil off of the sear...? two of the chambers are worse that the others...is the hand slightly to tall? help please....
  6. miss no target failure, he knocked it down with pistol...miss is for pistol target still standing
  7. do everything they ask of you,,, but not more!! pain is not gain in rehab!! heal up quickly!!!
  8. it hurts your pinkies when you do that too!! at least mine!
  9. why in the world wud you take the block out????
  10. maybe to ease your mind a bit,,,, the out of battery discharges I've seen it didn't matter if the lever safety worked or not, it was caused by the lever being jerked back and forth during a malfuction and the firing pin had enough inertia to fire the round... jmtcw
  11. sure thing!! I use Cheditte now,,, nary a miss fire or primer seated too deeply now.. I fly in on monday and will be out at cowtown tues and wed some,,, as well at the range 440 452 0129
  12. lunger, I wont use them if the rim of the primer can't be felt along the brass,,,, I've never had a misfire with checking them like that,,, every misfire I've seen the rim is pressed into the primer hole deeper than I like,,, I found this when I had some problems years ago, now I try to make sure I check every loaded shell for this, and have seen plenty of new ones with the same problem I also quite using FEDs 209s because the was about a .003 variance in the depth of the primer cup..... no feely primer rim,, no usey shell!!
  13. yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here's to another 30!!!! I've been around for over half of those years! great times and great friends!!!
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