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The lottery that is......what guns would you buy or have built?


I'd have to start with and 1894 Winchester, 1886 Winchester, 1895 Marlin and 336 Marlin each built as take-downs with two barrel sets- 45-70 and 40-65 for the 95 and 86, 30-30 and 38-55 for the 94 and 336.

Of course some really good looking wood, cases, and case color hardening would be in order.


My next stop would be to Hamilton Bowen's shop for a lengthy visit.....





If I "hit the big one" and just started buying guns I have a feeling one of my existing guns would be used on me and my wife would be telling the officer "He was cleaning it...I think" :D


But seriously, once I took care of a few things my wife would want and a dual sport motorcycle and a nice car (convertible) I would probably buy the following guns:


Winchester 1886 Deluxe.

Winchester 1885

Smith & Wesson model 27 (mint)

Smith & Wesson model 25 .45 Colt (mint)

Smith & Wesson model 17 with an 8 3/8" barrel (mint)

Another set of CAS guns - backups ;)


Ddddd chhhh bang !

Aaand aaaa Nnnnn never mind .

A lot !


SIG P220 Dark Elite in 10mm


Hi Standard Victor .22

S&W Model 41 .22


Varmint rifle in 6mm BR


Box car of ammo


New Truck





Gotta think bigger


Stuart, Jackson, Lee, Sherman, Hellcat a half-track or two and maybe a couple of jeeps.


A rack of Garands. All manufactures.

A full auto Thompson or two.

Couple nice Lugers


Posted (edited)

A full-scale, functioning gatling gun, proofed for modern smokeless loads :)


And then a full-scale, bronze barreled 12 pounder Napoleon cannon, complete with all the accoutrements.

Edited by Cyrus Cassidy #45437

Probably quite an eclectic collection.


Start with a Krieghoff double rifle.


An example of every official rifle and sidearm used by the U.S. Army that I can think of.


A couple of nice bolt action rifles, maybe SAKO, to replace the ones I sold, or something along those lines. .243, .270. Nothing outrageous.


Of course multiple sets of CAS firearms.


A couple of Browning Hi-Powers.


A couple of 1911s in different calibers (.45, .38 Super, 9mm)


Several DA revolvers, various S&Ws, maybe a couple of Rugers.


Sure some others, too


If I hit the really big one, I might by Colt, no, not A Colt but Colt's Manufacturing.

A nice move to somewhere that does not hate guns and a reboot would do nicely.

I have seen where they are restarting their DA revolver products, but how that works out is left to be shown.


Whatever Uno wants.................... :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


And I would set enough aside for the sewing machine I've been drooling over.


Motor home with GPS coordinates to every SASS club. Then hire a driver/reloader.

Where do I send my resume?


When I won the lottery some 47 years ago, I got one heck of an arms room just full of all kinds of guns. Many of which were complete automatic weapons. That was a ball. Don't think I'll ever win that one again. :lol:

  • Like 1

I would buy some land and have a cowboy town built and have the best cowboy shoot ever!! If I have anyhting left I would but a couple pairs of Colts and a couple 73's (Win Mirokus) and a couple shotguns!!


Of course, having a Cowboy Town built would be mandatory.

  • Like 2

Eventually, I'd end up with too many to list due to bandwidth constraints. Step 1 would be buying a big enough piece of land to shoot them on. Step 2 would be building the house to hold the walk in vault that will be the 'gun safe'.


THEN we get to the filling it up part.


For CAS use, I'm thinking a pair of 5 1/2" nickel SAA's in .38WCF with matching 20" and 24" '73's would be a good start. Probably a custom '66 in .44Russian to go with the brace of '72 Opentops, too.


For nonCAS use, that could take a while to list but a 4 or 5 inch Dan Wesson .45 Colt or .44 Mag would work admirably as a 'woods gun' for starters.


I would set up an endowment to assist secondary schools and colleges set up competitive shooting programs, build state-of-the-art ranges and promote the positive aspects of the shooting sports. Then, I'd indulge myself in a cased, consecutively numbered pair of 4-3/4" nickel Colt SAAs in .44 Spl. with full coverage engraving and one piece ivory grips. -- GIT


If I hit the really big one, I might by Colt, no, not A Colt but Colt's Manufacturing.

A nice move to somewhere that does not hate guns and a reboot would do nicely.

I have seen where they are restarting their DA revolver products, but how that works out is left to be shown.

How big is the big one? It would have to be pretty darn big to buy Colt. You'd basically have to buy up all the debt accumulated as well as make the deal big enough that the vulture capitalists will be content enough to walk away from their no risk piggy bank they've created for themselves where they get paid a handsome fee every time they broker a new deal that gets Colt in and out of bankruptcy.


If I hit the big one I would buy a nice place to shoot the guns that I already have. I am more of a shooter than collector.


Blackfoot :)



That makes two of us. ;)


'Tis amazing how many I can come up with after thinking a bit. Although most of my wants tend to go towards customizing current than to adding new.


I need some 5" N-frames. Blue. They look better to my eye than stainless, even if they don't hold up so well.


Need a 45 Colt and a 357. I'm thinking about a 38/44, but can't decide whether a 5" Outdoorsman or a 4" Heavy Duty. Although if I got millions, I could get both. Then I'd get a five inch barrel put on my 38/40. Maybe even one in 41. Take my best K 32/20 and have Kit Gun sights mounted on it.


Need a K32 Masterpiece, to go with the K38 and the K22.


Really want a pre-war 410 SxS. Not sure who's, but back then they were built on their own frame. Want a poacher's gun too - them single-shot 410s that fold in half, so you can stick it in your pocket.


I was given a Tula Arsenal catalog, many years back. One thing they had that was quite neat was a "camping shotgun". Bolt action 20 gauge, folding stock and 12" barrel. Really got no use for it, but it would be sweet to just "have it".


Get a couple of 5 1/2" 32 Single Sixes. Get Bisley gripframes and have 'em converted to OM actions.


Have the 30 Carbine Blackhawk cut to 5 1/2" and converted. Convert that one NM Single Six I have.


New grips for just about everything. Bone or ivory - not a big fan of stag.


A new house on a large piece of land, so I could just step out back and shoot.


fellow one time won the lottery and he got on tv and when asked what he would do with the money he said "pay my electric bill"


A number of years back, a guy won the lottery. In Kentucky, if I remember correctly. When interviewed, he said the timing was perfect. His divorce was finalized the week earlier.


I've always had a hankering for a 7x57 double rifle. Side lock of course with lots of engraving and special wood.


A few years ago there was a man in a nearby town hit the lottery for just over 1 million bucks. About 2 years later I was in a gun store where he was purchasing a 9mm auto. The out the door price was a little under $350, the poor chap had to put it on lay-away and pay it out on a 90 day plan. Seems his hit didn't go far!




A full-scale, functioning gatling gun, proofed for modern smokeless loads :)


And then a full-scale, bronze barreled 12 pounder Napoleon cannon, complete with all the accoutrements.


We think alike, although you missed the full auto Tommy Gun.


A few years ago there was a man in a nearby town hit the lottery for just over 1 million bucks. About 2 years later I was in a gun store where he was purchasing a 9mm auto. The out the door price was a little under $350, the poor chap had to put it on lay-away and pay it out on a 90 day plan. Seems his hit didn't go far!




He isn't the first. The FIRST thing I would do would be to pay off my existing debts. The SECOND thing I would do would be to put an amount into a trust, so that I couldn't be stupid and bankrupt myself. Then there would be the "play pile."


First thing is to buy a new identity so that I could remain anonymous. That way I wouldn't have people always asking to borrow money.


I hit the big'un one time... long ago... in Memphis.


But at 350 lbs.... and she was extremely agile, too... she kept me from goin' out the door... 'fore I paid. She slapped me 'round some kinda hard... but... I took it. A real man knows better.



Posted (edited)

I would build a climate controlled Dome over Tulsey Town and look out the windows watching all the prima dona skeet shooters sweating their you know whats off.



Edited by Rev Lyin Kerrdawg SASS # 57116

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