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Pulp, SASS#28319

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Everything posted by Pulp, SASS#28319

  1. First gun was an Ithaca .410 bolt action, gift from my grandfather. First gun I bought was a .22 revolver at Gibsons. It started getting a flame cut above the cylinder gap, so I sold it at a flea market. Got $.05 more than I paid for it. edit: still have the .410.
  2. 0% in my house. Chiefs finally scored. Ive never been a Philly fan, but since Hurts is a product of Oklahoma I suppose I should root for them.
  3. Gluten free is an economic term for cost more. kinda like “plant based”. You can buy regular popcorn for X$/bag, or plant based popcorn for XX$/bag.
  4. My Mom would make SOS for the family meal from time to time. Dad would always say, “It’s good, but just not quite as good as the Army’s.”
  5. Stella Stevens, “Roy is coming, he’s so evil!”
  6. Kinda of unhandy if you’re in the house and need to touch up an edge, but it works. O
  7. Best, in no particular order: Arlo Guthrie, Martina McBride, and Turnpike Troubadours. Worst, opening act for one of the Turnpike Troubadours shows. John Michael Montgomery acted like he really didn’t want to be there.
  8. From the look on her face, she might be the inspiration for the name of the business.
  9. Sea Lion trying for a seagull
  10. At least no seagulls and crows attacking people there!
  11. Southern Engineering at its finest.
  12. Two moons in Alaska!
  13. One of the prettiest women to ever take the stage.
  14. Psalm 8 vs 3-4: When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, The moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?
  15. Some of those bottoms looked a bit close to the roadbed! This was with my Canon T7i. Supposed to be 25 feet from tracks, but one more step back I’da fallen off a cliff!
  16. I laid a Nikon P610 in video mode on the chat. Turned on movie mode before the train crossed the bridge, then got off the tracks.
  17. Not a photo, but UP BigBoy 4014 entering Oklahoma on his Heartland Tour. Turn up the volume, I love that whistle. 4fd6e04c04dfb4fc589953041d4d11f4.mp4
  18. Comet Thuchinstan-Atlas and a meteor.
  19. Good to see you again! About time to start fetchin’ a new Christmas tree!
  20. This is what they need to be doing with their hands. Us too.
  21. BTW, I have two Lee trimmers for .45-70. On one of them I filed about .1 inch off the point to use for the Hornady FTX bullets, since they require shorter brass.
  22. I use the Lee trimmers. Always had good luck with them.
  23. Agreed on the scammers. Wife has been wanting a new pup, we’ve run across at least three “breeders” that were highly suspicious. One put his pups on someone else’s Facebook page, others steal photos and place on their pages. I’ve seen the same pup on more than one website. All offer way low prices, and keep going lower if you back off. If you do a Google search for the breed you want, be highly suspicious of any websites with the words adorable or precious.
  24. At least I know why the four is missing, grease buildup in the die. Thanks for the link. At $2.50 apiece I only need to find 400,000 more to become a millionaire.
  25. I recently downloaded CoinSnap on my phone. Going through some pennies and found two ‘43 steels. But one of them is missing the 4 in 1943. It is there, but very very faint. Would that be a bad stamping? Or someone trying to make a fake?
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