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Calico Mary

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Calico Mary last won the day on December 8 2017

Calico Mary had the most liked content!

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Pawnee Station

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Middletown Ohio
  • Interests
    quilting, sewing, crocheting, football, reading

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Calico Mary's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Al K. Hall
  2. Thumper does NOT have fleas!!!
  3. Did someone say "coffee"?? kin ya put it in a travel mug....gotta go to West Virginny after work today....go ahead and laff, gonna be seeing the Trans-Allgheny Lunatic asylum.....
  4. I'm still tryin' ta figger out whut this "mowing" thing is yu fellas are talkin' bout.....but I do unnerstand "coffee".....
  5. Hi Mary, 


      I don't have your contact info, but I have spent a few Christmas's alone and know what it's like.  From what I know of you from the wire, I consider you a worthwhile person and am sure we would be friends if we lived close together.

    Jeanie and I are going to Branson for Christmas. Her son doesn't have time to spend with us, and my son is in Amarillo, so we are on our own except for the dogs and the cat.  So might as well use some of our points and vacation instead of sitting here.  We are both battling health problems, so when we have a stretch without a doctor visit scheduled we are estatic.  I hope that you are working on another quilt, from what I have seen you do excellent work.  A group of quilters in Greene County makes "Quilts of Honor" and give them to veterans.  I asked them to give all the WW II and Korean vets a quilt before they give me one, those guys are fading a lot faster than I am.  I have built a couple of quilting frames for friends in years past, but I blush at the quality of the workmanship in them.  I was just learning in those days, am sure I would do a better job now.

      Take a good pull on that schnapps for me.  My favorite is Aftershock, but it is cinnamon flavored.  Some day I will tell you about the time I almost died from a sip of that.

      Right now I must go and cut up vegatables for Jeanie's luncheon tomorrow.  She is having the Herb Society over and always puts on a feed that would impress the Queen of England.



    Duffield,  AKA Don Jackson

    (423)358-3952  Feel free to call any time

  6. awww....they's adorable!!! I miss havin' a kitty to snuggle wit....
  7. Hi, Mary!


    So how is it going for you in the high country?  Well, you're "higher" than we are here in NE....

    I saw a thread that you are pondering quitting the SASS outfit.

    I really hope that you don't.  I really like running into you and Buick at the shoots.

    If someone is badgering you for no reason, let us other SASS fellers know and we can put some peer pressure on the jerk.


    Your Flatland Pard,


  8. best ever....I still pull it up on YouTube every once in a while to watch it....and I still have tears in my eyes by the end every time.....
  9. I do appreciate tha simple things....like all tha guys on here..... but TP is still more important.....
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