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El Hombre Sin Nombre

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El Hombre Sin Nombre last won the day on January 25 2017

El Hombre Sin Nombre had the most liked content!

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    Richmond Roughriders, Coyote Valley Cowboys, Faultine Shootist Society,Two Rivers Posse, River City Regulators

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    Oakland, CA

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  1. Soup Sandwich I still to this day have no idea what that is, but apparently it's "ate up"
  2. Hey didn't read the entire thread but  what are they saying is the best Serial number prefix  for a '97?  I need to check mine.  And suggested barrel length? 

  3. Hey Hombre, I’ve have

    Frankengun . Frames serial numbers indicate 1906, barrel and cylinder are of later manufacture. It haS hard rubber grips. It’s in 44WCF WITH 7.5” barrel stamped FRONTIER SIXSHOOTER 44-40. Goodshooter, I have shot it in a match. If interested I’ll post some pictures.

  4. I shoot with him regularly and I believe he mentioned he’s got it running properly with so work. Rob is pretty handy with Marlins
  5. Did you send a check Kid haven't yet r ceived anything?

    1. El Hombre Sin Nombre

      El Hombre Sin Nombre

      I did. Might be delayed because of the holiday? 

    2. Jackaroo, # 29989

      Jackaroo, # 29989

      OK will be on the lookout.

  6. Did you send a check Kid haven't yet r ceived anything?

  7. No I don't get your point. What I don't understand in all of this "no new categories" screaming crowds is that it usually comes while people are talking about unofficial categories, which is absolutely zero hindrance to everyone else. Often times, the same folks that complain about not wanting new categories would freak out if their preferred choice were eliminated. I can't remember the last time someone like Deuce that wins overall complained about too many categories.
  8. While I wasn't around for the origin of SASS, I believe the intent is to play a fantasy game with guns. If you think you are playing anything even remotely resembling a real cowboy from the 1800's then you are either in the wrong game or do not have a realistic understanding of what the old west really was.
  9. I've withdrawn my offer to purchase  those Colt's, so if you're interested??????

    1. Colt Faro, SASS #54579

      Colt Faro, SASS #54579

      I totally understand Dutch  no worries.

  10. It's simple. All stages are equal, but some stages are more equal.
  11. Nor does it work for a game that has categories of competition in which you are competing against those within your category only yet the outcome is influenced by those outside your category that you aren't competing against.
  12. Your analogies fail because you are trying to call one thing something else. In no way can you call either example rank scoring. Rank scoring would be winning the most amount of innings in baseball regardless of the score, such as beating your opponent in eight innings and winning the game despite the final score being 10-8. In rank scoring, it doesn't matter how handily you beat out your second place opponent that stage as you get first and he gets second. Total time takes that really good inning into consideration. Admittedly, it's a tough comparison either way since both examples are two competitors and not hundreds that affect the outcome.
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