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Sedalia Dave

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Everything posted by Sedalia Dave

  1. Live to Ride Ride to Eat
  2. Unless that ammo crate was sent to a museum right after it was made and stored under carefully controlled conditions; there is no way it is 100+ years old. Note that the auction description makes no claims to its age or authenticity.
  3. @irish ike, SASS #43615
  4. When cooking burgers on the grill, A grilled slice of pineapple, covered by a thick slice of grilled ham, topped by a slice of pepper jack, makes a right tasty burger.
  5. Eric Slater did the drop two for mine. Slater's In House Guns Louisville, TN (865) 591-5129 slaterihg@gmail.com Like all good gunsmiths he has a backlog. However, his work is worth the wait.
  6. There are jigs 3D printed jigs available on fleabay. Contact this guy ( Danger Leo Ballistics ). Several threads where he is making custom jigs. You might get lucky. Cut to within a few thousandths of OAL. Finish in power case trimmer.
  7. For sub-compacts I love my Uncle George's Wallet Holster. Been using one for my EDC for over 10 years. Unfortunately the proprietor retired a couple years ago.
  8. FOSTERS!!!!! 🤣
  9. So we'll have 2 AI systems doing this......
  10. A Retired Leo buddy of mine turned me onto Ritchie Leather Co. Inc. They make custom molded leather holsters. I have IWB and OWB for a M&P Shield in 45 ACP and and OWB for my Shield 2.0 in 45 ACP will be ordering an IWB for my 2.0 in the very near future. Holsters are super comfortable and have good retention but like Blackwater I don't do gymnastics.
  11. The force applied to the combustible cartridges had to be fairly strong when the cocking lever dropped under spring pressure. They would have to be well made to prevent them from failing.
  12. They started that rumor to keep tourists from eating all the Haggis. 😉
  13. Its a well known fact that beavers build their dams using logs, however not many people know that Haggis in Scotland also build dams. The difference is that Haggis recycle the empty used Whisky bottles from their excessive drinking habits to build them. These incredible pieces of architecture can often be spotted when visiting The Scottish Highlands and help create an area that protects the Haggi population against predators and a safe drinking space. In the picture below we see a couple of haggi getting ready to finish some bottles off and and add them to the dam, truly a very rare sight captured.
  14. What is that?
  15. Yep I've heard many stories of Hi-Point repairing or replacing their firearms even if you caused the failure. RCBS has sent me parts free of charge even though it was my fault the part was lost.
  16. Now he'll be a multimillionaire "For Everyone's Safety"
  17. That poster is definitely not "Very Demotivational".
  18. Apparently the DNC doesn't understand that when you find yourself in a hole, you stop digging.
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