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Calico Mary

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Everything posted by Calico Mary

  1. Al K. Hall
  2. Thumper does NOT have fleas!!!
  3. Did someone say "coffee"?? kin ya put it in a travel mug....gotta go to West Virginny after work today....go ahead and laff, gonna be seeing the Trans-Allgheny Lunatic asylum.....
  4. I'm still tryin' ta figger out whut this "mowing" thing is yu fellas are talkin' bout.....but I do unnerstand "coffee".....
  5. awww....they's adorable!!! I miss havin' a kitty to snuggle wit....
  6. best ever....I still pull it up on YouTube every once in a while to watch it....and I still have tears in my eyes by the end every time.....
  7. I do appreciate tha simple things....like all tha guys on here..... but TP is still more important.....
  8. yep...not having much luck.....
  9. yu didn't REALLY think that whole "ignore" thingy wuz gonna werk did ya?????
  10. hey, it cud be wurse.....yu cud be like me and nobody wunts ta be yer friend.....
  11. we wuz lucky that year, at halftime we wuz in tha kitchen gittin' tha pizza and breadsticks outta tha oven....probably where we'z gonna be during this year's halftime tuu....
  12. um.....Janet Jackson's Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction......
  13. no butter???? that's jus so wrong......
  14. yu cud be nice and leave me some.....oh wait, fer a second I fergot who I wuz tawkin' tu.....
  15. well, send me a dang bottle and I will!
  16. hey Cat, about that money you owe me.....I just need enuff of it ta pay fer my move sumwheres and survive til I get a job....I think half a mil wud do....
  17. haven't tried that but it sounds real interestin'.....thanks Slim
  18. as long as the cold one is anything but beer......
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