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McCarthy Out As Speaker of the House

Subdeacon Joe

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McCarthy becomes the first speaker ever to be ousted from the job in a House vote

 October 3, 2023


WASHINGTON (AP) — Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of the job Tuesday in an extraordinary showdown, a first in U.S. history that was forced by a contingent of hard-right conservatives and threw the House and its Republican leadership into chaos.


McCarthy’s chief rival, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, forced the vote on the “motion to vacate,” drawing together more than a handful of conservative Republican critics of the speaker and many Democrats who say he is unworthy of leadership.


Next steps are uncertain, but there is no obvious successor to lead the House Republican majority.


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  • Subdeacon Joe changed the title to McCarthy Out As Speaker of the House
42 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:




McCarthy becomes the first speaker ever to be ousted from the job in a House vote

 October 3, 2023


WASHINGTON (AP) — Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of the job Tuesday in an extraordinary showdown, a first in U.S. history that was forced by a contingent of hard-right conservatives and threw the House and its Republican leadership into chaos.


McCarthy’s chief rival, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, forced the vote on the “motion to vacate,” drawing together more than a handful of conservative Republican critics of the speaker and many Democrats who say he is unworthy of leadership.


Next steps are uncertain, but there is no obvious successor to lead the House Republican majority.



Actually, all but 8 Re-problem-bicans voted to keep McCarthy.  Those 8 led by child porn trading, human trafficking, drug-taking Gaetz, voted to remove McCarthy and when joined by all 208 Demo-rats, totaled 216 against the 210 other Re-problem-bicans who voted against removal.  It is a s * * t show.

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Put another way, Gaetz helped the Demo-rats do something they never in their wildest dreams though possible -- the House minority party successfully voted to oust the majority's Speaker.  First time ever.  Gaetz is possibly the dumbest as-yet-unconvicted criminal to ever sit in Congress, and that is REALLY saying something, given that George "I'm Jew-ish" Santos is still a U.S. Representative.  

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43 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:

Does this mean that Patty Murray is 2nd in line as successor to the White House at the present time?


Rep. Patrick McHenry, R. NC, is in charge until they can vote on a permanent (?) replacement

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1 minute ago, Nostrum Damus SASS #110702 said:

Put another way, Gaetz helped the Demo-rats do something they never in their wildest dreams though possible -- the House minority party successfully voted to oust the majority's Speaker.  First time ever.  Gaetz is possibly the dumbest as-yet-unconvicted criminal to ever sit in Congress, and that is REALLY saying something, given that George "I'm Jew-ish" Santos is still a U.S. Representative.  

I do think it was a very dumb move, potentially dumb enough to flip the majority in the next election. No matter how this current unneeded drama plays out for a new speaker.

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Why should we be surprised?     They've spent the last several years doing little to

help and protect US (citizens) so why should we be surprised at their attitude towards one another.


I think very few of them ever have OUR best interest at heart.   Their priorities seem to be on 

their vacation time, their benefits, their salary, etc.........






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59 minutes ago, Lone Spur Jake SASS #7728 said:

Dear Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, please take Rep. Gaetz on a trip to meet and greet a group of your states most wonderful animals, 




DeSantis was opposed to McCarthy being speaker in the first place so he would probably buy him dinner .

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Well, the Speaker does not have to be a member of the HOR, so could we get Trump as Speaker? Not that I would want that, but an interesting complication

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yes , you make a promise you should keep it , the promise was no spending deal till the boarder was secured , i think that was a good promise , should not have been broken , we need unity and trust in our members of congress 

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&@×% McCarthy  and that's all I got to say !

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Rep. Patrick McHenry, R. NC first order of business was evicting Nancy Pelosi from her private office.
Kudos, Mr. Speaker


Perhaps the GOP is playing the long game... elect Trump as Speaker, impeach Biden, then Harris, and Trump becomes interim president.
But I really doubt it.

I see the eight GOP as the last holdouts for America That Was.
They are fed up with the $33 trillion debt, and the enormous interest required to service that debt.
They are fed up with runaway gov't spending, fed by printing fiat currency fueled by debt, then injected into the economy as give-away programs to buy votes.

I truly believe the Swamp is far too big to ever drain.
However, RINO McCarthy has shown his true character by kicking the can down the road and allowing the Marxists to further emasculate America.
By his own rules, McCarthy was shown the door.

He wasn't even man enough to leave with dignity, but had to resort to sour grapes with his retort.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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6 hours ago, Nostrum Damus SASS #110702 said:


Actually, all but 8 Re-problem-bicans voted to keep McCarthy.  Those 8 led by child porn trading, human trafficking, drug-taking Gaetz, voted to remove McCarthy and when joined by all 208 Demo-rats, totaled 216 against the 210 other Re-problem-bicans who voted against removal.  It is a s * * t show.


It's a demonstrated fact that the R office holders represent their constituents, and the D office holders represent their bosses.  The former generally vote in accordance to the wants of those said constituents; the latter as they are instructed. 

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I well remember the shutdown in 1978. I was on a training in Germany for REFORGER (Return of Reforces to Germany) exercises. I had left my future wife  behind in Texas. It was 34 days of pure hell. Without my paycheck the wife could not rent, because we had just spent all of our savings on repairs. THe landlord was a real Pr@#k! And was treating to kick her out if the trailer if she became more than 30 days late. Last thing you wanted to known as was a squatter. Texas has always had a real problem with squatters. 


As recall, they decided after two weeks, they decided to fund the government. That shutdown was scary at best.

having had a shutdown in 77 and 78 Shiela and really concentrated on keeping enough funds put away to at least cover our expenses for about 3 months. Being a soldier on low pay it took many years to put the funds together. 

Trumps shutdown in 2018 was 34 days. I was better prepared. 


Under current economic conditions a shutdown now would really hurt millions. 



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They ousted McCarthy for trying to get a budget deal and work with the democrats. Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do? Matt Gaetz is a disrupter and the 8 republicans that voted with him are idiots. If they had a replacement lined up it would have been a little better but this is a debacle. One thing I can say about democrats is they stick together unlike the republicans. It’s disheartening as a registered republican. What a clown show!

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2 sides of the same coin.


Keep doing the same thing with the same people and expecting different results. 


One side wants to drive off a cliff at 90 mph, the other at 30 mph.  Your going off a cliff either way.



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You've got to look at the positive things.  McCarthy was kicked to the curb for not doing what he promised.  Feinstein is dead and not getting any better and Pelosi was kicked out of her "special" office space to make room for "something else".  All in all, I'd say it was a good week.

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1 hour ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

They ousted McCarthy for trying to get a budget deal and work with the democrats. Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do?


That is indeed "what they are supposed to do."  Work together, compromise, find a center that makes everyone equally unhappy.  Unfortunately in the past few decades, "work with the Democrats" has come to mean cave in to almost all their demands no matter what.  Some good examples:




The kind of "working together" we have seen is always a win for the left, even when not all their current demands are met.  We always lose rights, the government always gains power.  Death by a thousand cuts.


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18 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


That is indeed "what they are supposed to do."  Work together, compromise, find a center that makes everyone equally unhappy.  Unfortunately in the past few decades, "work with the Democrats" has come to mean cave in to almost all their demands no matter what.  Some good examples:




The kind of "working together" we have seen is always a win for the left, even when not all their current demands are met.  We always lose rights, the government always gains power.  Death by a thousand cuts.


That's a funny clip but that's not what happened here. McCarthy didn't "Cave in" to all the dems demands.

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We'll see if this is a good or bad thing.   While about 97% of Congress should be replaced with honest people (who don't want the job!) the bigger problem is that both sides grow farther and farther apart politically.  Republicans control only the House, with the Democrats controlling the Senate and the White House, which doesn't give the Republicans to maneuver.   


The elephant in the room is how the AVERAGE voter will respond to the Republicans shutting the government down.  Even if it is the necessary thing to do, the political fallout for next year's election could be severe.  It;s entirely possible McCarthy had access to internal polling that indicated a shutdown of the government could cost the Republicans control of the House and any chance of getting control of the Senate back.


I think we can all agree that having the Democrats controlling both sides of Congress and the White House for at least two years would be a very bad thing.  Of course those on the other side feel the same way about having Republicans in charge of both sides of Congress and the White House.

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All of us complain about Washington, Congress and politicians, but none of us, including myself, want their job or want to run for office.

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