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Rip Snorter

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About Rip Snorter

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  1. Not a shrimp, for sure!
  2. Come 7 come 11 but with a magnifier!
  3. Do they have to shell out when they leave? Or turn turtle?
  4. Not active anymore, but always followed the "Comanches coming over the berm" theory. Using something effective, high end within the rules.
  5. I always carried a nice handmade since I collected knives for decades pre SASS. At a match one time, I was asked for the loan of my knife. I got it back with cosmetic damage. If you carry a good knife, do not loan it out!
  6. It is real. It happened in one of the major European races. I saw it at the time since I still follow bike racing.
  7. Done! I'll take it. PM to follow.
  8. Been a few years, but they also had some rifles for lawful sale on the spot when you visited.
  9. Nope, never did it. Am law-abiding and pro law enforcement. Folks who chose to break laws should get their comeuppance. Besides, sitting on radar for speeders is the most boring part of police work. We used to bet on speeds before they hit the radar and even up at shift end. Quarter bet so it could add up.
  10. I never liked getting up on the roof, or using a long handled snow rake for that matter even when i was young and tough. When we built this house, we made sure there was quite a pitch on the roof. I don't do ladders anymore!
  11. Ice dams - lived most of my life in cold, snowy states, often in old houses. One good trick is heat tapes, not cheap. Another, cheap, is a few pairs of nylon (or whatever they are now) stockings and a bag of water softener salt. Fill the stocking with salt and lay it on the roof high to low bottom slightly over the edge. Cuts a channel and lets the water flow out. Did it in a couple of houses, didn't harm the house or the plants near the house. Beats the heck out of shoveling or chopping.
  12. Why not just try epoxy, Bondo or similar and smooth it out? Solder might work as well.
  13. You ever go hunting? Same deal.
  14. I had a contractor trash bag for the cart and a waxed Aussie style hat and Drover coat for me - still have them, still work. Never needed a parasol.
  15. Quite decent Mule deer on my ranch.
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