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Rip Snorter

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Don't do videos, but that takes me back in time! Thanks.
  2. Ridiculous! Another effort by the departing regime to cause problems for their long overdue replacement. Like all of the efforts reported so far, will harm all American taxpayers regardless of political affiliation.
  3. Simple enough to order patterns and leather from Tandy and DIY your leather. Have made every set I have used. Actually when I sold my OMVs the holster rig was a big factor in getting a good price, same with a Derringer.
  4. Funny story - single, just transferred to MN with a good job. Didn't know anyone, so tried one of these singles deals - I don't believe it was online, in those days, if I recall, you filled out a questionnaire and sent it in. You got back a couple of names and numbers where your criteria matched theirs. Anyway, picked up a pleasant enough attractive gal and took her to a nice restaurant for a first date. I was also into local food in those days and ordered Lutefisk. She absolutely freaked out, apparently beyond her comprehension that I would do that, and then eat it. Never saw her again after that date. The fish? Remember the "Well you can live on it" quote from Crocodile Dundee?
  5. Can I roll my eyes? Never was in that class, most aren't and never will be.
  6. Shoot at a speed where you nearly always hit. Compare each performance to your previous performance, don't worry about anyone else. Speed up when your trend and last performance justify it. You can't miss fast enough to win.
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