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Rip Snorter

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SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Forgiveness is above my pay grade, and above this World or in your own mind. I have nights of my own.
  2. Decent folks don't do this kind of crap. Guess I'm lucky to have only brush passed the type.
  3. Try Randy at Law Dog Hats, Billings, MT - A good guy and I've gotten several excellent hats from him.
  4. Can't tell you which extreme is best, hot or cold but here in the Dry High Plaines. We have hit -40°F a time or two. A friend 40 or so miles North and East has hit -48° F. All sorts of things stop working, like a backup Propane generator to run your heat. Maybe I prefer hot as long as I have water.
  5. Enjoying 107°F just now but diminishing. Will likely beat our previous record of 110° F tomorrow. Nothing to be done but stay in with enough beer.
  6. Nowadays you have to bite the bullet as well.
  7. All gun sports are expensive. You decide to do it or not. Bullseye, IPSC, USPSA, CFDA, Skeet / Trap, things I don't even know the name or acronym for. If you are interested you will find a way and and may become passionate about whatever you decide on. What flashes to mind is Yoda "Do or don't do. There is no try."
  8. We're talking Montana things move at their own pace here. Anyway, in Franchise world there is variation. I eat fast food maybe half a dozen times a year. Have yet to be dissatisfied at this particular location, except once for stupid service. Will wait till I get home to eat before I patronize the others.
  9. Wishing you the best! The reason many years on that I hobble around on a bad knee. If further injured will still heal.
  10. Had a great HS Teacher who was a certified Pilot in a couple of ports, can't recall which many decades on. He tried to talk me into it and had a path to follow. One of many roads not taken, no idea what the endgame would have been.
  11. I did the math on the filters from GE. Even in a relatively short lifespan it would virtually double the cost of the refer. Even though I have hard water, I have yet to replace it, though I have been warned for a year and a half. When it causes a problem and I must remove it, I will cobble up a bypass. Odds are, it will fail first and I'll replace it.
  12. Does it have a filter in the water line? Could be that. When this POS dies, the next will not have the water and will have the internal icemaker!
  13. IMHO, whatever case lube may be used, the cases should be wiped clean prior to use. Been loading & shooting longer than I care to think about.
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