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Mad Dog Jack, SASS #77862

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About Mad Dog Jack, SASS #77862

  • Birthday 11/04/1950

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    THE Chorro Valley Regulators

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Templeton, California Republic
  • Interests
    Photography, Guns, CAS, Beer, Wine but not necessarily in that order--depends on the day and what time it is.

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Mad Dog Jack, SASS #77862's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

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  1. Aw, that's Biden era stuff!
  2. Walmart is where I stayed, bathrooms and food
  3. Those of us who were around in the 70- 80's in California may remember the fight over the Peripheral Canal to divert water from N Cal to LA. LA still gets water from Owens Valley that they stripped bare of vegetation from Mono lake in the 30-40's. And then there is the Canal that runs South along the west side of the Central Valley pumping water over the mountains at the south end to... LA. So it doesn't all come from the Colorado River, which is going dry, as some think. Those 3 water tanks were designed so those areas could fight 3 or 4 simultaneous fires with no problem, to build a system to fight what is going on now would be prohibitively expensive to build. The smelt are in the Delta, between Sacramento and the bay, they need water flowing through the Delta from the Sacramento River and have nothing to do with the Colorado River
  4. And the water systems from the tanks to the fire trucks were never designed to fight fires of this size and ferocity
  5. Ok. I'll bite, what is this about?
  6. Was expecting rain Sat, and a new granddaughter as well
  7. Hoping to get some of that down my way
  8. Thank God it's you! I thought it was me!
  9. "The sun iz riz, the sun iz set and here I am in Texas yet" I remember that as I made the long drive from California to Miami in 1969
  10. That beer looks like it might be a Sierra Nevada, if it is he has good taste in beer at least
  11. I have a collection of Apple product boxes, they are really, really, REALLY good boxes
  12. Or it was some sort of religious thing
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