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John Kloehr

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    Umm, shooting?

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  1. From what I heard (did not watch the hearing), the response was to a question as to if it could have been shrapnel instead of a bullet, and Wray did not know the answer but would find out if it was a bullet or shrapnel. Either you or I is getting spin in news reports.
  2. Depending on the circumstances, I would be torn between" "I am fully aware of that." or... "I am as aware of my being under oath as I am of your not being under the same oath." Not sure if the result would be contempt of court or being declared a hostile witness...
  3. A friend about his mom... If she had a baby, it would have to survive on powdered milk.
  4. Just good practice for a slightly sloped roof...
  5. Agree cannons are not needed in this sport, but old steel does spatter. even with mouse-fart loads. Eye protection, mouth closed, and face the targets.
  6. Just looked at my account settings. 2FA better work with email addresses, my phone is not in my profile nor is there a place for it. This is different from all the banks. But eMail 2FA is used, which is a reason to not use the same password for different sites, particularly eMail.
  7. I am getting the feeling there is going to be a massive drop in participation at the 2FA rollout...
  8. If the password file on a server is stolen. the hackers can work on it as they wish. The chart above assumes one cpu, but the hackers may have access to thousands of cpus, including the site they stole a password file from. What the chart above shows is the best case average time to guess a password. Note that if a password file is not stolen, changing your password often changes nothing. A person is just as likely to choose a password which will be cracked sooner as well as later. The reason to change passwords often is to make stolen password files worthless. Two-factor authentication is another barrier to to a stolen password. It combines something you know (the password) with something you have (cell text number). Most 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) systems for consumers (basic bank accounts) using 2FA have an exception to recognize a browser as the second factor. So if using a public computer, the second factor is a code sent to your phone by text. If using your "trusted" home computer, the second factor is the browser. Every software update to the browser requires going through the text code one time and also checking a box at login to say "trust this browser." So even if the password file is stolen, the hacker can not log in from a different untrusted browser. If they try, you get a text with a code for a login you are not attempting! Getting this code is therefore an alarm indicating someone is trying to log into your account. So let's see what the 2FA rollout here is. Hopefully trusted browsers is part of it. I'm sure the staff here does not really know, none are security experts. What I am sure of is scammers have been working this forum. Mostly through finding email addresses of buyers and sellers whether here or in the wild; but having a valid sell number for each member is a possible impediment for rogue member accounts. Making the forum (or at least the Classified and Vendor sections) private to members only would also help. There is no reason for the world to read those.
  9. I respect the Glocks, they just do not fit my hand. Back-strap mods can fix this, but then there is a certain vibration polymer frames have and metal guns don't. 1911s fit my hands with the right grips (usually a bit thinner) so maybe that is a wash. There is still a certain vibration. Maybe it comes down to the operating system, I just like the 1911 more. Friendships are forged, so I get the ad. Still like this ad:
  10. Well, I hope you can forgive me my two transgressions. I can't stand those who do this as a part of every-day life. I also think those who do so would do better focused on being productive rather than spinning on some perceived "advantage" which costs more in the end. Sort of what my dad taught me about lying. If you tell the truth, you only have to remember one thing. If you lie, you have to remember two, and who to.
  11. I think the elevator door-close button does work in fire mode, but disabling it for most use reduced "anger" for cutting people off and leaving the button made most people feel it still did something. As to the life hacks, after deep though, I have done the scumbag thing twice. The first was for an RV trip (rented the RV) and (now ex) wife wanted to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade on the trip. I went to the big AV store where I had bought a lot of stuff over the years and purchased a small TV with integrated VHS player. Returned it after we got back saying it was too small and needed something a bit bigger. Technically true, and did buy something a bit bigger for the bedroom at home. But would never have "bought" the smaller one without the RV trip and was going to buy the other setup anyway. So scumbag move. I got to stand in line with lots of folks returning amazing high-end setups they had used just to watch the games with their buddies. Second time was a big-box hardware store. I had bought a few thousand dollars of stuff for a patio project, and needed some screeds for the sand. EMT electrical tubing was the right size. Three pieces. Hosed them off and returned them afterwards just to find out if I could... Turns out I could, and got about $5 back. There is a bit of back story about learning store policies and procedures while I worked for them, and I often would have a project (like plumbing) where I would buy everything I might need (like reset a toilet, will need one of four wax seals, buy one of each, return other three). But I did return the tubing just to see if I could. Even hosed off, it had a different surface shine due to the sand grinding the finish. It went straight to the markdown pile and the next stop for it was the dumpster. Scumbag move. After letting this post sit for a bit before submitting, that is it. I fully admit to being a scumbag two times. There is a hack which is legitimate and I do use. AutoZone has a tool "rental" program. You buy the tool, use it, and return it. This is legit! They do expect you to buy any parts and materials from them which is fair (but not required). The most recent time was about a month ago. AC on my truck went out. I "rented" the expensive vacuum pump, bought the shrader valves and refrigerant, and returned the pump afterwards. They really should charge some amount as an actual rental program, but they just "sell" the same tool over and over again. I think the benefit is they do not have to throw it in the dumpster when it is returned used; and if not returned, then it is a sale at full retail. They also offered to "rent" me a manifold set so I would get the right amount of refrigerant in the system, a buddy has the gauge set or I would have taken them up on it.
  12. Engine blew on an '83 Oldsmobile I had, coworker sold me a '70 chevy truck for $1,000. This was about 1990. Granny low 4-speed, 4.11s, rally rims with 32" tires, 350 4 barrel rebuilt to 71 LT1 specs. "Excellent patina." Eventually donated to charity. Sold the car shortly after repairing the motor, kept the truck for years as a toy, stuff around the house, and backup for other vehicles. I miss it. Also miss my 71 Grand Prix Model J (bought about '95). Bought it for $500, dumped $5,000 into it in the next two weeks, then drove it into the ground over the next four years. Donated to charity. The one I don't miss was from about 1982, a 76 Buick Skylark for $400. Small 260 V8, no AC. Did fix everything on it (starting with a complete used driveline swap I got for free), had to rebuild the transmission. Drove it for 10 years with no major problems and few minor ones, just never liked it. Sold it for $400
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