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John Kloehr

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    Oak Ridge Outlaws

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    Umm, shooting?

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  1. Completely dependent on your hands. Birds heads do not fit me for SAA guns. For carry, after several iterations, I have settled on single-stack 9mm 1911 platform with thinner side panels, In your hands? No guarantee these will fit you either. If the sights don't line up for you naturally, even using common "tricks," keep borrowing guns until something does work; then get that.
  2. Around here, deep-fried bologna sandwich is a thing. Much prefer Gus's Fried Chicken. https://www.gusfriedchicken.com Not sure it is actually world famous like they claim so shameless plug to help them reach that goal.
  3. Winchester 12GA LNLR #8. They work in my guns so far (minimal experience), and I hear they are also good reloadable hulls. But they all went bang, the recoil is not in the heavy level, targets have all gone down, and the pattern is reasonably tight. My Stoeger SxS is down, just tried them in a pair of '97s. The only problem is finding them (just found a case) so I would certainly listen to the other options listed above.
  4. From east Tennessee... If a snake is black, leave it alone. It eats mice which is a good thing and it can cause a painful bite which is not a good thing. If it is not black, and in particular has a triangular head, and is near the water, leave it alone as it eats mice which is a good thing and it can kill you which is not a good thing. The rest of them which also eat mice but may not have a triangular head or be near the water so they might just hurt and they might kill you. Good luck with looking at its butt scales. I'll just go with leaving it alone. They all eat mice.
  5. Just an update from NBC: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/support-group-shirt-veteran-removed-flight/3687922/ "It's great to kind of see people rally around something," he said. "Our sales on that T-shirt is up over 4,000% just in the past 48 hours." Banks said she hasn't received an apology from Delta, but the airline did offer her a free flight. She turned it down. Delta said it is investigating the incident.
  6. I found a post about this, the QR Code used to lead to a cat video. Still codes for youtube but the video is no longer there. Fake sign but cool stunt.
  7. Different story. I am no good with colors, needed to throw some fresh paint in a house I was getting ready to list. Had my lady come over and look at it with the color patch brochure, she picked a color... I looked at it an my first impression was "Oh God NO!!" But I had asked for help and I'm no good with color so went and bought the paint. Gave it to my helper at the time, he said out loud "Oh God NO!!" I told him to just put it up, let's see how it looks. He calls me a few hours later and tells me I have to come see it, he is somewhat cryptic... We agreed it looked good. I really am no good at picking colors.
  8. That is an average of $2.3 million per non-profit. United Way Bay Area has an annual budget of $25 million so that accounts for 10 average organizations. There are over 1,000 non-profits in that area above $5 million per year, and over 100 above $100 million. Those 100 organizations almost equal the claim about 600, This meme is somehow about accountability but it is so wrong on some of the basic numbers, it is clear the artist has no clue about non-profit oversight and regulation. From: https://www.causeiq.com/directory/san-francisco-oakland-berkeley-ca-metro/#:~:text=Large organizations like Kaiser Foundation,among nonprofits in San Francisco. There are 31,014 organizations in the greater San Francisco metro area, including the cities of San Francisco, Berkeley, Livermore, Oakland, Pleasanton, Redwood City, San Mateo, San Rafael, San Ramon, South San Francisco, and Walnut Creek. Combined, these San Francisco metro nonprofits employ 565,373 people, earn more than $219 billion in revenue each year, and have assets of $416 billion.
  9. I'm not sure I believe you, maybe depends on your definition of a "nice" restaurant. Or is "in Arizona" a qualifier? Not disputing anything else, Amelia is known to be very nice and Elvis certainly has been spotted a few times over the years..
  10. This is a case where the Oxford comma matters. What if a swimmer has a venereal disease but does not get drunk... Read carefully! Even then the "and" should be an "or." Still, the Oxford comma rule matters. This all still predicated on the same idea that some rule or law or sign will prevent criminals from carrying firearms. Some drunk or even sober pustulant swimmer is not going to follow the instruction.
  11. My lady and I voted today at a local church. Not sure what the weather will be on election day and our choices were made some time ago. Back in 2020, Biden called for early voting and Trump called for showing up on election day. The result was in-person votes swung one way and absentee ballots flipped the count. This time, Harris and Trump are both calling for everyone to vote early.
  12. I am not a trained poll worker and every state has variations. From a general sense, I understand: They used to start counting when the polls opened, no longer the case. Ballots are not processed until polls close. First restriction was to not announce early results as folks stayed home rather than go out and vote. This was due to the big races being settled, so folks were not going to vote for smaller races like state, county, or city races. Now, the results from in-person polling from "the day of" are counted first. Since computerized in most places, this takes minutes. If the results are not conclusive, then absentee (early voting) ballots are counted next, this takes longer. If still not conclusive, then provisional (new registrations, folks who moved, etc.) ballots are counted, check back in the morning for results. Ballots from troops are somewhere in the after-counting. If all races are settled "for sure" compared to all outstanding uncounted votes, outstanding are not always counted (tallied). Once all races are settled, then results are released. So the closest races are released last even if partial results are published. The networks do call races based on partial results. I predict 7 states will be released last. Also understand when a race is not "for sure," the ballots are counted for that race but not all votes on that ballot; only the undecided race. These processes are supposed to stop big oopses like:
  13. About the Til Valhalla Project: https://tilvalhallaproject.com/pages/impact The stuff they sell: https://tilvalhallaproject.com On edit: This is where the Delta Passenger got her shirt.
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