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Our current rescue Stretch. Had a rough start in life but is starting to behave more like a dog. Got her name because she is always stretching her legs every time she gets up from a nap. 




Billy. Lost him a year ago. :(Our first autistic dog. So smart and so dumb all at the same time. I swear he could read our minds and understand every word we said.




We have owned several dogs and loosing Billy left a huge hole. 


Chewy was a rescue we got just before Billy.  Lost him 3 years ago.




The grew up together and were the best of friends.




When playing ball they would take turns chasing it. When Billy got tired of playing he would fetch the it and then drop it a couple feet out of reach. He would then proceed to lay on it so Chewy couldn't get it.


Before Billy and Chewy we Scooter. He was a coal black Schipperke that could best be described as "a person in a dog suit that thought he was a cat".  He left the second largest hole in our heart.


I'll post pic later today


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Posted (edited)

Here is my Lizzie.  This girl was the sweetest, loving, and most wanting to please dog that I have ever had.  She was a good bird dog.  Lizzie is waiting at Rainbow Bridge for me.







This is my Sally.  She is probably the most intelligent dog I've ever had.  She is a scamp!  And, she's afraid of nothing!  Sally (Killer) has the heart of a lion.  But according to Sally, all human beings were placed here by God to be her friend.






Edited by Birdgun Quail, SASS #63663
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Posted (edited)
On 7/25/2020 at 7:26 AM, Wolfgang, SASS #53480 said:

Lap dog . . . Pyrenees style . . :D


Yeah, when people come over, I always tell them not to pet my GP. They usually recoil in fear and ask, "Why, does he bite?"

I respond, "No, but if you pet him, he'll never leave you alone.

Edited by Shotgun Willie Nelson
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Posted (edited)
45 minutes ago, Shotgun Willie Nelson said:

Yeah, when people come over, I always tell them not to pet my GP. They usually recoil in fear and ask, "Why, does he bite?"

I respond, "No, but if you pet him, he'll never leave you alone.

I went to an event several years ago where a dog kept pestering everybody because he wanted to play fetch with a tennis ball. ball. The dog was relentless and once he wore one persons arm out he would move on to someone else. Being bored I found a bat and rather than throwing the tennis ball I started hitting it about 300 feet across a field beside the house, figuring that after a few trips the dog would get tired and leave everyone alone.  After about 15 minutes his speed started to slow but not his desire to chase that tennis ball. After 30 minutes you could tell he was getting tired but still wanted to play. At the 45 minute mark the look an that dogs face said throw the ball because I have to chase it but PLEASE no so far. Finally after an hour he quit bringing the ball back.



Edited by Sedalia Dave
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Just a few moments ago, I was sitting on our back patio enjoying a desert summer rain.  The smell of the rain on the desert breeze was heavenly.  Folks, y'all need to experience a delightful desert rain at least once in your life.



Then all of a sudden, Sally, our killer Yorkie, started raising a hell of a ruckus.  Ol' Wiley Coyote came wandering into the natural area just over our back fence.  Ol' Wiley didn't even care about Sally's objections.  In fact, while "Killer" was cussing out the coyote, Wiley took a pee on the bush.



Wish I'd taken a video.   Was too much fun!


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The Amazing Bitsy Boodles-Little six pound foundling that was mama's baby.  She passed away a little over a year after Diane did.  Haven't had the heart to get a new one of my own.  Currently enjoying the company of the girlfriend's miniature  poodle Max (he has mad ninja skills!)



Edited by Smoky Pistols
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An Aesop's Fable


The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox

A dog and a cock having struck up an acquaintance went out on their travels together. Nightfall found them in a forest, so the cock, flying up on a tree, perched among the branches, while the dog dozed below at the foot. As the night passed away and the day dawned, the cock, according to his custom, set up a shrill crowing.


A fox, hearing him and thinking to make a meal of him, came and stood under the tree and thus addressed him: "Thou art a good little bird and most useful to thy fellow creatures. Come down, then, that we may sing and rejoice together."


The cock replied; "Go, my good friend, to the foot of the tree, and call the church elders to toll the bell." But as the Fox went to call them, the dog jumped out in a moment, seized the fox, and made an end of him.


They who lay traps for others are often caught by their own bait.




Edited by Birdgun Quail, SASS #63663
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My daily greeting.  I really like how she bounces up onto that couch and barks in the window - just in case Lisa hasn't heard that I'm home.


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Miss Lilli seems to have no problem when I go to one of 4 matches that are within an hour of home. She is always excited to see me and may yell at me for being gone. Of course the cat is more self sufficient.


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Anyone interested can get a nice heavy duty leash from the Red Oxx folks.

When you buy one a local shelter gets a free one.

For more details check with them. 

They often have a real human bean ansering the fone.



They say the response has been a good bit more that they thought.

The leash idea came along when a big roll of belt was found by guys

doing inventory while shut down for big virus.....


Posted (edited)

Kenzie, I adopted her from a rescue in February 2011.  She's probably about 14 or so now.  I've spend half my life living with Jack Russell's and most of my life around dogs and I've never known a better dog.


Edited by Chantry
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On 7/27/2020 at 6:30 PM, Birdgun Quail, SASS #63663 said:

Just a few moments ago, I was sitting on our back patio enjoying a desert summer rain.  The smell of the rain on the desert breeze was heavenly.  Folks, y'all need to experience a delightful desert rain at least once in your life.



Then all of a sudden, Sally, our killer Yorkie, started raising a hell of a ruckus.  Ol' Wiley Coyote came wandering into the natural area just over our back fence.  Ol' Wiley didn't even care about Sally's objections.  In fact, while "Killer" was cussing out the coyote, Wiley took a pee on the bush.



Wish I'd taken a video.   Was too much fun!


My wife is from Las Cruces, NM. She swears  there's no better smell than rain in the desert. I've smelled it, can't say I disagree.



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1 minute ago, South-Eye Ned said:



Now THERE’S a smell I can appreciate!!

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Lillie Langtry was our photo dog for 12 years before she retired.  She had hundreds of friends across the country.  She left us at 16 years old in 2017.  Best dog we ever had.

Sylvan Lake WY 2007 web.jpg

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Lola Montez took over the photo dog duties for a couple of years.  First photo is her at 6 months old, 15 minutes before out of state family arrived for a visit.  She is a Blue heeler/Dalmation and usually referred to as Crazy Dog.


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Molly Bailey is a rescue heartworm survivor.  She was about 2 when we picked her up in 2017, and had to keep her in a cage for 4 months which undergoing treatment.  It took her a year or so to build up trust, but now she is an affectionate loving girl.


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On 7/30/2020 at 8:51 AM, Capt. James H. Callahan said:

My wife is from Las Cruces, NM. She swears  there's no better smell than rain in the desert. I've smelled it, can't say I disagree.




Yes, your wife is right.  The fresh air after a Southwestern desert rain yes incomparable.


Cat Brules


This rescue mutt went to heaven recently, we all know that all dogs and horses go to heaven.  Jessie the original ball monster is missed.


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