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Wolfgang, SASS #53480

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About Wolfgang, SASS #53480

  • Birthday 11/13/1947

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Wild West Ranch - Landers Ca.
  • Interests
    Guns, outdoors, steam railroads.
    NRA life

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Wolfgang, SASS #53480's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. What an IDEA that is. Lets import a big load of them !
  2. If you wish to sell that wide cartridge belt ?   I'd be interested.

    1. Horace Patootie, SASS #35798

      Horace Patootie, SASS #35798

      If I ever decide to, I will keep you in mind !

  3. Wolfgang,

    Who made your percussion Sharps? Just curious in case Okiepan doesn't take it.


    Buffalo Dick


    Still have your cabin in Ohio?

    1. Wolfgang, SASS #53480

      Wolfgang, SASS #53480

      Still have cabin in Ohio.  Sharps replica made by Pedersoli.     Okiepan doesn't want it. He wants a military carbine style.  

    2. Wolfgang, SASS #53480

      Wolfgang, SASS #53480

      Hi Pard, . .  it is made by Pederosoli.  was not bought as being new.  But is perfect in and out.   Can send photos. Will include shipping and the bullets and paper for cartridges.   Have also the really strong percussion caps but am not sure about sending those. Looks to me like a real fun gun.  But have been and still am too busy to ever get around to shooting it.  Checkered wood, deep browned finish ( not bright blue), 32 in barrel, long range tang sight. 




    3. Buffalo Dick, SASS #12880

      Buffalo Dick, SASS #12880

      Thanks for the response. I'll research the Pedersoli but seriously doubt I would be interested. What I really want is a Shiloh.


  4. Hi Silver Sam . . . .  wonderful how helpful SASS folks can be !    


    My buddy is looking for . . 


    stetson 7 5/8 stratoliner or open road fedora
    color is silverbelly
  5. I have 3 hole currents, how many you need? PM me.



  6. Fun in the Old West. . .


    Hi Dawg.  . . I'm one of the organizers . . . .and could comp you a ticket . . .but it is a little far to travel . . :)

  7. Perfect for home defense . . . . . . .
  8. People with talent, . . who worked hard, . . . provided real entertainment . . . . WoW . . . . great stuff . . . . .
  9. wierd creatures in the sea . . . . . .
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