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Cat Brules

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Everything posted by Cat Brules

  1. He left out an important one.....RED! Cat Brules
  2. Yes, your wife is right. The fresh air after a Southwestern desert rain yes incomparable. Cat Brules
  3. Here are a few prospects for a Cowboy alias — Morris Cody — Elgin Starr — Spiller Kerr — Spencer Richmond -. Garrett Whitworth
  4. Don’t tell them. I’m here giggling right now. I heard a movie line that went something like this (which may be appropriate here). “They say you could see their line of retreat from the bones of their dead.” I have been wrong before, however I find it unlikely that even those morons would be foolish enough to attempt invading suburban or rural areas. I imagine they would have to be taken out in dump trucks. However, it’s always the followers and never the leaders. Cat Brules
  5. How about, “Quick Jimmy Ames“
  6. Interesting that Ghislaine Maxwell was picked up at home, then is immediately rushed off to a hospital, critically ill with what?.....Covid19, of course. I wonder how long she’ll live now? I hope she left behind a closet-full of of video, stashed with people she trusts, so that after she’s murdered in hospital or jail, the video is used in a massive blackmail scheme or dumped on the Internet. Cat Brules
  7. THURSDAY-07-MAY-2020 Your website hangs up and I am unable to order through your website: I want one of your cappers. May I email info to you and you send a capper to me? Please advise. Cat Brules
  8. If you’re shooting a Uberti or any Win73 clone...... .....a steady diet of a factory or HV reloads of .357Magnum or HV (high-velocity) .44-40 or anything else, will loosen up and damage the rifle. Longer term, I see these rifles as being suitable for “standard” .38Special and lower velocity reloaded ammo for competition purposes only. I won’t fire hi-velocity ammo in mine at all, regardless of the caliber stamped on the barrel. All that tells you, really, is the chamber size and “recommended” ammunition. It will likely fire that .357 factory-velocity ammo “safely,” all day long, but i believe the rifle will,’ longer term, be a sloppy mess of stretched metal parts......functional maybe, but a “rattletrap,” ready to fail any time. Just be cautious. I’m not going to discuss this....this is a warning, so I have no desire to research this to “prove” it or disprove it. In fact, I would be very surprised if you find anything that does “prove” my contention. Just give it some thought. Cat Brules
  9. Turkey Flats Jack, I can really use the flask and the nipple wrench! please PM to me your contact information. Cat Brules..... (805) 441-0992 Thank You Cat Brules
  10. Alvord Stiles
  11. I guarantee the phone is not smarter than we are. What you're describing, above, are the same issues I'm experiencing. I see the full screen alright.....all that is available.
  12. I do not have Internet access out here where I live; I use my iPhone. I've turned the phone on and off, logged out and back in to the SASS application, etc., so short of dancing naked around the campfire, waving a spear and burning chicken feathers, I guess I'm stuck. :-(
  13. I am unable to get to the area in the Forums to turn on "view signatures." My name (alias) does not appear at the top of the Forums forms (pages). I have signed out and signed in again, hoping to reset (reboot my sign-in) the forms...this did not work. Please advise. Cat Brules As you are in the Group Members, you should have the same features as all members. I don't know why you cannot see your alias and avatar in the far upper right of the forum page. Did you restart your computer? If not, try that. I checked your settings and View Signatures was already activated.
  14. My above statement was the "nice Cat" that my wife wishes that I be all the time. Now, my wife gets up and we leave before tshtf.
  15. Yes, fox or coyote. One night, somehow, a coyote scared my little white and black hen, Blanca, into flying out over the pen and took her. I followed the trail 1/2 mile to a very large brush pile on my neighbor's place, crawled in there about 15' back, through an opening and shot a female and 3 pups with an Ace-equipped contract 1911. I gathered up as much of Blanca as I could find and brought her home. I was cut up and scratched pretty good from that. I have a very soft spot for my animals, too. But, I've had coyote go after my horses, too, but the horses gang up on them. Depending on where you live, the likely suspects are coyote, fox, skunk, raccoon, bobcat, or Chupacabra:-). In town, if your cat goes missing, it's probably fox or coyote.
  16. The thing I will not tolerate is when I'm in a restaurant and some brat (not an infant) is throwing a fit and the parents are allowing them to do it. This is probably my number one trigger....it just infuriates me. The parents and the restaurant management. I will finally get up, go to the restaurant management and tell them that we are leaving because they haven't put a stop to the disruption.
  17. yuk yuk :-) While I'm not a big fan of the Patriots, I think they'll win.
  18. Why haven't you called Bear Creek Supply and ASK for the heavier bullets? It is pretty much a one-man shop, so leave a message and call back if you don't get an immediate answer (209) 874-4322 .... Steve 19406 Yosemite Boulevard Waterford CA 95386
  19. There are three or four I recall. The Mean Joe Greene (Coke) ad was one, and the Upside-Down Clown (Bud Light) ad is another. Here they are: Here's the sequel to the Mean Joe Greene Coke ad. :-) :
  20. Must be your technique. :-)
  21. I THOUGHT I heard horses shouting. I checked. Mine wuz just munching hay, though. On the other hand, maybe it was Hardpan just raising hell in his office. :-) :-)
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