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Terms I find annoying

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Only semi-serious here, but I will admit that there are a handful of terms that I see here on the Wire from time to time that cause me to roll my eyes every time I see them.   They are not offensive or hurtful or something that angers me or anything like that.  I just wish I didn't see them so often.   Terms like...


.45 Long Colt

Spelling Cavalry "Calvary."

Period Correct  (I'll admit that I didn't find this one so bad at first, until someone I respect greatly said why he loathes it, and he had a good point.)

The War of Northern Aggression.

4th Generation Colt


So what are some of the other terms that while in an of themselves are probably really quite innocent, just drive you bonkers when you see them?


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I know what you mean.  I had a period correct, 4th generation Colt, calvary model (from just after the war of northern aggression), in .45 Long Colt and some guy called it a Remmie.  I was pretty annoyed and thought about grabbing my shotty and putting a couple boolets in his butt.  Then I thought:  Life's too short to sweat the small stuff and went on my way.




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Do you have your hearing aids in?

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2 hours ago, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:


PS: To respond to the question, the use of the word Weapon to describe tools that are only Weapons when used as such.

Yeah Yeah Yeah I heard ya the first time :P

Long Colt
Bullets when referring to Cartridges

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Don’t hang up, this call is important.

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Things That Annoy Me In Stage Writing

 Hammers down on empty chambers, HDEC  -   Pistols, Rifle

Make firearm safe  -   after shooting one gun before firing next 

And my all time favorite  -  Draw pistols according to category

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Referring to The War of Northern Agression as the Civil War


Calvary instead of Cavalry


to instead of too


Weapon instead of firearm, gun, etc.


Ruger is better than Colt





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Stoopid stoopid stoopid...


Oy, oy, oy...


Oh, and the majority of the southern states didn't want to secede from the union. It was forced on them by the Planter Class.


How's that for being annoying!



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43 minutes ago, Captain Bill Burt said:

Advice when they mean advise

Who when it should be whom

On that same note me when it should be I (and the reverse)

Ending a sentence with ‘at’ ie ‘where is Captain Bill at?


I have to work at being grammatically correct.   The works of Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn,  Tom Sawyer is my first language.  I loved the "Me & Joe" stories by Sketter Skelton.  I'll try to clean up my act but sometimes I just like to laps into my first language.   

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Not sure why people are still replying.  Black Angus already won haha.

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