I'm gonna tan your hide!
Bust your britches.
Not the brightness bulb in the chandelier.
Dullest knife in the drawer.
Rough as a cob.
Slicker than snot on a doorknob.
The bone shaped one came one on right came on the Eliminator 8s. I put a standard Pietta springs on left. I think the middle spring is a Wolff Uberti spring.
Warmed up overnight to 30 at sunup. Dropped all day and now 19 at 3:10. But sun is out and wind is bitter. Still a crust of snow except for south facing hillside.
Son and daughter-in-law near Minneapolis had -21 below yesterday morning. They have two big Akita dowgs that generally love the cold and snow. He was going to turn them out into the fenced off back yard. They'd poke their noses through the door and refuse to go out.
Most of the same features as my Cimarron Eliminator 8s. Except the Eliminator 8s have 1860 Army grip frames. I had to put stronger main springs in them to get reliable ignition. Did a lot of work on both of them to get them to work. When the buzzer went off, I couldn't tell the difference.