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Captain Bill Burt

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Everything posted by Captain Bill Burt

  1. Does anyone know if the posse lists are available anywhere?
  2. I enjoyed the last couple of matches for sure. I know you work hard and although it may not always show, I appreciate what you do. i do think you sometimes miss what people are looking for. Nobody cares if you give stuff away. Nobody has a problem with the way you TO. Most folks don’t want a steady diet of small and far, and most folks don’t like a combination of small and far with strange/different progressions. Different doesn’t necessarily mean fun. It’s your match, you’re doing the work, so ultimately it’s your choice. Some folks at DHI clearly like what you’re doing. Unfortunately it’s true that some folks have decided not to shoot there anymore… I know I’m tired of being the squeaky wheel. I’ll continue to shoot there as long as I’m having fun and when I stop having fun I’ll politely say thanks and start shooting somewhere else, but I’m done complaining about it and I’m done offering advice. This!
  3. Saturday we had two 5 second ‘bonuses’. As usual, they determined who won the match. For a casual shooter that may not be obvious, but if you’re in it to win it you know they aren’t ‘bonuses’. They’re ‘musts’. When the difference between first and second is less than 0.2 seconds, these little on the clock ‘cowboy’ things matter a great deal. I don’t mind being in second place because I missed a flyer ‘bonus’. It’s a shooting activity so just part of the game. I do mind finishing second because my dynamite throwing skills or lassoing skills are lacking.
  4. Since I’ve never missed I can’t answer this one. Now all those incorrect misses that have been called on me over the years…clearly there’s a conspiracy of some kind.
  5. So you believe that on the clock non shooting requirements add to the cowboy aspect of matches? But if you take those same aspects and take them off the clock it's no longer cowboy?
  6. There are shooting bonuses, which cease to be ‘bonuses’ as soon as someone earns one and there are non shooting bonuses. I’m not at all opposed to shooting bonuses and very much opposed to non shooting bonuses.
  7. I would do my best, ask you if something like that was likely to occur again in the future then adjust my attendance plans accordingly.
  8. If you didn’t watch Bama/Georgia you missed one of the most exciting college football games ever played.
  9. An article of his was how I discovered SASS.
  10. I just did a quick check with on a couple of my suppliers websites. 230 grain .45 is about .06 more per bullet. The difference in the cost of powder (the cheapest component) is going to be well under a penny (in favor of .45). So for a match you'll spend about $7.20 more shooting .45. Four matches a month and you're at not quite $29. Then there's the cost of brass. I use North East Reloading for used brass. 38 special is a little over .07 a piece. 45 is about .18 a piece. I like to keep a minimum of 10,000 pieces, so if you're a first time buyer you could be spending $700 or $1,800 if you purchase that much.
  11. It's R rated and in the adults only section of the Wire. I think that depends. It's been a while but I shot a match where you started holding a lasso and at the beep tried to throw it over a fence post downrange. If you made it you got a 5 second bonus. I did make it, but thought it was a bad idea. Sometimes the 'cutesy' ideas end up determining who wins the match, which I'm not fond of.
  12. Part of the beauty of SASS is that it appeals to different people for different reasons. Some really like to dress up and enjoy the fantasy aspect of it, including the story lines and the starting lines. Some like the camaraderie and the time spent with friends. Some like the opportunity to shoot warthog loads and BP. Some like the chance to shoot as fast as they can. I started out really into the dress up and fantasy aspect of it. Nowadays you can count me in the spending time with friends and shooting as fast as I can groups. But there's room in my world for those who like different aspects of the sport than I do. I don't feel sad when I see someone shooting a clean 50 second stage and walking away smiling. It's a big tent with room for all if we keep open minds.
  13. I guess a club could make it a requirement but I've never seen that.
  14. I'm fine with a story line and I'm fine without one. Either way the end result is shooting a stage, which is what I came for. Having said that, if the club went to the trouble of writing up a story line I think the shooters should be willing to have it read.
  15. Respectfully I hope your enjoyment of CAS is not in any way dependent upon what another shooter says when starting a stage. Are we engaged in a shooting sport or auditioning for an acting role?
  16. I tried. Turns out I'm a retired LEO from Missoula and didn't even know it. Where's my pension check?
  17. Me too PWB. I seem to recall a cowboy stating a while back that he assessed Ps for failure to use the starting line.
  18. Respectfully, if you're not willing to enforce the rules you shouldn't pick up the timer.
  19. I prefer my starting mental state always be the same, so "Let's shoot" is what I say every time.
  20. I respectfully disagree. Just because the gun isn't yours doesn't mean you aren't responsible for what you do with it. I'll add that getting accidentally shot probably hurts just as much as being shot on purpose and I suspect is just as difficult to remedy.
  21. The Burt Bunch cowboy guns are all 18.5 inches, some half round half octagon, some full octagon. The ladies prefer the half round half octagon and the men use full octagon.
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