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Captain Bill Burt

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Everything posted by Captain Bill Burt

  1. If it will make you feel any better I'll give it a good home once you're through building it.
  2. I can’t see a straight swap. I might offer him $250 or at most $300. If I do get it I will most likely strip it down, take the nickel off, blue it, and replace the barrel (if I can find one that’s made to headspace properly) and replace the sights. Slide to frame is still tight, no rattle.
  3. 1968. The owner thought it was a 30’s model but he’s wrong. Too many digits in the serial number and the slide roll marks are wrong.
  4. Yeah, checked the database. All it said was Super 38, 1968. It needs work. I would tear it completely down and give it a good cleaning. The barrel has some minor pitting, but I would probably buy another and a complete spring set. The thumb safety has a positive disengagement but is mushy when engaged, so I would have to look at that too. The front sight appears to be pinned and is so small and hard to see it might as well not be there. Not sure what I would do about that.
  5. I have a Tisas Duty with about $450 in it and a Ruger 22/45 Lite with about $350 in it. I told him I would swap the Tisas straight up, but if he wanted the Ruger I would need $100 plus the Colt. He claims a guy at the local pawnshop thinks it a prewar gun and is offering a better deal. I told him he should take it if he can. We'll see.
  6. I don't think so. You would know more about that than I would! I thought the roll marks looked pretty crisp other than the wear on one side of the slide. It was filthy inside. My neighbor is a nice guy, but completely ignorant when it comes to guns. I took it apart and there was crap in the barrel. Cloth or something. I did a quick cleaning and pointed that out and his response was he would have just shot it out. He didn't know how to field strip it, so I'm guessing he's never cleaned it.
  7. I’m thinking of offering a straight trade for my Tisas. Or my Ruger 22/45 lite plus he gives me $100
  8. Well, it’s 1968 manufacture and a bit rough.
  9. Can that be addressed with a different barrel?
  10. lol! He’s a neighbor, not a friend. I’m not going to make that suggestion to him. He is not a gun guy at all. I don’t want to be unfair to him so I want an idea what value I’m looking at. He saw my Tisas and liked it. I’m thinking that’s a lop sided trade.
  11. I almost always carry a Colt Commander OWB in a Wilson Combat Lo Profile II (pancake style). I’ve had this holster for about 25 years and it’s given great service. I also have one for a full sized 1911. Variants are available that accommodate optics and shorter barrels.
  12. A neighbor of mine has a 1930’s manufactured Colt in 38 Super, nickel. He doesn’t like the caliber and wants to work a trade for a 1911 in 45 ACP. I just happen to have a few of those… I haven’t seen it yet, so I don’t know what condition it’s in. Once I get a look I will take pictures and post them. I’m always impressed by the depth of knowledge here so my question for the brain trust is what would the range of value on one of those be? Assuming on the low end the finish is crappy but it’s mechanically solid to the high end it’s mechanically solid with great finish.
  13. lol! I’ll add WC to Outlaw!
  14. Four model 100s, all set up by Fast Eddie.
  15. Looking forward to it!!
  16. Wouldn't you know! We're now up to 57 and only need one more Frontier Cartridge to fill that category. Where are the smoky shooters and the ones who don't know what sights are for?
  17. I ordered buckles! Here's what is on order: Top Man, Top Lady, Cowboy, Cowgirl, Gunfighter, Lady Gunfighter, Duelist, Lady Wrangler, Senior, Elder Statesman, Grand Dame, Frontiersman, Classic Cowboy, Young Gun (male and female combined), All Around (male and female combined). I will do a second order if the demand materializes. Up next would be Outlaw, Lady Senior, and Frontier Cartridge, in that order.
  18. I have a set of .32s with Snake Oil barrels on them and a nice action job. These are a heck of a deal at that price. It would cost much more to go out and buy a pair then have this work done.
  19. Never heard of it. When my two youngest boys started out they sometimes elected to skip the shotgun and took the misses. They were rarely given P’s, but were ok with it when they were.
  20. We currently have 56 shooters, 46 of whom have sent in their registration. Here are our registered shooters. Captain Bill Burt, Delta Glen, English Tom, Cotton Mouth Cole, Tin Can Sailor, Whiskey Belle, Shootin Sharyn, Cat A Tonic, Arcadia Outlaw, Iron Cowboy, Kid Flash, Midwest Hale, Copperhead Joe, T-Bone Johnson, Cowtown Scout, Pops Corbin, The Revenuer, Tyrell Cody, Midnight Rider, T-Square, Preacherman, Sedalia Dave Santa Fe River Stan, Lady J. , Ophelia Payne, Max Payne, Fast Eddie, Scarlett Darling, TN Tombstone, Doc Roy L. Payne, Pinky Buscadero, Uncle Ethan, Posey County Lefty, Lefty's Lucky Lady, Badlands Bob, Tinhorn Timmy, Miss M, Mister Badly, Ocoee Red, Thin Mint, Hayfever Hart, Calamity Gray, Hawkeye Hart, Amaduelist, Crawdaddy. Counting these magnificent competitors and the 10 that are 'pre-registered' we need about 6 more to hit the breakeven point.
  21. I plan on ordering buckles at the end of this week. Here are the categories that currently have enough signed up for a buckle. If you know you're going to compete, please let me know and I'll update my order. 1. Cowboy 2. Cowgirl 3. Gunfighter 4. Lady Gunfighter 5. Senior 6. Buckeroo/rette (this will be both male and female shooters) 7. Frontiersman 8. Classic Cowboy 9. All Around 10. Elder Statesman 11. Grand Dame 12. Lady Wrangler 13. Duelist 14. Top Man 15. Top Lady We have shooters who have requested Frontier Cartridge (1), Lady Senior, (2) Silver Senior (1), Outlaw (2), Junior Boy (1) , B-Western (1), 49er Lady (1) 49er(1). If these don't fill I'll roll them into the most suitable existing category.
  22. I’ve seen shooters with floppy holsters hold them open with their off hand and sweep themselves when holstering. I’ve seen gunfighters sweep themselves due to excessive pumping. I’ve seen a shooter try to look down the barrel of a loaded revolver. I’ve seen duelists sweep their leg(s) while holding an empty revolver and shooting the other revolver. It definitely happens.
  23. Revolvers- either use the Ubertis or buy a match for one of the others. I would probably find a mate for the Colt. Then, lighter springs and a brass front sight. Replacing the hammer is a matter of personal preference. My revolvers are about as customized as you can get, yet still have the original hammers. Rifle - with a Miroku your options are limited as go fast parts aren’t as readily available. Shoot it as is or trade it in and get an Uberti which has plenty of aftermarket options. I would ditch the Miroku, buy an Uberti, replace all the springs, put in a Cowboys & Indians 5th Gen shortstroke, a bigger bead front sight, stainless magazine spring, lightened brass carrier, and some judicious polishing. Shotgun - since it’s a Stoeger, chamfer, polish, disable auto safety, polish chambers and shoot, a lot. I would ditch the Stoeger, buy an SKB 100, cut the barrels, disable the safety, chamfer, polish, and try to copy all the work Fast Eddie does. Those are the things I would do if I had your equipment and was handy. Starting fresh without equipment and not being handy I would buy Ruger Single Sixes in 32 H&R and send them to Jimmy Spurs. I would buy a straight stock Uberti 1873 in .357 with an 18 inch octagon barrel and send it to Lefty Wheeler. I would buy an SKB 100 in 12 gauge and send it to Fast Eddie. I would buy a rig from Rod Kibler. I would buy a Rugged Gear gun cart from Scarlett. I would buy a Dillon 750. I would buy a Ponsness Warren 800+.
  24. I just talked to Fast Eddie. Sharyn will be picking him up and taking him home this evening!
  25. The surgery was successful and he is resting comfortably!
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