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Totes Magoats

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    Texas Riviera Pistoleros

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  1. If you haven't shot long range and Land Run, you're missing out. They have a beautiful silhouette course with pneumatic reset. Typical black rams and pigs are the targets. Everything is under shade and nice shooting tables if you want to use them. Last year was well organized and shooters moved through nicely. See ya'll there again this year! Totes
  2. Hoss is known for his big stool. Man, that doesn't sound right.... But the one he linked to is a really nice one! Totes
  3. Howdy Scarlett Any word on Buffalo powder coming available? Totes
  4. Assuming it's a large carrier. May want to confirm so folks will know. GLWS Totes
  5. I read a penny Baseball card sold for $7.2 Million dollars recently. Things are worth what people will pay. Some would shake their head when folks were paying $150 for 1K primers, but I bought some. I've got a stash of Trail Boss, didn't pay near those prices for, but also wouldn't sell it for double what I actually paid. Totes
  6. Almost all of our LT/ULT are in line with the firing line. That's a pretty big 180 violation. Shocking it wasn't called. Totes
  7. Thanks all. I'm looking for the lazy way. Sounds like holding 'em as-is for a few weeks until I have a tumbler full won't have negative effects. Totes
  8. No, not that kind! I switched to Frontier Cartridge this year and decide to try a Frankfort Arsenal Rotary Tumbler (F.A.R.T.) for wet tumbling. My question is if you shoot BP, do you typically put your brass in some soapy water at the match or do you just leave it as is until you decide to wet tumble it some time in the future? Just curios if there is a downside to just letting it set as is after the match if I only tumble once a month or so. Thanks! Totes
  9. I did the same thing 2 weeks ago with Goex 3F. discount price was right at $20/lb. Totes
  10. For Pistol caliber long range matches at shorter distances, it should do fine with the proper load. You will be limited by elevation with your sight and ballistics of .45LC. Totes
  11. I use those STS factory loads for those "Holy Crap, you built those SG targets" knock down rounds. Totes
  12. Not in AZ, but check out Hats by Grizz. He makes a bowler and a darn good custom hat as a reasonable price. I have 2 and I am very happy with them. Totes
  13. Percussion Caps in stock at Bass Pro. Can be shipped. $12.99 I have not see these available in some time.... https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/remington-blackpowder-primers Totes
  14. Join us for the Gunfight at Gamble Gulch hosted by the Texas Riviera Pistoleros in George West Texas. Dec 13-15 2024. Registration here & details here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCGpfyDxrhKAUpvKKwxX-SOHhBA_EZz6TyPCJGb44ZpyOluA/viewform Totes
  15. I have an RCBS Grand and really like it. Won't drop shot or powder unless there is a hull under it. Not sure if they make them any more though... Totes
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