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Phantom, SASS #54973

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Phantom, SASS #54973 last won the day on November 30 2023

Phantom, SASS #54973 had the most liked content!


About Phantom, SASS #54973

  • Birthday 06/14/1961

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Green Mountain Regulators, Plum Creek

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  1. Can't speak for the board, but when I was around we always made allowances for those with medical needs. Phantom
  2. So in this case, there is absolutely no way of knowing the condition (loaded / unloaded), of your rifle...so I'll ask you since the same question that the other person refuses to answer: If a shooter is 2 steps from the ULT and their SG closes, will you SDQ them for taking those 2 steps to the ULT with the closed SG? Phantom
  3. 1950's...what? That's not considered "modern"? Choosing acceptable loads are done the same way with a '97 as it is with any other SG. Loading the magazine rules are in the rule book...some club allow stoking over the allowed SASS restrictions. Phantom
  4. Actually...yer wrong (ref. Larson's post). But...what's your point? Phantom
  5. Not a test gun or prototype. But yes, rare as stated above. I believe all had the upside down wedge. Phantom
  6. If I didn't drink while on the Wire...things would get real ugly real fast. 🤗
  7. They had Gun Carts in the Old West?? 😵 Phantom
  8. I responded to your last post seen on page one...obviously didn't look to see if the answer was already given...it happens. Phantom
  9. No. You can break the 170 without sweeping someone. If your buddy got a MDQ for breaking the 170 without sweeping anyone...he got ripped off. Phantom
  10. Nope - just an SDQ. I'm sure someone will look up the exact wording, but I believe that the violation of the 170 doesn't distinguish between "loaded" and "unloaded". Phantom
  11. Other than the obvious violations...you know...when the revolver is pointing right at you...how often is a slight violation of the 180 called? Not very often... Phantom
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