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Phantom, SASS #54973

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Phantom, SASS #54973 last won the day on November 30 2023

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About Phantom, SASS #54973

  • Birthday 06/14/1961

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    Green Mountain Regulators, Plum Creek

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  1. I don't think you're making anyone mad...on the "spotter" thing I was just clarifying. We have a PF of 60. It's low relative to other shooting sports but SASS/CAS caters to a group that is generally much older and recoil is a concern for many of them. Shoot what you enjoy as long as it's within the rules. But please understand that He-Man heavy loads while being legal, do have an effect on others. We shoot steel and at a close distance...but if you think accuracy isn't important...yer just kidding yourself. Phantom PS: You are probably the first person that I've ever heard say that they don't enjoy shooting 22's...most of the actual friends I have enjoy shooting 22's above all else.
  2. They're called "Spotters". Missed calls...having three different "miss" callouts, will happen on heavy loads as well since often times the Spotters will be squinting in anticipation of the loud report...wondering how much more of it they can take before they need to go back to the audiologist to be fitted for new hearing aids. Also, as I'm sure you're aware of, there is a minimum PF that should be enforced. If you think the rounds are not meeting the PF, call it. I'll also add that since we are shooting steel and not bad guys of the "old west", that heavy man killer loads only kills the hearing of the other competitors...bad guys don't really exist down range... Cheers! Phantom
  3. If it was shipped via U.S. Postal Service Ground Advantage then standard delivery can take up to 5 business days. No doubt that there are some delays going on right now...and the Common Carriers have their fair share of lost/delayed deliveries. Phantom
  4. How was it shipped? Phantom
  5. Where's the apostrophe? Phantom
  6. Fonts are not correct... Don't believe the frame was ever marked "COLT'S"... Phantom
  7. Funny...take a magnified image of the side... It's a frankingun... Hope you didn't pay much for it. Phantom
  8. Probably...metal. What makes your gun a "black powder" gun? Phantom
  9. Yes, those proof marks on the cylinder scream Colt original. Also love how the frame serial number is on an inserted piece of metal... Definitely original Colt! Phantom
  10. I can't say most, but certainly many dealers sell used guns as is ... And probably most consider all firearm sales as final. If there's an issue with a new gun they'll tell you to contact the manufacturer. Phantom
  11. Of course... Opinion. My comments too are just opinions. If you combine form with accuracy, that's what you'll get. If you combine form with speed... That's what you'll get. Phantom
  12. I would say the point on accuracy/speed is bad advice... If you want to win Championship. Phantom
  13. Go with whatcha like...but the increased sight radius isn't needed for this game. Phantom
  14. You folks have a great range that allows a lot of movement. Most clubs don't have that luxury unfortunately. 21 years ago... When I started... they still had the Stoopid Stand and Deliver stages... which I too hate. Back in the day at The Cowboys in Norco we set up stages in the morning. Target size and distance hasn't changed that much... But I do see a bit more target arrays that have all the targets at the same height and in a nice perfectly straight line...ugh... Phantom
  15. There's isn't anyone that plays this game that isn't doing it for the fun. Phantom... And I'll say it again; If I can't compete, I won't have fun. If I don't have fun, I won't compete.
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