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Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit (biss git)


My cow died last night..... so I don't need any of your bull.



If during the snow and you run your car into a ditch (more like a Southerner running you off the road),

Don't Panic.   Four men in the cab of a 4-wheel drive pickup with a 12-pack of beer and a tow chain will be along 

shortly to pull you out.    Don't try to help them.   Just stay out of their way.   This is what they live for.





When we get a divorce in the south we’re still cousins.

1 minute ago, Yul Lose said:

When we get a divorce in the south we’re still cousins.


This is only true in Alabama.


If a southerner tells you hes' "fixin' to" do anything, stand back and don't interfere.  It will be completed in some form or manner momentarily.  




When I first moved to Heaven (Tennessee) I had two college roommates that would argue about anything. It usually went something like "Hell, it aint done it". " it has too done it " "naw it aint done it" I havent seen either one of them in years but I would bet they still say argue...




I lived in Georgia, Alabama and Arkansas as a kid. I lived in North Carolina as an adult. The biggest changes I saw in the South from the early ‘70’s to the 2000’s were more Yankees had moved there and screwed it up. (If that offends you - :P )


I remember my favorite bumper sticker, usually seen in the back of working people’s trucks, said; “I don’t care how you did it up north...” and it usually ended in a colorful epithet. 


Things I miss about the South:

Bass fishing - Science and religion all wrapped up in one glorious past time. Don’t think there’s a religious element to bass fishing? Tell a preacher in the South you missed church because the Bass were hitting.  He or she will almost immediately give you a pass followed up with “So, how did you do?”


Barbecue - real barbecue. Real fantastic barbecue. My favorite is Memphis but I love all barbecue...well, except for maybe Texas...just kidding ;)


NASCAR - not the races so much but the entertainment and attitude of people regarding racing. 


Neighbors are “neighbors”, not just some people that live nearby. When you have a problem, they have a problem and they will help you with that problem...whether you want it or not. :D


There are quite a few things I miss about the South and there are things I don’t.

Heat and Humidity - It combines to create a hostile work environment.

Bugs - evil bugs. Like chiggers and various 8 legged miniature monsters.Fire ants...friendly little fire ants. They loved me so much. 

Yankees - They move from up north to be in the wonderful friendly South. They move there because they hated the laws, taxes, regulations and the people from up north...and then they work to make just like up north. Don’t believe me? Look at North Carolina now. It has a blue hue to it that it never had before. Keep your guard up Texas, you’re next!


I used to joke with people that I came from the South when I moved to North Carolina. They would give me a funny look and then I would say “I come from Southern California”. That would usually get a chuckle. Sometimes I would get the response “Oh, so you’re a west coast Yankee.” :D


I pick on the Yankees here (technically I am one) but the fact of the matter is that I have lived all over this great country of ours and there are wonderful people everywhere I have lived. There are also meatheads everywhere I have lived. There are just less meatheads in some places than there are in others...


@Pat Riot, SASS #13748 I live in the South and I miss Nascar too; it died with Dale.


Pretty accurate with the rest though. Preacher's usually get mad at you because you didn't invite them. North Carolina has my favorite BBQ. Don't forget the nasty Cicada. Best bumper sticker, "Do the South a favor, put a Yankee on a bus".

2 minutes ago, Tyrel Cody said:

@Pat Riot, SASS #13748 I live in the South and I miss Nascar too; it died with Dale.


Pretty accurate with the rest though. Preacher's usually get mad at you because you didn't invite them. North Carolina has my favorite BBQ. Don't forget the nasty Cicada. Best bumper sticker, "Do the South a favor, put a Yankee on a bus".

Ooh...Cicadas. I forgot about them. When you hear them it’s dang hot outside. 


I would venture to say there are 'special' places all over, whether it be north, south, east or west.


But for me living 68 years in TN (minus my Navy time), it is special around here.

But I also find it very special in some of the small areas of other Southern towns I've

visited in Georgia and S.Carolina.

There's just a special 'flavor' in those areas not often found anywhere else.


I've often told others that if I won the LOTTO and could buy a 2nd house and live elsewhere, it would

probably be somewhere close to the piney forest in S.Carolina or somewhere south of Atlanta.....way south

of Atlanta.






In The Carolinas there was a term for people that moved to Florida from “up north” and then moved from Florida into the Carolinas. They were called “Half Backs”. 


They moved to Florida and didn’t like the heat, humidity, bugs, or whatever and then moved to the Carolinas to be half way back from Florida. 


One thing I learned about southerners is that when they tell ya they will be there on Monday, they will. Just don't know which Monday.:lol:


Definition: California East = Colorado! :angry:  When we first moved here back in 1969 and then back from California in '71, we had bumper stickers that read: "Don't Californicate Colorado!"  Well, they done it! 

Got a grandson who just took a job in Tennessee! Hope he enjoys himself!



53 minutes ago, Trailrider #896 said:

Definition: California East = Colorado! :angry:  When we first moved here back in 1969 and then back from California in '71, we had bumper stickers that read: "Don't Californicate Colorado!"  Well, they done it! 

Got a grandson who just took a job in Tennessee! Hope he enjoys himself!

I don’t know about that. I was born and raised in Colorado and spent my ute in Creede and the San Luis Valley and they were very left leaning for the most part without the help of Californians. I went to my 40th HS reunion in 2013 and I was pretty much alienated because they knew I was a conservative and pro-gun and I grew up with most of them. I’ll not attend another.


I was born in Memphis and raised in the rural, Mississippi Delta. I have lived in MS, TN, GA, VA, and FL ( along with a lot of Yankee States and some western states : SD, CO, MT, and CA). Southern Folk are just plain nice, and it always surprises Yankees and Westerners. I was raised with manners, and that got me l long way down the road with a lot of folks. I love all of this country, but I am sure glad I was born in the South! After all. how many of you have heard of folks retiring and moving up North? Not gonna happen.  Cheers  Hoss C.

9 hours ago, Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 said:

I like the Southern Gentlemen! No other men have that drawl and those manners.

I beg to differ.  Maybe the accent isn't there, but there are a lot of gentlemen left, many of them live within fifty miles of me.

9 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

.way south

of Atlanta.

almost ain't Southern anymore.  GA's still good -- FL, not so much.

18 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

I beg to differ.  Maybe the accent isn't there, but there are a lot of gentlemen left, many of them live within fifty miles of me.


Forty!!  You're too well to do and far too cultured to beg!!  You are permitted to DEMAND to differ!!

1 hour ago, Blackwater 53393 said:


Forty!!  You're too well to do and far too cultured to beg!!  You are permitted to DEMAND to differ!!

But as a gentleman...............^_^


Texas lunchtime conversation.

Billy Bob....."Jeet yet?"

Bubba....."Naw, jew?"

Billy Bob..."Not jet. Y'ont to?"




On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 9:25 PM, Tyrel Cody said:


This is only true in Alabama.


But we do have beautiful cousins in Alabama.:P


The good thing about marrying one of your cousins is . . . . . there's a 50-50 chance she won't have to change her last name on her pistol permit or her Class A CDL.


Southerners might take jabs at Californians, Yankees, etc..... but as most can tell, we also take

great pride in humoring ourowndangselfs.


Ya just gotta be careful not to insult our pet goats or cow.   And NEVER (and I mean NEVER) bother

that rifle or shotgun leaning in the corner of the living room or next to the back door..... ;)




8 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Southerners might take jabs at Californians, Yankees, etc..... but as most can tell, we also take

great pride in humoring ourowndangselfs.


Ya just gotta be careful not to insult our pet goats or cow.   And NEVER (and I mean NEVER) both

that rifle or shotgun leaning in the corner of the living room or next to the back door..... ;)





I can't count the number of houses I visited growing up here in middle Tennessee that had a rifle or shotgun hanging on pegs over the front door(usually back door too). Don't see that as much these days.


Schoolmarm keeps her ‘97 propped against the door facing in the bedroom with a dish piled full of shells on the stand next to the door.  Ain’t telling where or what  the other protective devices are located.  :lol:


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