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Day to get married


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My daughter got married on Valentine's Day. So her husband would remember the anniversary.


I got married on D-Day, so I would remember our anniversary.


You hear about people getting married on his birthday, or on her birthday, or on some other day that has special meaning to one or the other of them.


In the book I'm reading the woman decides to get married on Halloween. Because the idea of marriage is so scary.


I don't know. I just thought that was a cool way of looking at it.


Got married on my Birthday. Didn't start out to do it. Turned out that it was the only Saturday that worked. 


Guy I flew with in the Navy was getting married, asked me if I could suggest something romantic to have inscribed inside the rings.  I told him two linked hearts and the date of the wedding, and that he could thank me later. 


I married my sweetheart on her birthday 37 years ago this Oct. Still haven't figured out how I pulled that one off.............


Valentines Day 1988 was the day my divorce to the practice (ex) wife was final. The judge asked if I wanted him to wait a day to record it and I insisted he keep the date the 14th. Just something special about that day.


Ah well.  No special date related to any other date.  Fortunately, I have a Smart Phone.


I got married on July 16 and never had to remember it.  I always did, but my wife hinted pretty hard for 51 years.  She was born on D Day 1946.


My parents were married the first time on April Fool's Day.


My birthday was income tax day.....The Ides of March!  They later moved it (tax day, not my birthday) to April 15 from March 15..


My parents got married on March 22nd. For their second anniversary my father gave my mother a brand new 1954 Oldsmobile Delta 88. And my mother gave my father a son.


I used to have great fun telling people that my parents were married on my brother's birthday. They would nod their head and then kind of do a double take.


April 12th is our anniversary. It was scheduled for March 22nd, but the Navy put the kaibosh to that date. So we put the wedding off to the 12th of April. 

We’ve been married 44 years now. :wub:

Neither date held any real significance when we chose them. We were planning around my Naval Training School schedules. 


Got married on August 5th. No special significance other than that is the day she said we were getting married.

We waited for my 21st birthday in July so I could have a sip at our reception. Lol


August 9th.  Nothing special about the day, but... on our wedding day my dad presented us with the mantel clock that his parents had been gifted with on their wedding day - August 9th 1909.


After dad found out when our wedding day was going to be, he dug the clock out of storage and had it mechanically restored. 


Our daughter and her fiance chose Saturday, November 15, 2003 as their wedding date.  Opening Day for the regular firearms deer season in Missouri.


I guess I have forgiven them by now.




"What day shall we ge married?" "How about the first Saturday in May?" "Sounds good." (checks calendar)

"Hey! That's Beltane Coronation AND  Cinco de Mayo!"  "Cool! We do the wedding (before we were Orthodox,  hired a minister and got married in our front yard,  after all,  a wedding is a public declaration),  have our lunch with the family,  drive down and let all our SCA friends know. "  "AND we'll always be able to find a party if we want one."




just celebrated our 34th last month. 




My Navy daughter married on the summer solstice, June 21 in Barbados.
The solstice date is always in my head, cuz "winter is coming" is one of my favorite Stupid Dad Jokes.


8 hours ago, Alpo said:

used to have great fun telling people that my parents were married on my brother's birthday.

My grandparents married on Christmas day; my dad was born on their first anniversary; thus, we have something in common.


Married the love of my life on October 20, 1964. (60 years for us this October!) It was here birthday, my Grandfather & Great Grandfathers birthday and her Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. Pretty special day for us. 


Our 1st date was September 21, 1992. Got married September 21, 1996. Nothing special really about the 21st other than it just seemed like a good day.





April 30th, 47 years ago for us. It's the date that was available at the church!

8 hours ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Our daughter and her fiance chose Saturday, November 15, 2003 as their wedding date.  Opening Day for the regular firearms deer season in Missouri.


I guess I have forgiven them by now.



My cousin was born on November 15!

I was born exactly nine months after the Michigan 15th opener! 

I was either a good luck at deer camp or a welcome home from deer camp surprise.


Tomorrow!          GW

8 hours ago, G W Wade said:

Tomorrow!          GW

Happy Anniversary 

39 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

Happy Anniversary 

Thank You, but NO     My smart a$&% date is Tomorrow    Tomorrow is always tomorrow   Never is today     LOL    GW


Some acquaintances of mine (mid-30's) were married on the May the 4th last year...the event was STAR WARS themed.



April 13 1985,,, because the lord promised me that day would be a nice warm spring day, this promise was made in August 10 1984... 

He kept his word...


Jabez Cowboy 


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