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G W Wade

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About G W Wade

  • Birthday 03/26/1950

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Sheyenne Valley Peacemakers

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  • Gender
  • Location
    froozen plains of dakota
  • Interests
    Shooting anything! Dutch oven cooking, camp fires and cheap tequila in no particular order

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SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. PS Just a simple old country boy, trying to have fun GW
  2. Not this question in particular. Sometimes after reading the book, there are questions that could be satisfied with Yes or No. Some can be satisfied with the quote because finding the right section can be difficult and others seem cloudy. Happy your there doing this difficult job especially with the WTC topics. GW
  3. Prefered this version to original. Preston only had 2 facial expressions. Not much difference between It runs at 4 AM if I am having trouble sleeping GW
  4. Sometimes a question could be answered with a simple Yes or No and be alot clearer than quoting the rule book (which I read) that I didn't understand. GW
  5. I am bilingual, I speak with both hands Really hate it when I argue with myself. GW
  6. Thought it was something to do with 36 cal cap guns. But could be wrong GW
  7. I believe every miss requires a lap around the penalty track GW
  8. Would impressive when he crests the top and starts going down hill GW
  9. Was amazed over the amount of holsters available for 3 in J frames that were listed. Very hard to find GW
  10. Well, the same questions keep popping up. Problem is, they do not read the stickies either GW
  11. Real cool but think I will pass. Found on flea bay on sale (10 %) for $715 plus shipping GW
  12. I worked as a cook at the local nursing home. They changed fire alarm batteries on regular schedule. I would bring a box to my local clubs. All premium stock and no problems GW
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