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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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    ,,, S.A.W.W.S....AFS,,,,RMR

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  • Location
    Cow Country , Alberta , Canada
  • Interests
    Cowboy life, Ballistic Research, Gunsmithing ,Shooting , Fishing, Hunting,Photography,etc

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SASS Wire Vet

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  1. Coffee is Hot, and the pot is next to full, Fresh baked Bread should be ready in 20 minutes... Yer welcome ta come and set a spell! Jabez Cowboy
  2. Glad to see it back as ft. Bragg!!! Jabez Cowboy
  3. I have an old "Herters" ajustable aluminum Shot/power scoop from 7/8- 2 1/8 oz. of shot. For 10 ga. I use it set to the max, for both Goex 2F and shot. In the old days this was called a Square Load, still works just fine... Jabez Cowboy
  4. I have Foxes on my property, they raise their Kits here, still stop by to visit... Don't need no stinky cats here... It is not my job to cover the sandbox to keep the vermin out... You and others like Cats, keep them on your own place! Jabez Cowboy
  5. Mind yer Cats,,, If'f'in ya likes yer cats, please keep them fer yourselves, and don't share them... Digging and Defecating in the grandkids sand box, digging in the Wife's flowers and Garden... Around here they are Vermin! If you like cats, why do they spend more time on my land than yours? Please don't Share your cats,,,Keep them Home... Jabez Cowboy
  6. I shoot a 12 ga. Huglu Cowboy Special Hammered SxS for SASS when i'm not shooting my Hammered 16 ga. guns... The Cowboy Special cleans-up like a dream, with it's hard chromed bores, yes I shoot the Holy Black... My 101 weighs 5 3/4 pounds, what a dream to use in the timber ... Jabez Cowboy
  7. 28 for fun ... Great grouse gun ... I have a Winchester 101, IC/M 26 inch barrels ... He is not buying it for SASS , Over/Under... Jabez Cowboy
  8. How did Imis, do at that Shoot... How many Misses.... Jabez Cowboy
  9. Keep on Grumping along,,, No smiles... Stat offten da Lawn !!! Jabez Cowboy
  10. This fall and Winter has been real hard on da old Cowboys.... Lost a couple of good ones here out west... Jabez Cowboy
  11. Blackwater don't need a bad foot ta be Grumpy,,, He's just naturally that way.... A born Grump, Started with that first smack on da butt when he was Born! Not so with Imis, he has to work hard at being very Grumpy... Come on by and set a spell Coffee's hot and somewhat fresh, but it's warm inside fresh baked biscuits.... Jabez Cowboy
  12. -12F, snowing .... Come on in pull up a stump, and warm yourself by the fire. and tell me your woes... And let's dream of guns and shooting, and days spent in the field... and a time when our bodies were as young as our minds... Jabez Cowboy
  13. My 1911 is old school and can be fired even without the mag in place, I don't like the idea of magazine disconnects.... And it is in .45... And I prefer bullets in the 200-230gr. range... Jabez Cowboy
  14. I would be willing to help you find it..................................... the lost 30 pounds... That ought to make DDD really Grumpy... Jabez Cowboy
  15. Tupperware, belongs in the Kitchen,,, 🙂 1911, if not a Wheel Gun.... Jabez Cowboy
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