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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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    ,,, S.A.W.W.S....AFS,,,,RMR

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  • Location
    Cow Country , Alberta , Canada
  • Interests
    Cowboy life, Ballistic Research, Gunsmithing ,Shooting , Fishing, Hunting,Photography,etc

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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. That is very Funny ,,, the 30Billion set aside to help those having life changing reactions and death,,, Was used up in less than 60 days.... With none of these funds going to anyone from Alberta Canada... He is So far beyond stupid ... Jabez Cowboy
  2. A count all the votes coming in from service members stationed overseas... instead of them being dumped in the dumpster behind the postal office... Jabez Cowboy
  3. Muzzles for All Conservatives ... Unless we get to Vote Soon... Lets Pray For the USA election that the Votes are Counted Fairly... Jabez Cowboy
  4. CLK I feel your Pain and Trade you my 100 MPH Wind,,, It was a tough Ride home ... Git Often Da Lawn !!! Jabez Cowboy
  5. Now i'm real Grumpy.... Ya all Sleeping??? Jabez Cowboy
  6. Back to the Top,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Now wake up... Jabez Cowboy
  7. Both Federal and Remington offer Game Loads in shot sizes from 8-6. there are even Steel Shot loads ... Cabala's and Bass Pro have them .... My 28 ga. is a Winchester 101, 26 inch Imp -mod... Jabez Cowboy
  8. Two of my favorite Gauges are 16 and 28... I own more 16s than any other Gauge... Jabez Cowboy
  9. Where are the really Old Grumps like COG at these days? Jabez Cowboy
  10. It seems that a Liberal Government Minister has "Lost" and least 186 Billion dollars of Taxpayer Funds... Why isn't She in Jail ??? It is real easy of this Canadian to Be GRUMPY... Jabez Cowboy
  11. Well it's back to on-line college classes, Sept 23..... Jabez Cowboy
  12. I have never herd of or seen a Kirpan that was not razor sharp... Not in any of the 32 Countries I have Been in... Jabez Cowboy
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