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Self serve at Home Depot

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For you folks that don’t like self serve, I was at Home Depot this morning and all the self serves were closed . I asked the cashier why they were closed and she said people were stealing! Hmmm….could this be the end of self serve?? Maybe it’s just this store, not sure.

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Hey, Home Depot!





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A couple of grocery stores in Escondido that my wife shops at shut down their self checkout because of the same problem. 

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Locally the thing that bugs me the most is I go to Safeway almost every night as I am bored.  So I only buy what I am going to snack on that night.  They use to have those little plastic hand baskets.  Last week I went in and they were gone.  I asked a clerk where they were and she said they get stolen so often they have given up trying to replace them.

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That's too bad, but it says a lot about where we are culturally and economically.


I like self checkout as an option - if I'm buying a box of nails or a loaf of bread I don't

like having to wait behind 3 other shoppers with full carts and a lot to talk about with the






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I figure if I am going to use the self checkout I should get an employee discount.  You can probably guess how much I use self checkout. 



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37 minutes ago, ShadowCatcher said:

That's too bad, but it says a lot about where we are culturally and economically.


I like self checkout as an option - if I'm buying a box of nails or a loaf of bread I don't

like having to wait behind 3 other shoppers with full carts and a lot to talk about with the






Same here, they’re great for small purchases.

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1 minute ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Same here, they’re great for small purchases.

Same here.  When I go to Costco I never use a cart as I only pick up one or two items.  The cash register lines always have 50 people in line with each of them having one or two filled carts.  I like being able to go to self-checkout and get out of there quickly.

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Closest Lowe's just did exactly the opposite.  Used to be one self-checkout "lane" with four stations and one roving attendant to help those that were having trouble, and there were six manned stations (although all six were never manned and there were never enough manned).  Now there are only two manned stations (with only one manned).  And three self-checkout lanes with four stations each.  Thing is each self-checkout lane now has two roving attendants.  So now there are seven employees working checkout, whereas before there were three or four.

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I prefer the express check out for small purchases!!  

OH!! THAT’S RIGHT!!   They don’t have them anymore!!


SO!! I wait until I have a big shopping list and then I make one trip do the equivalent of three or four!!


I refuse to use the self checkout because I generally by alcohol, ammunition, and prescription drugs when I go to the store!!


I repeatedly tell the manager drones that they are getting robbed blind at the self checkouts.  Whether they are or not, it gives them the idea that they should have more clerks and open checkout lanes that are manned!!


I’m not just paying for the products!  I’m paying for SERVICE and expect to get what I am paying for!!

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Recently I went to HD to buy a 25’ roll of electrical wire. A locked cable had been passed thru all the rolls which required finding an employee to unlock. I asked her why they were doing that and she said it was because of all the theft. 

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I find self-checkouts a PIA, especially if I'm buying fresh veggies, with no bar code.

Oh and since my hands are dry, the screen will often not recognize I am pushing a button for something it wants pushed.

Now, I usually bring my combo walking cane/stool and sit waiting in the line for my turn with a human cashier.

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4 hours ago, Ezra Hawthorne said:

not Home Despot but same idea:


And what's they're reasoning to check receipts. BJ'S has done it forever, but all I've ever experienced is a quick glance at the heaping cart and the receipt. There could be a bunch of stuff in there that wasn't checked at the register.

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5 hours ago, ShadowCatcher said:

That's too bad, but it says a lot about where we are culturally and economically.


I like self checkout as an option - if I'm buying a box of nails or a loaf of bread I don't

like having to wait behind 3 other shoppers with full carts and a lot to talk about with the






You best stay out of Walmart.  When I went through their new "faster and more convenient" check out lines yesterday they had fewer checkout lines, a bunch of employees directing traffic....and screwing it up horribly (took twenty five minutes instead of ten), and pi$$ed off everyone for thirty miles.


I'll go back because they are the only place for miles that sell the jeans I like and have larger packages of  Denta-Stix tiny dog chewy treats, and about once  a year I get my gasses adjusted or buy new frames.  I'll wake up the chickens and get in and get out.


Amazon has a hub five miles from my house and it's very seldom I need something so quickly that they can't get it to me in time.....and I am learning to adapt to that minor inconvenience.

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7 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

refuse to use the self checkout because I generally by alcohol, ammunition, and prescription drugs when I go to the store!!

Now there’s a shopping list :)

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i tried it once and decided it was too confusing for my likes so i avoid it now , i dont need or want to steal anything and i hate those that do as they increase the prices for us honest folks , there is a small amount of comfort checking out with a real person like the store really cares that you are taken care of [set aside that their bottom line is protected] but .............as always there are drawbacks to trhat as well these days as we have some folks here that refuse to check out your pork products and such - that adds to your time checking out , it irritates my wife more than me as i try not to be in a hurry anymore - i had enough of that in my working life , 

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The Dollar General in my town was mostly self-checkout but the last time that I went there all of the self-checkout machines were closed. They had a cashier. I don't think there was a lot of stealing up here in Maine but one never knows.

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22 hours ago, Ozark Huckleberry said:

Almost as if there wasn't an entire thread on this less than a month ago.



Makes sense.  We seem to repeat a lot of topics like calibers, holsters, cars, trailers or mobile homes, etc. 

You'd almost think that there was an interest in those topics. 

Or that everyone forgets everything a few weeks after.




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1 hour ago, ShadowCatcher said:

Makes sense.  We seem to repeat a lot of topics like calibers, holsters, cars, trailers or mobile homes, etc. 

You'd almost think that there was an interest in those topics. 

Or that everyone forgets everything a few weeks after.




The reason I posted this was because some cashier actually told me why the self serves were closed! THEFT! 

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They aren't stealing, they are just taking their salary out in merchandise. Hope they shut them all down and go back to cashiers.



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3 hours ago, Texas Maverick said:

They aren't stealing, they are just taking their salary out in merchandise. Hope they shut them all down and go back to cashiers.



Well, some of the economic masterminds in California seem to agree.  There's a new bill floating around to ban the use of self checkout in

many stores, apparently because after raising the minimum wage those stores are working to eliminate more employees and use self-checkout

plus AI aided techniques for taking orders.  Whodathunk it? 


I think I'd prefer to let the merchant decide how to run their business, and I'll vote my approval or not with my dollars.  If a robot can get my

order correct (unlike some of the geniuses behind the counters) then they get my money.  If I can get a cashier when I want and a quick

scan and go when I want that will also get my money.


I've only shopped in a Walmart once or twice in my life, and they seemed to have enough open lanes as well as self-check that I was out in

minutes, same as our Safeway, or our Home Depot.  My Costco has both and I get through quickly as needed, and the gas is all self serve

and .25 cents a gallon cheaper.  Letting the door minders at Costco check that the item count is correct is no big deal either.


Waiting two weeks to take delivery of a new gun after already having a CCW is a PITA though - that one really riles me up!

That's a bigger issue to me, not the piddly bits in the store as they struggle to deal with the social collapse going on all around us!






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I hope I'm not the only one who likes self checkout.  I'm way better at it than the people they hire anyway and I don't have all day.


Maybe they can all switch to something like Sam's Club where I can just scan my stuff with my phone and leave.

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1 hour ago, El Chapo said:

I hope I'm not the only one who likes self checkout.  I'm way better at it than the people they hire anyway and I don't have all day.


Maybe they can all switch to something like Sam's Club where I can just scan my stuff with my phone and leave.

When one gets to your area you'll LOVE the Amazon Store. Scanners track your items AS you pick them out, and when you leave, it automatically charges your card.


Amazon Go is a new kind of corner store


Stop by to grab a freshly-brewed coffee, pick up breakfast or lunch, browse a selection of snacks, alcohol, and local baked goods, or return an Amazon package. Plus, with Just Walk Out shopping you can get in and out quickly without scanning any items or waiting in a checkout line.



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56 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

When one gets to your area you'll LOVE the Amazon Store. Scanners track your items AS you pick them out, and when you leave, it automatically charges your card.


Amazon Go is a new kind of corner store


Stop by to grab a freshly-brewed coffee, pick up breakfast or lunch, browse a selection of snacks, alcohol, and local baked goods, or return an Amazon package. Plus, with Just Walk Out shopping you can get in and out quickly without scanning any items or waiting in a checkout line.



Creepy!  Guess I'm too old / old school.  Will not darken their door.

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On 5/7/2024 at 11:26 AM, Rye Miles #13621 said:

For you folks that don’t like self serve, I was at Home Depot this morning and all the self serves were closed . I asked the cashier why they were closed and she said people were stealing! Hmmm….could this be the end of self serve?? Maybe it’s just this store, not sure.

The irony of selfservice is that the store is giving you less value. However, grocery pickup adds value in the checkout area at least. They not only pick out your groceries, but bag them, and load them. 

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When I was a teen, Mom could call our local market with an order they would pick and deliver or hold for pickup.  60 plus years later, rancher friends do the same thing at either of the two small Supermarkets here in small town Montana.  Never tried it myself because I'm fussy about produce, but it would work for staples.  One of the joys of country life.

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More Cashiers. 

I just had a thought. Could this theft be done by the employees fearing the loss of their jobs?

Bravo! If that’s the case. 

I hate self checkout. I don’t get a discount for doing it. Why the hell should I do a store’s job for them. Screw that noise. 

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5 hours ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

When one gets to your area you'll LOVE the Amazon Store. Scanners track your items AS you pick them out, and when you leave, it automatically charges your card.


Amazon Go is a new kind of corner store


Stop by to grab a freshly-brewed coffee, pick up breakfast or lunch, browse a selection of snacks, alcohol, and local baked goods, or return an Amazon package. Plus, with Just Walk Out shopping you can get in and out quickly without scanning any items or waiting in a checkout line.




I read an article recently where they were ending those stores because the technology just isn't there and I guess it's unreliable.  Maybe someday.


Until then I'm happy to check myself out.  I'm 100% better at it than they were anyway.

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