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Pet Peeve time..... Friday nite rant

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I normally don't have a peeve that irritates me, BUT.......... one of those that pinches on my last nerve

is YOUTUBE videos that have 5 minutes of stupid conversation, etc..... and 2 minutes of actual information

of good usage info.


I use to watch Demolition and Kentucky Ballistic videos until they started the stupid stuff like Godzilla

costumes or running over tables with a golf cart.


 Another peeve of mine is when someone has an idea which requires a lot of money, then expect everyone

to contribute and pay for the success of that idea.   Let the person who creates the idea pay for it.


Rant over.






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17 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

 Another peeve of mine is when someone has an idea which requires a lot of money, then expect everyone

to contribute and pay for the success of that idea.   Let the person who creates the idea pay for it.


Rant over.








Just remember that many things throughout the years have been made successful because investors have believed in them and have put forward capital to finance projects that otherwise would never be successful.

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@Widder, SASS #59054 I sure don’t watch as many YouTube videos as I used to. Actually, I will watch videos the guys post here, but other than that I really don’t bother with YouTube. 
Like you, I find many to be annoying for various reasons. I think the main one is the constant “reminders” to “like” them and the 5 minute explanations as to why I should before they ever get into the actual reason for the video. Often the video isn’t what I was looking for and I move on. 
I do like some of the instruction videos that I have found when I was trying to figure out how to accomplish something, like a tricky firearm disassembly or a replacing a part on my truck or motorcycle. 



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People who will not drive sensibly, like 5 to ten mile under the limit in the inside lane and won't move over for anything or anyone; who will take their time getting started after the light turns green; who pull their car or truck into the pedestrian crossing lane so you can't see what's coming; people at a stop light who get in a right lane when they have no intention of turning right; those who will wait for every car coming from either direction no matter how far away it is; ones who ride the divider between lanes; block traffic waiting for someone else to pull out of a parking place or to pick up or drop off a perfectly healthy passenger.....and the list goes on and on.


And if many people drive like they push a shopping cart they will likely not get home at the end of the day.

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Just like trying to find recipes online.   Scroll through about 500 inches of text, ads, and pop-ups to get to it.  Thankfully, some have a "Jump to Recipe" button.


Or the videos with some of the worst elevator music, and the person with no knife skills using a paring knife and spending 10 minutes showing every slice of an onion.

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1 hour ago, DocWard said:


And therein lies the difference.


If Henry is telling about how he's got this great idea to make horseless carriages, and if he only had the money, and I give him some money, I own a piece of fomoco.


That's an investment.


But if Joey is telling about how he's got this great idea to do something, and if he only had the money, so he sets up a GoFundMe. And I give him some money. I don't even get thanks for it, let alone get a piece of his business.


That's not an investment. That's just giving alms to a beggar.

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I hate the trend of YouTube Shorts.  I hate YouTube channels that has long loud, in your face introduction.  I hate the the open box reviews that just roll the gun around and show you the paperwork and lock that came with it. And usual mumble out the same old story that's been told many time. "It's called a horse pistol because.....".  


I like Hickok45 because he starts shooting stuff right off.  And I know when John starts hammering with the pistol on the fence it's time to go on.  

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TV shows where their "background" music is so loud it makes it impossible to hear the dialog.


Any and all "background" music in stores that is not only too loud but inappropriate and simply annoying in so many stores (grocery, hardware, the parking lot at Alliance Hardware, and a lot of others.  If I want to listen to music I'll choose my own and set my own volume.


Canned applause.


Someone simply looking at a bullet wound and naming the caliber and sometimes the kind of gun used.

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7 hours ago, Alpo said:

And therein lies the difference.


If Henry is telling about how he's got this great idea to make horseless carriages, and if he only had the money, and I give him some money, I own a piece of fomoco.


That's an investment.


But if Joey is telling about how he's got this great idea to do something, and if he only had the money, so he sets up a GoFundMe. And I give him some money. I don't even get thanks for it, let alone get a piece of his business.


That's not an investment. That's just giving alms to a beggar.


You're right, but not... Many, if not most, of the GoFundMe things I have seen give some sort of return, usually in the form of being at the top of the list to receive the product at well below the anticipated sale price, or even just the donation cost. In those cases, it is much like other investments, there is risk, and the potential of some return.

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My pet peeve is when someone pets my peeve without permission!

Get off my lawn...

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15 hours ago, Warden Callaway said:

I hate the trend of YouTube Shorts.  I hate YouTube channels that has long loud, in your face introduction.  I hate the the open box reviews that just roll the gun around and show you the paperwork and lock that came with it. And usual mumble out the same old story that's been told many time. "It's called a horse pistol because.....".  


I like Hickok45 because he starts shooting stuff right off.  And I know when John starts hammering with the pistol on the fence it's time to go on.  

I can’t really deal with his long winded silliness. I feel like he is taking to his middle school class 

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19 minutes ago, Henry T Harrison said:

I can’t really deal with his long winded silliness. I feel like he is taking to his middle school class 


I see that as an annoyance too. But considering his age, and not having script or editing,  I'll overlook that.  Good camera and sound recording is a plus. 


I like Duelist1954.  Usually well scripted and edited.  Often informative with great still pictures.  


Some guys are posting video shot in selfe mode are something.  They come out backassereeds. Annoying. I quit watching as soon as I see it. 



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1 hour ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

Doesn’t he look like a peeved pet?


That's great!!:D

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4 hours ago, Warden Callaway said:


I see that as an annoyance too. But considering his age, and not having script or editing,  I'll overlook that.  Good camera and sound recording is a plus. 


I like Duelist1954.  Usually well scripted and edited.  Often informative with great still pictures.  


Some guys are posting video shot in selfe mode are something.  They come out backassereeds. Annoying. I quit watching as soon as I see it. 



Mike does a great job with a lot of knowledge and little BS

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Pet peeve?


Stuff my supervisor should do but doesn't ('cause he's too nice of a guy).


His boss.


His boss's boss.


His boss's boss's boss.


And on up the corrupt corporate ladder.


Other than that, alarm clocks and most people in traffic.

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21 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

TV shows where their "background" music is so loud it makes it impossible to hear the dialog.


Any and all "background" music in stores that is not only too loud but inappropriate and simply annoying in so many stores (grocery, hardware, the parking lot at Alliance Hardware, and a lot of others.  If I want to listen to music I'll choose my own and set my own volume.


Canned applause.


Someone simply looking at a bullet wound and naming the caliber and sometimes the kind of gun used.

Or the idiots that look at bullet and declare that a silencer was used.


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My list is plenty, but lately these commercials for Balance of Nature, Relief Factor and Prevegan among others! Modern day snake oil salesmen ! If all this stuff was so great doctors would be recommending this left and right!

Also tailgaters!!!!:angry:

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I had a pet peeve once, but it ran away, and I can't find another one

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2 hours ago, Alpo said:

People that don't know how to spell night.


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my peeve is a couple friends that spend wayyyyy tooooo much time on U-tube and keep sendin the chit to my phone , i dont have time for all this crap , im so involved in real life i do not need a lot of food and such related videos that ill never use let alone enjoy watchin , im really covetous of my free time these days , please dont waste any of it - then again i can ignore the links ---AND DO 


i dont mind a link to something worthwhile once in a while but in general id just as soon not see most of it , 

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11 hours ago, Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 said:

My pet peeve is people getting on the wire and belly aching about their pet peeve.  Crap, now I am an offender.:wacko:


I know exactly how you feel...... cause I feel the same way.  :lol:




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I have a voice made for sign language, so I don't narrate any of my YouTube videos.  I don't get any money from YouTube; I make videos because I enjoy the challenge of putting photos and video clips in a sequence and editing the background music to fit the pictures.  The iMovie app that came on my MAC is out of date and twitchy these days, but I endeavored to persevere and produced one of my granddaughter painting her backyard fence.  Her father posted it on his channel.  No guns, just love.










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