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Okie Sawbones, SASS #77381

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About Okie Sawbones, SASS #77381

  • Birthday 07/06/1949

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Edgewood, Texas
  • Interests
    Shooting sports, ham radio, BBQ, foreign travel, gardening

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Okie Sawbones, SASS #77381's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. Kick the can was one of the better ones.
  2. I was watching an Australian cooking show and the audience applauded when the chef made meringue... I was surprised... I thought Australians usually boo meringue.
  3. The only way she is a singer is if she is a sewing machine.
  4. Do the people involved ever require a preview performance?
  5. I consistently shoot 10 shot groupings from 500 yds. that you can lay a dime over. If I'm lyin'. I'm dyin'.
  6. Absolutely pay attention to cures and their various names like Tender Quick, Prague Powder, Pink Salt, Cure #1, Cure #2, etc. I buy all of my supplies for making bacon, sausage, pastrami. pepperoni and other stuff from Butcher & Packer and The Sausage Maker. Both are top notch outfits.
  7. I make a lot of bacon. Costco sells pork bellies at a reasonable price. So do Mexican markets. There are a lot of online sites on how to make bacon. One good one is here. Feel free to ask specific questions after your review.
  8. I just want to know if you could lick the pie off of your chosen actor/actress?
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