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Hate to go

Dirt Merchant  # 61422

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It not possible to describe what SASS and the Cowboy family has meant to me these past 12years. The strongest and truest friends in my life are SASS members, men and women alike.

I am selling my match guns on the Wire and will be selling other items soon.

My last back surgery has left me unable to be safe on uneven ground, particularly with guns. With that in mind i have to leave the game.

i intend to show up at matches periodically to say hello and have a few laughs and maybe a Bourbon or 2

So many of you mean so very

much to me ,you know who you are, thank you for your friendship and love, it means everything 




Sorry to see this but wish you luck!


Been watching your sales posts. So sorry I did not get to meet up with you along the trail. Hope I get to meet you one day


DANG!!  I’ll miss the gator getups!


I know about the back issues and being unsteady on rough terrain!  REALLY FRUSTRATING!!


I remember you collecting clothes and stuff for storm victims a few years ago.  You’re a good guy and a Top Cowboy!  Don’t be a stranger!


Sorry to hear this.  It happened to my shooting buddy Gimpy Gus a few years ago.  It sounds like you are doing the right thing.  All the best to you.



Very sorry to hear this, Dirt.  But I'd be proud to drink a bourbon with you.  Have grown fond of Buffalo Trace and Evan Williams white label--both hard to find.  Recently had a Pappy Van Winkle but it was pricey and virtually impossible to find by the bottle (ABC lottery for it here in Florida).


The best to ya, my friend.  Keep in touch.  You got my numbers.


So sorry to hear this Dirt. We hope to still see you at the GA State match and best wishes for a favorable recovery.


I hate to hear this Dirt.  You and I started SASS about the same time.  I know you have been having some health issues the last couple of years.  I wish you the best and I hope to see you down the road.  And count me in on that drink of bourbon.


Badlands Bob


sorry to hear this but i do understand your thinking better now than i did a number of years ago - some o0f it comes with age and some with the limitations that puts on us - none of it fun to contemplate or discuss , 

i am pleased to hear you say you will still be around in the background - i hope i can do that when the time comes , stayin in touch with our shooting friends is pretty important for all of us , good luck 


Sure sorry to hear the news but I know you’ve been having some very trying medical problems. I remember you selling me my first SKB at the GA state match about 6 years ago.... a solid SG. 


Hope to to see you at a few of the GA matches in the future and I’d be one to spot you a drink of fine bourbon. 




Is there no possible way you can still enjoy shooting from a sitting position?


Not giving ip, just being prudent. Its not possible for me to not click on high hear when the buzzer goes off. Moving with loaded guns with unstable legs is not an option, recipe for disaster. 

I am getting set up for Steel Challengenso at least I will be shooting, and meeting new friends


Good luck with what ever you do Mr.Merchant.


14 hours ago, Krazy Kajun said:

Sure sorry to hear the news but I know you’ve been having some very trying medical problems. I remember you selling me my first SKB at the GA state match about 6 years ago.... a solid SG. 


Hope to to see you at a few of the GA matches in the future and I’d be one to spot you a drink of fine bourbon. 



Now KK,  what did Dirt ever know about a SKB?  :D


1 hour ago, Billy Boots, # 20282 LTG-Regulator said:

Now KK,  what did Dirt ever know about a SKB?  :D


He shore knew which end to cut on! :lol:



2 hours ago, Krazy Kajun said:

He shore knew which end to cut on! :lol:



For sure.......No doubt he had the finest of mentor, and found one fine fellow to pass that knowledge. 

4 hours ago, Billy Boots, # 20282 LTG-Regulator said:

For sure.......No doubt he had the finest of mentor, and found one fine fellow to pass that knowledge. 


4 hours ago, Billy Boots, # 20282 LTG-Regulator said:

For sure.......No doubt he had the finest of mentor, and found one fine fellow to pass that knowledge. 

Eddie is as fine an SKB mechanic as there ever will be. He took what i taught him and made it better, i even had him put mechanicals in my personal gun!! 

Ya’ll are in good hands




You were kind and patient and generous with your coaching when I consulted with you by phone.  You demonstrated the cowboy way big time to me. Thank you.


Good luck as you pursue your new goals!! :D





I'm very sorry to hear your leaving the game. I know what you mean, I'm wheelchair bound and a friend will pick me up about every 3 mos.. It's weird shooting from a chair. Haven't got the S/G down to good. Still got my 10ga.  :D, but don't shoot it though. Stay safe and good luck to ya'. Hope to see you around.



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