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Rolan Kraps, SASS # 24084 Life

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Everything posted by Rolan Kraps, SASS # 24084 Life

  1. I think that would be fine. Especially if you can do something to make it "Steamier" Clip on a Cracken, Glue on a cog, you get the idea.
  2. No bashing required. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Reminds me of a MEME I saw recently. It said "Don't want to own a gun? Don't buy one. See wasn't that easy?" I think the same logic applies here my friend. Or maybe not?
  3. Tyrel Cody, I would check eBay or ETSY.com Pin Watches were popular for Nurses who had to check pulses. A quick search found these. Naturally, you'd want to "Steampunk" them.
  4. Grinnin' Jim,

    You won your category.  I have your First place poker chip.

    Will you be at next week's match at Hiawassee?  It is Maverick Milt's club.

    5 stage match, FREE.   Chatuge Gun Club

    1. Grinnin Jim

      Grinnin Jim

      WOW!!! I won something, that is so awesome, was that Cowboy?  Hey I had a great time today, you and Bea are awesome, heck everyone there were!!! 


      I wish I could shoot Chatuge but I can only shoot every other weekend (work) so I have try to find a shoot in 2 weeks and hopefully I can catch you at then!!!


    2. Grinnin Jim

      Grinnin Jim

      I plan to shoot with the Cherokee Cowboys in Gainesville on  the 24th! Hopefully I will see you there! 

    3. Rolan Kraps, SASS # 24084 Life

      Rolan Kraps, SASS # 24084 Life

      We'll see you on the 24th then at Cherokee!


  5. I really like the show so far. I'm just up to Episode 4, so no spoilers please. I just made this for a "hat band". It is to ensure that should I perish, I'll have at least 2 shillings to ensure that I am buried deep enough!
  6. Napoleon didn't design his coat, but he had a hand in it.
  7. WOW!! Stopped at a 7-Eleven to get a soda and when I pulled in I noticed these two cops looking at a woman who was smoking while fueling up and I'm thinking wow, what an idiot.. with the police standing right there! So I go in and got my soda and as I was checking out, I hear someone screaming "look outside!!" so i do and what do we all see? The woman's arm was on fire!!! This chicks running around like a chicken with its head cut off, waving her arm around and just going nuts!. Those of us inside go out and the cops take her to the ground and put the fire out with an extinguisher. After all the craziness is over, I start walking to my car and I see that the cops were putting her in handcuffs. This dude walking next to me is like, "what the heck?!?" I kinda stick around cause it looks like this guy is a bit of a jerk and I wanna see what happens. Well...being the jerk I thought he probably was, he asks the cops what in the world they were arresting her for, after all, wasn't catching her arm on fire punishment enough for her stupidity? I couldn't believe what happened next - the cop looked him dead in the eyes and said, "For waving a Firearm".
  8. We come in Peace! Or on second thought "I'm a little teapot"
  9. Services for Bucky Buscadero (John Khoury) will be held this Thursday, 1/26 There will be a reception starting at 4:00 and the memorial service will be at 5:00. The Funeral home is Mays, Ward, Dobbins. Their address is: 180 Church Street NE Marietta, GA 30060 http://www.mayeswarddobbins.com/ The family has requested that all SASS Members come not only in full Cowboy clothes, but also heeled (guns are requested).
  10. I spoke to Whiskey Business a little while ago. She is surrounded by family. Bucky had the opportunity to say "good bye" to all the kids and went peacefully and without pain. I will post details when they are available. They wish everyone to come in Cowboy Clothes. They are checking with the Funeral Home to see if we may come "heeled". More to come. Until then, I scrubbed all my pictures and put together an album for both Bucky and Whiskey. You may view it at the link below. http://s280.photobucket.com/user/Rolan_Kraps/library/Bucky%20Buscadero
  11. Our friend Bucky Buscadero (John Khoury) passed away Sunday night after a long struggle with Kidney and liver disease. Please remember his wife, Whiskey Business and Children in your prayers. Services for Bucky Buscadero (John Khoury) will be held this Thursday, 1/26 There will be a reception starting at 4:00 and the memorial service will be at 5:00. The Funeral home is Mays, Ward, Dobbins. Their address is: 180 Church Street NE Marietta, GA 30060 http://www.mayeswarddobbins.com/ The family has requested that all SASS Members come not only in full Cowboy clothes, but also heeled (guns are requested).
  12. Bea was in the kitchen fiddling around when she hollers out.... "ROLAN! You need to go out and fix the outhouse!" Rolan replies, "There ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse." Bea yells back, "Yes there is, now git out there and fix it." So......Rolan mosies out to the outhouse, looks around and yells back, "Bea! There ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse!" Bea replies, "Stick yur head in the hole!" Rolan yells back, "I ain't stickin my head in that hole!" Bea says, "Ya have to stick yur head in the hole to see what to fix." So with that, Rolan sticks his head in the hole, looks around and yells back, "Ma! There ain't nuthin wrong with this outhouse!" Bea hollers back, "Now take your head out of the hole!" Rolan proceeds to pull his head out of the hole, then starts yelling, "BEA ! Help! My beard is stuck in the cracks in the toilet seat!" To which Bea replies, "Hurt's, don't it ?!" And then the fight started...
  13. Back to the top. Some of these may be in our "Valentine's Day Match"
  14. You shouldn't. It had nothing to do with you.
  15. Or who are even SASS Members in good standing!
  16. Uh, Doc, I meant "Oklahoma Charlie", but we miss you too. Charlie, Bea and I have a bowl of salad with your name on it!
  17. I met David Crosby, Nice guy and Stephen Stills (Dick).
  18. Good to see you back on the wire! Miss you shooting down here in Georgia!
  19. OVER, and OVER again. We started making up our own words to it. They were not kind words.
  20. I have my own... Cover of the Cowboy Chronicle Apologies to Dr Hook. Sung to the tune of "Cover Of The Rolling Stone" By Rolan Kraps Well we’re Cowboy Action Shooters We’re SASS’s best Recruiters. People say we’re strange everywhere we go. We shoot at steel targets and we shoot at clay birds and spend ten thousand dollars on clothes. We shoot old western guns. To have a whole lot of fun But the thrill I've never known Is the thrill that'll getcha When you get your picture On the cover of the Chron-i-cle Chorus: Rolan Kraps! Wanna see my picture on the cover Kraps! Wanna beg five copies for my lover. Kraps! Wanna see my smiling face. On the Cover of the Chron-i-cle. Now it’s so bewitching That my wife Bea Itchin’ Puts up with my crazy schemes She’s got her poor ol' grey haired Daddy Loading her magazine Now it's all designed To blow our minds But our minds won't really be blown Like the blow that'll getcha When you get your picture On the cover with Rolan Kraps Chorus: Rolan Kraps! Wanna see my picture on the cover Kraps! Wanna beg five copies for my mother. Kraps! Wanna see my smiling face. On the Cover of the Chron-i-cle. We gotta lotta young gun shooters Who beat us on any given day We got a genuine world champion Who's teachin' us a better way We got all the friends that’ll put up with us So we never have to shoot alone And we ain’t gettin' richer, but we can't get our picture On the cover of the Chron-i-cle. Chorus: Rolan Kraps! Wanna see my picture on the cover Kraps! Wanna beg five copies for my Lover. Kraps! Wanna see my smiling face. On the Cover of the Chron-i-cle.
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