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Chief Rick

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Everything posted by Chief Rick

  1. I'm not trying to sell - I now need to replace it after it was damaged in a vehicle accident in which I was not at fault.
  2. I've had a laptop for several years now, GP62MVR 7RFX Leopard Pro. I was involved in an auto accident last week (I was rear-ended while sitting at a red traffic light) that damaged the laptop and the screen is now flickering. Do I try to assign a value or does the insurance company? The at-fault insurance company is not my company, if it matters. This laptop is discontinued and I can't find an original MSRP.
  3. Admittedly, I didn't take it apart and look. I did adjust the screw about a half turn and was getting my original charge weight thrown again, so... It was after this I made a couple of witness marks and watched as I started loading another 100 rounds. After about ten rounds, I could see the witness marks were not lining up. Not off by much, but definitely off. I then tried blue painters tape and duck tape, neither would stick adequately to keep the adjustment screw from moving. A dab of hot glue worked for 100 rounds last night. I'll load another 100 this weekend to verify.
  4. We'll see. I don't have plans to remove it any time soon. I have a small heat gun and soldering iron should I need to make an adjustment.
  5. I tried a piece of duck tape and couldn't get it to stick.
  6. It already has the wave washer. It's just not holding. I tried a piece of duck tape and couldn't get it to stick. I don't have any o-rings, though that probably would have worked.
  7. Found the hot glue gun. Will load 100 rounds tonight and see how that works.
  8. I don't know how many thousands of rounds I've loaded with this specific powder measure and I haven't changed the charge (intentionally) in years. I noticed some irregular shots a couple matches ago, so I came back home and weighed a charge. Seems the adjustment screw is turning ever so slightly during operation, resulting in the thrown charges getting lighter and lighter over time. I made a couple of witness marks on the adjustment screw and can monitor the movement, but I'd really like to keep the screw from moving. Is there something that can be applied to the screw (not Loctite) to keep it locked in place, but yet can be removed/reapplied if I decide to go with another powder/charge weight? The 550 adjustment screw doesn't sit flush and has a couple of washers, so I was thinking some type of epoxy or RTV applied to the edge of the screw flats, across the washers to the charge bar. Thoughts?
  9. $100 AUD = $62.89 USD
  10. The Eliminator 8s were crap, as was product support from the distributor in my opinion. I bought a pair of each during the introduction at SHOT. Could never get the 357 guns to cycle reliably at match speeds, even after being worked on. The 45s I had were good after one trip back.
  11. It was 6°F this morning, up to 22°F now. High is supposed to be 39°F. Lows for the next three nights: 12°F, 20°F, 17°F. Highs are supposed to start getting up near 50°F after today.
  12. Yeah, had I had the forethought to have RV antifreeze. WalMart is not open even if I wanted to drive there.
  13. Been about 24°F all day today. Low tonight is forecast to be 11°F. Most all places closed again tomorrow.
  14. Let's not put out facts that can be checked instead of feelings, opinions and theories.
  15. We were in the camper this past weekend so we didn't winterize either. I've got the cabinet doors open, the hot water heater on and a small space heater running.
  16. Update: it's still snowing. Understand, I am not complaining. It's just another day for me and I'm enjoying the view - from inside the house or on the porch. This is the first time I can remember having any measurable snow, especially this close to the coast. I remember several ice storms growing up, but never snow that would stick for any amount of time.
  17. Doesn't happen very often down here (~30 miles North of the Gulf of Mexico). Started snowing, light and fluffy, about 0600 this morning (21JAN2025).
  18. Also, I don't recall cannons firing during pass in review. I worked on the USS Bluejacket during work week and got to watch a pass in review. Watching the stretcher bearers go pick up kids that passed out - most due to locking their knees for too long. We did carry demilled Springfield rifles.
  19. Absolutely! I was there from August to September. The temperature got better as the end was near, but the rain/lightning got worse.
  20. I was in Orlando - 20 years later.
  21. Technology? I don't know. My 2500W Champions are 39 lbs each. One thing to pay attention to is how the generators are marketed/rated. My Champions are labeled as 2500W, but the specs are: Starting Wattage ‎2500 Watts Running Wattage ‎1850 Watts The 4000W you have shown is actually: Starting Wattage ‎4000 Watts Running Wattage ‎3000 Watts Also, my 2500s are rated to run "up to" 11.5 hours at 25% load. My realistic run time is closer to 8-hours under real operating conditions. I try to top off the gas just before going to bed so as not to run out and lose power before I plan on getting up. Do wish the fuel tanks were just a little bit bigger.
  22. I don't have a problem with fuel smells from the generators, just from the spare gas cans. I can, and have, stored my generators inside my travel trailer while on the road or when leaving the campsite unattended. I carry my generators and spare gas in the bed of my tow truck. If your Minni Winni has an external spare tire, look for something to mount your gas cans to that. If it has a 2" receiver hitch, maybe get a cargo rack that will carry the generators and the spare gas cans.
  23. I went with two smaller 2500W Champion inverter generators that I can run in parallel if I need to power the AC. The older I get, the less I want to lift a 3500W+ size generator. I can run the microwave off of one 2500W. My solar/batteries have maintained the fridge and 12VDC power points for multiple day dry camping excursions. Make sure whatever you get is an inverter generator to better protect more sensitive electrical/electronic devices.
  24. Yeah, you have to have "some" signal for it work but I don't know how much. It's not exactly inexpensive and we would only be using once or twice a month on average. Still, this is less expensive than Starlink for my purposes.
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