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Lousy Way To Start The Holiday

Calamity Kris

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Uno and I went to dinner this evening. We were celebrating our new home, the three day weekend and a few other things. We came home to find our elder dog lying on the stairs to the deck. He passed away on the way to the vet.


God speed, Booker. We love you and miss you big guy. Wish we could have been there for you.


Thanks for listening.

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Kris...so sorry for the loss of your Booker...my thoughts and prayers are with you both.....Jim

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There is a special place in heaven for dogs.

Unconditional loyalty and love does not go unnoticed.

They will be there to great us if and when we arrive.

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Aww, Kris... I'm so sorry to read this.


Booker and his people family are in my prayers tonight...

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So sorry. I know it hurts, been there more times than I care to recall. We had to euthanize our beloved Mr. Shorty in Dec. At least you didn't have to go thru that. Dogs rarely have the consideration to just up and die.


Su amigo,


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My sincere condolences on your loss of Booker, My Ruger and Wooly Bear will be on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge to welcome Booker and show him around. Brings tears to eyes for you and your family--it really, really sucks.

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Thanks everyone. He had a good life. We're sure he's chasing footballs with his soul mate Bonnie who left us a couple of years ago. Dogs never do leave you as they remain in your heart forever. {thump thump thump}

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So sorry to hear this Kris. We lost two 6 weeks apart last summer and it hurt like hell. But at the same time we could smile through the tears knowing they were once again playing together. We adopted our 1st German Shepherd 3 days after the second passed and he has done wonders in helping heal the hole Arlo and Zeller had left behind.

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I've had a lot of dogs go on ahead and miss all of them very much. The last two were the hardest. We got a little chihuahua miniature pinscher mix just after Christmas this year, 16 very long months since our boy Peanut left.


We named her Trinket because she was so tiny. She is the reason God hung the sun and she knows it. I really think she saved my sanity because I was depressed beyond belief and couldn't tell anyone about it. I just simply didn't have the words.


Enjoy the memories, mourn at your own sped, and when you're ready adopt another dog. You deserve it and so will the dog.

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A child's parents decided the lad should be present when they put down their old dog.

It was his time; the stilling of his faithful heart was a blessing, a relief from the pain he'd endured.

Of all present, only the child shed no tears, and he explained later, when the adults were discussing their guilt:

"Dogs don't live as long as we do 'cause they don't have to.

"We're here to learn stuff. Like love one another and do good and stuff like that. Dogs know that already so they don't have to stay so long."

Will Rogers said it right when he said, "If dogs don't go to heaven, then when I die, I want to go where dogs go."

My hand on your shoulder, dear heart.

I know the whap whap whap myself.

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So sorry for your loss. I know you have many great memories though. Every time we have lightening and thunder, I remember Princess barking like crazy trying to make it go away. At least now I don't cry every time it thunders anymore. I also remember her herding all the kids into the corner of the backyard once. She was a Sheltie, and they are known for herding. Our daughter was probably 5 years old at the time, and she's 32 now so it was quite a few years ago. The tears will stop with time, but the memories will remain.

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