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Who was POTUS?

Rye Miles #13621

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LBJ, 1968 for me, LBJ 1964 for my bride. First I remember is Ford. Hometown football star. The first I hated was Carter.............


Harry Truman 1950. He dropped the BOMB!!!!! (2) and ended the WAR. Just sayin'




Another Truman.


Truman. If it wasn't for him dropping the big one I wouldn't be here today. My dad was scheduled to invade Japan. He always praised Truman for that even though he was a lifelong Republican.




I think I would prefer JFK over the current Marxist-Muslim Obama.


Harry S. Truman


FDR, 1942, but my main first memories were of Harry. Funny, my Dad, who was probably the only Republican in Chicago (Cook County), and voted for Gov. Thomas Dewey in 1948, later said he thought Truman was one of the finest presidents we ever had! When I was 6, my folks and I were on a train going to visit my Mom's folks in downstate Illinois. We were sidetracked, literally, in Galesburg, Illinois, because the president's "whistle stop campaign" train was coming into the station. Even though, at the time, he opposed Truman's re-election, he felt I should see "the president"! We got off our train, Dad put me up on his shoulders and we walked to within about 50 yards of the campaign train. There was Truman, with an aide, standing on the back platform. That scene repeats itself now and then on my model railroad layout. But I did "like Ike"! My word! It'll be 50 years this June since I graduated from college and pinned on my gold bars!


Truman 52.

Always thought it was Ike until I stopped just now to consider the election year and inauguration year.


LBJ, 1965.


Tricky Dick is the first one I actually remember.


Ditto, born 1966.

Guest Milo Talon SASS #23163



I like Ike, but I sure don't remember him. I do remember JFK, and I remember first voting when the worst modern president was elected only to see him out worsted by the latest one, who has taken the office to a new low (and I fear he isn't done yet).


I remember my Mother and aunt debating the electio when Harry ran against Tom Dewey.


Mom wouldn't vote for Dewey because he wore a mustache and Aunt Thelma wouldn't vote for Harry because he butchered the Missouri Waltz when he played it on the piano.

As good a pair of reasons as most folks employ now days.


sum old guy...... :P

You're such a sneaky little thing!! :lol::wub:



I'd like to forget more of them than I remember.


Truman, but the first president I remember was IKE


FDR 1942


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