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Do your clocks keep time?


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Mine don't. It's annoying.


About a month ago I bought a new microwave, and I set the clock. I set it to my phone, so that's supposed to be the absolutely correct time in accordance with the atomic clock.


Yesterday morning I noticed that it was 10 minutes slow. It's lost 10 minutes in a month.


I have a smart TV. And when I turn my Blu-ray player off the television tells me the time. It just now told me it was 10:59 p.m. . Except my phone said it was 11:06. How to set the time on my television last week, so in one week it has lost 7 minutes.


My wrist watch loses 2 minutes a day.


The clock on my wall says it is 10:58. My phone says it is 11:11. So that's 13 minutes slow.


I have another clock that quit working all together. But I still have it in the room because it has both a thermometer and a humidity gauge. And at least it's right twice a day.


Do your clocks keep time?

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Atomic analog clock...Gets a radio signal and stays in time...Just change the batteries....Even with time changes...


Texas Lizard


Analog wall teaches grand kids how tell time the old fashion way....

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Yes except for maybe a minute off most are in sync. 

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Sort of.  I  usually check time on my phone if I need exact time.  All the others I use to get a general idea of the  time, about quarter till, about 5 minutes after,  that kind of thing.   I try to keep them within about 5 minutes of each other. 

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2 - Computers

1 - Cable box

1 - Sirius radio

1 - Stove

1 - Microwave

1 - Atomic clock

2 - Alarm clocks

2 - Cell phones

2 - Cordless phones

1 - AC/Heat thermostat


14 - Total clocks


All of them are within 1 - 2 minutes of each other except the Sirius radio (doesn't know the difference between DST and standard time/Sirius maintains they can do nothing about it) and the AC/Heat thermostat (doesn't know the difference either and I could care less about setting it as I don't use any of the clock controlled features).


When resetting the clocks due to DST or power failure, I always use the Atomic clock time or the cable box time.


Now that I've added them up, between the clocks and all of the different red/blue indicator lights on everything electric...that's a lot of parasitic power draw to pay for every year.

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My appliance clocks all keep time, as long as there is power to them.  Lose power briefly, and the clocks come back with the time slightly behind where it should be. Lose power for a longer time, and the clocks completely lose time and have to be reset. All the rest -- two battery-powered, two bedside, watches -- they all stay pretty much on, but I fuss with them a bit to keep them that way. As far as Mrs. H's watches, she swaps them out, and  pulls the stem to stop the mechanism when she puts them away. When I reset those, close is good enough.


I have a grandfather clock, which was an exercise of patience to get the regulating nut set right, but now that it's set, the timing works out like this:

The clock runs backwards while winding the mechanism weight, and I wind the weight slowly so that it takes about 15 seconds to wind the weight each week.

To make it all work out, I have the pendulum adjusted so the clock gains 30 seconds over a week.

When I start to wind the clock each week, it is 15 seconds ahead.. The clock runs backwards for the 15 seconds I wind it, while actual time advances 15 seconds. The result is that the clock starts the week 15 seconds behind, catches up and gets 15 seconds ahead by the next week's winding.


Edit - reference corrected

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2 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:


2 - Computers

1 - Cable box

1 - Sirius radio

1 - Stove

1 - Microwave

1 - Atomic clock

2 - Alarm clocks

2 - Cell phones

2 - Cordless phones

1 - AC/Heat thermostat


14 - Total clocks


All of them are within 1 - 2 minutes of each other except the Sirius radio (doesn't know the difference between DST and standard time/Sirius maintains they can do nothing about it) and the AC/Heat thermostat (doesn't know the difference either and I could care less about setting it as I don't use any of the clock controlled features).


When resetting the clocks due to DST or power failure, I always use the Atomic clock time or the cable box time.


Now that I've added them up, between the clocks and all of the different red/blue indicator lights on everything electric...that's a lot of parasitic power draw to pay for every year.

OH!  I also have a thermostat clock that I don’t use. There was a cable box clock but I recently gave it back.

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If you have one clock, you know what time it is. If you have two, you are never sure.


Except  when tied to the time standard. Have rarely worn a wristwatch since I got a cell phone.


For me:

  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Samsung tablet
  • Apple laptop
  • Apple desktop computer
  • Pickup truck radio
  • Car radio
  • TV
  • DVD player
  • 2nd TV (still in box)
  • Same for second DVD player
  • Coffee pot (never set that one, just push a button to stop flashing after power failure
  • Oven/stove
  • Microwave
  • Oh, another computer (PC), not set up
  • Alarm system (home)
  • 2 more alarm systems
  • And two more microwaves and another stove at those other locations
  • 6 thermostats
  • Oh, another iPhone I will be getting rid of soon
  • Weather radio
  • 3 shop/garage clocks
  • Security camera system
  • Game cam
  • Whole-house backup generator
  • 8 wrist/pocket watches (most need service)
  • At least two other clocks I'm not using at this time

I'm sure I forgot at least one... And thinking off-hand, my lady has at least 11 more.




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The power company changed something in their network a few years ago and now as they predicted, the gain sometimes and lose at other times.:angry: Must be a frequency thing. They gain if I run my generator for several hours, especially my alarm clock!

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I have to wonder about the compulsive need to have all the clocks in your home synchronized to the second. 


What are you doing that a few minutes either way makes that much of a difference?  



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Nobody tell alpo I'm messing with him.


Sounds like yer electric isn't modulated correctly


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28 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Gee, so far nobody has listed The dog


My old dog was set for 4:00am sharp. One twitch of the eyelid though and it was tail thumping time...

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25 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

I have to wonder about the compulsive need to have all the clocks in your home synchronized to the second. 


What are you doing that a few minutes either way makes that much of a difference?  

It’s just my fetish. Twice a year I sync them. The stove an nuker are adjacent so I must have them in sync. They reset whenever there is a power glitch, one to 12:00, the other to 1:00.  The two that I can see from my computers gradually go out of sync, one fast the other slow. When I feel irked, I get off my duff and tweak them. The bedroom clock, I reset when it blinks. Living room clocks, maybe I resync them.

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On 4/29/2024 at 9:45 AM, Father Kit Cool Gun Garth said:




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I'm OCD enough, the Microwave which sits atop the Stove, must display the same time as the stove, both of which are set to my iPhone, which displays the same time as my iMac, iPad, iPad Mini, MacBook Air, iWatch and Mini Cooper.   Only the stove and microwave have to be reset at the "time change."

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My old truck is my daily driver.  No onboard computers.  The clock on the radio doesn't automatically change to daylight savings time, and I don't care.   So half the year it's an hour behind, the other half it be jus' fine.

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All the wall clocks are battery powered, the microwave and oven are powered by the utility co. 
Everyone is set 5 minutes fast. A habit I learned from my old man. 
“Never be late for an appointment!!!”  ;)



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mine do - some of my wifes dont - we both go by our phones ,


i set my alarm [bose] radio to my pnone - has battry backup in case the power goes out , my compiters set themselves and my truck gets set to my phone 

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I periodically, usually when we switch from standard to daylight or the other way, check with WWV, which I can reach by phone at a local number. I set my wristwatch and then reset the other clocks to match, usually within a minute or two. A lot of the analog clock don't have clearly marked minute marks, so it is a little by-guess-and-by-golly!

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I have a little of this and that.

My windup clock was originally made for a Soviet Sub.

I wind it every Saturday, works darn good.

Its heavy. drop it and could lose a toe....

Marked 95-2




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Did you know that there is a time dilation effect that occurs in the presence of a gravity well...  :unsure:


How Gravity Changes Time: The Effect Known as Gravitational Time Dilation





So, how much do you weigh?   :o  :P  :lol:

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