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Wi-Fi refrigerator -- Why?


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The new Sam's sale brochure arrived today, and while flipping through it I saw this refrigerator on sale. $1,100 off, so I would be scared to see what it was actually selling for, but it said it was a 28 ft refrigerator and it was Wi-Fi enabled.


Why would you need Wi-Fi in your refrigerator?

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I think that it connects to your computer, Alexa, Siri, or whatever listening device that you have foolishly placed yourself under the control of so that when you realize that you're low on milk you can just say so and it will add it to your shopping list.

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It's mostly so they can charge more of an ititial price, plus more to replace or repair it when it goes tango uniform in a much shorter time than the old, simpler models.


Ms Helen Brimstone had her dishwasher conk out a few months ago.  After an interminable wait, a repairman finally showed up - and announced it needed a software update.  Which he downloaded and installed.  :wacko:


Remember now... "smart guns" are coming!  worried.gif

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I had a nice lady give me the lowdown on how these appliances work. When you take things like milk or juice out it adds that item to your shopping list which you can pull up at the store on your smart phone. 
Washing clothes? They tell you what cycle the washer’s on or when the dryer’s done. 
Electric range. It can tell you how long until something is ready in the oven. You can program it to keep a pot roast cool in the oven until your headed home then it with bake it so your pot roast is ready when you get home from work.
They all keep track of things for you and give you updates through out the day. 

To be perfectly honest, that all just creeps me the hell out. If I get so absent minded that I can’t create a grocery list or I forget how to cook then I will figure out a work around. I don’t need a £***ing appliance nagging me. 


I was at my nephew’s house a couple of months back. I was admiring his Smoker. He walks up and starts telling me how he has it set up to give him updates on his phone and he can control the temperature with his phone. I gave him a look like Lee here and walked away. 

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I wonder if your ancestors were as stubborn as you guys...


I don't want to live in the cave - there's nothing wrong with sleeping on the ground.  I don't mind being rained on and if a tiger doesn't eat some of these kids from time to time - soon we would be over run with children.


Glasses?  If I ever get so blind I need artificial help for my sight; I deserve to walk off the cliff.


Penicillin?  I don't think so - you either cut off the infected limb or you die.  Been that way forever; you're just playing God.


Give me a good old carburetor with jets and o rings that I understand.  I don't care if fuel injection is cleaner, more reliable, more efficient and delivers more power - I'm frightened by change.


I love you guys - but you're dinosaurs.

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1 hour ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

I wonder if your ancestors were as stubborn as you guys...


I don't want to live in the cave - there's nothing wrong with sleeping on the ground.  I don't mind being rained on and if a tiger doesn't eat some of these kids from time to time - soon we would be over run with children.


Glasses?  If I ever get so blind I need artificial help for my sight; I deserve to walk off the cliff.


Penicillin?  I don't think so - you either cut off the infected limb or you die.  Been that way forever; you're just playing God.


Give me a good old carburetor with jets and o rings that I understand.  I don't care if fuel injection is cleaner, more reliable, more efficient and delivers more power - I'm frightened by change.


I love you guys - but you're dinosaurs.


Hardpan stands by his statement above.  ;)

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5 hours ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

I wonder if your ancestors were as stubborn as you guys...


I don't want to live in the cave - there's nothing wrong with sleeping on the ground.  I don't mind being rained on and if a tiger doesn't eat some of these kids from time to time - soon we would be over run with children.


Glasses?  If I ever get so blind I need artificial help for my sight; I deserve to walk off the cliff.


Penicillin?  I don't think so - you either cut off the infected limb or you die.  Been that way forever; you're just playing God.


Give me a good old carburetor with jets and o rings that I understand.  I don't care if fuel injection is cleaner, more reliable, more efficient and delivers more power - I'm frightened by change.


I love you guys - but you're dinosaurs.

I may be a dinosaur but you're going too far there with EFI vs carburetors. 


In fridge shopping lists are old news.  Their goal is to link your fridge to your store for kickbacks, continuing to make money from you.  You could send the order to the store for curbside pickup, a delivery service, or even a stocking service if you're not home.

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1 hour ago, Oak Ridge Regulator said:

The WiFi in the fridge just lets your spouse know when your cheating on your diet of sneaking that extra scoop of ice cream

......And that is why I'll never have one in my kitchen!

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I'm not quite a Luddite or dinosaur, but...


I don't see the need for most of this electronic stuff. It's just more stuff to go wrong with already WAY overpriced appliances, vehicles and, well...damn near everything. It's getting to the point that you can't buy anything without all this crap in it.


If the internet and all of the cell phones in the World suddenly died tomorrow, I would miss it for a little while but I think that I would quickly adjust (revert) back to a MUCH simpler lifestyle. Of course, that would be all for the Saloon...just have to make phone calls with the wall phone.:o


Edit - I guess I am a dinosaur, the kind that traverses on two feet...small arms aren't just appendages.

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A refrigerator is supposed to keep food cool, period. Doesn't need anything fancy to do that. This just adds unnecessary cost to the prime reason this invention exists. But I'm sure it makes eco-yuppies and enviro-hippies proud to show off to their friends.

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7 hours ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

I wonder if your ancestors were as stubborn as you guys...


I don't want to live in the cave - there's nothing wrong with sleeping on the ground.  I don't mind being rained on and if a tiger doesn't eat some of these kids from time to time - soon we would be over run with children.


Glasses?  If I ever get so blind I need artificial help for my sight; I deserve to walk off the cliff.


Penicillin?  I don't think so - you either cut off the infected limb or you die.  Been that way forever; you're just playing God.


Give me a good old carburetor with jets and o rings that I understand.  I don't care if fuel injection is cleaner, more reliable, more efficient and delivers more power - I'm frightened by change.


I love you guys - but you're dinosaurs.

Nah! I love technology, but only on my terms. The trouble with home and auto technology today is corporations also feel it’s their right to track everything you do because you pay them for their technology. They can kiss my freedom loving American ass!


I use an iPhone, but I limit the tracking apps. 
My automobiles are low tech. So is my motorcycle. 

I don’t need my flippin’ refrigerator compiling analytics on how I eat or drink and my gastronomic tendencies. 
I can see a time in the future when you go to a doctors appointment and the doctor’s staff is questioning you on why you have whole milk in your refrigerator when the doctor has specified that you aren’t to be using dairy products and continuing the use of dairy may impact your insurance benefits. 

Advances in technology are wonderful. Advances in open ended information technology are not. 


Yes, I sound paranoid. So what? It’s my life. 

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2 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

Yes, I sound paranoid.

It would be paranoid if there wasn’t already so much evidence that it’s justified. 

Click on one thing on the ‘net, next thing, you’re blasted with ads associated with that thing. 

Add the refrigerator as another way for people I don’t know to get into my business? No thanks. 

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7 hours ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

I wonder if your ancestors were as stubborn as you guys...


I don't want to live in the cave - there's nothing wrong with sleeping on the ground.  I don't mind being rained on and if a tiger doesn't eat some of these kids from time to time - soon we would be over run with children.


Glasses?  If I ever get so blind I need artificial help for my sight; I deserve to walk off the cliff.


Penicillin?  I don't think so - you either cut off the infected limb or you die.  Been that way forever; you're just playing God.


Give me a good old carburetor with jets and o rings that I understand.  I don't care if fuel injection is cleaner, more reliable, more efficient and delivers more power - I'm frightened by change.


I love you guys - but you're dinosaurs.

 They were as stubborn, or more so.  That's why we are here today...and why we are dinosaurs.  Better to be a dinosaur than some fresh out of the egg with shell still stuck to to his feathers chick who doesn't know enough to survive without "modern technology" and who can't do anything but chirp and crap.

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Just bought a new LG because the old LG needed a new gasket (kids also had broken some shelves closing the door on stuff sticking out on the shelves) and they don't support it anymore.  No extra junk other than an internal icemaker.  Biggest refrigerator/freezer with the most refrigerator space that would fit in the space.  Not brand loyal...it just fit best.


WiFi with TV screen.... Nope that extra $1500 turns into $3000 in 7 years.  And when the unsupported gasket goes bad I can buy a new gasket with a refrigerator for $3000.

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Reminds me of this one...


CALLER: Is this Gordon's Pizza?

GOOGLE: No sir, it's Google Pizza.

CALLER: I must have dialed a wrong number. Sorry.

GOOGLE: No sir, Google bought Gordon’s Pizza last month.

CALLER: OK. I would like to order a pizza.

GOOGLE: Do you want your usual, sir?

CALLER: My usual? You know me?

GOOGLE: According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms and meatballs on a thick crust.

CALLER: OK! That’s what I want …

GOOGLE: May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat gluten-free thin crust?

CALLER: What? I detest vegetable!.

GOOGLE: Your cholesterol is not good, sir.

CALLER: How the hell do you know?!

GOOGLE: Well, we cross-referenced your home phone number with your medical records. We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years.

CALLER: Okay, but I do not want your rotten vegetable pizza! I already take medication for my cholesterol.

GOOGLE: Excuse me sir, but you have not taken your medication regularly. According to our database, you only purchased a box of 30 cholesterol tablets once, at Drug RX Network, 4 months ago.

CALLER: I bought more from another drugstore.

GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your credit card statement.

CALLER: I paid in cash.

GOOGLE: But you did not withdraw enough cash according to your bank statement.

CALLER: I have other sources of cash.

GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your last tax return unless you bought them using an undeclared income source, which is against the law.


GOOGLE: I'm sorry, sir, we use such information only with the sole intention of helping you.

CALLER: Enough already! I'm sick to death of Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and all the others. I'm going to an island without internet, cable TV, where there is no cell phone service and no one to watch me or spy on me

GOOGLE: I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. It expired 6 weeks ago…

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The concept is IoT or "internet of things"
This machines your fridge is accessible to you (and anybody else) from the internet.
Man-bun types can then turn on the interior light and camera, and see if they need milk.
This eliminates the need for making a list, and for advance thinking in general.

F*** that.


As noted above, Dishwasher v1.0 had a bug and crapped out, so the tech had to install Dishwasher v1.1.
However, DW 1.1 is incompatible with House v1.0 unless House has Service Pack #1 installed.

Then Service Pack #1 loses communication with both Laundry v1 and Water Heater 2.0, so Hotfix #xyzzy is required.


This hotfix will be picked up in the next Service Pack, then a whole new round of bugs begins.

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Just plain marketing and upselling.  Lets say a basic refrigerator costs $1000 to make.  Everything else is a fixed cost like shipping warehousing etc.  If I can add a TV Screen and computer for $500 and charge  $1000 more I get more than double the profit margin.  We are always being sold things we don't need.


Now with the looming ammo shortage and new government limits on guns we all need some 556 and another semiautomatic :lol:

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31 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

Bar Codes. Not kidding. 

I’m guessing one still has to swipe the code across a reader when loading things in. I’m astonished people think this is going to improve their lives.

Regardless, I’m not looking for a relationship or interactive experience with my appliances. 


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5 hours ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

How does a fridge know what’s in it if you don’t tell it?

Saw an ad a while back, they have cameras, so you can check it from afar and see what you need!! Then follow the Google advice above. Oh and you really should wipe better:ph34r:

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10 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

Nah! I love technology, but only on my terms. The trouble with home and auto technology today is corporations also feel it’s their right to track everything you do because you pay them for their technology. They can kiss my freedom loving American ass!


I use an iPhone, but I limit the tracking apps. 
My automobiles are low tech. So is my motorcycle. 

I don’t need my flippin’ refrigerator compiling analytics on how I eat or drink and my gastronomic tendencies. 
I can see a time in the future when you go to a doctors appointment and the doctor’s staff is questioning you on why you have whole milk in your refrigerator when the doctor has specified that you aren’t to be using dairy products and continuing the use of dairy may impact your insurance benefits. 

Advances in technology are wonderful. Advances in open ended information technology are not. 


Yes, I sound paranoid. So what? It’s my life. 

 I hate to tell you but You are not paranoid.
 You are a biker so You know about Sturgis .
 Well 2023 was a slow year off year weather ect we that live here can tell . 
They DOT has a traffic count and done it for years  the busiest year was like 75th (don't quote me on that I dont keep count) but 2015 attendance was 739k  yes it was busy. 
  This year the City of Sturgis decided to track cell phones they came up with a different number than DOT this year at 480 k ( seems right ) But Sturgis came up with 700k based off cell phones (many locals do the concerts and such so I dont agree with the number. Anyway heres the paranoid part off that 700k Sturgis using cell phone tracking then broke that down to age groups , How long you stayed there and your income all based off of the cell data ., this is just what they say out loud what else can they tell ??


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We bought all new stainless steel kitchen appliances about 6 months ago because apparently, white appliances don't cook good any more.  Any way, I got them all installed, the wife is happy and life goes on.  A few days later it was raining and I was bored.  I broke out the stack of owners manuals for these Samsung appliances and discovered they were WiFi compatible with a cell phone app.  So I spent the rest of the day setting up the app on my and the wife's phone.  No the refrigerator tells me when it needs a new water filter and if the door is left open.  I can also check the interior temperature from anywhere in the world.  I can see if the stove is on, so I know the wife is cooking dinner and the dishwasher sends me a text when it finished running a load.  All totally unnecessary information but it's kind of fun to play with.  


I don't have the camera in the fridge thing.  We must have picked out one of the cheaper models.

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I always froze some water in a plastic container, then dropped a coin on top of the ice.


If the coin was ever not on top of the ice, the freezer lost power long enough to thaw.


Not sure how wifi helps with notifying about the outage when it happens (hey! no power!) but can tell you power was restored.


Would need to read the manuals to find if there is more value, but still think it is a good idea to have a chunk of ice in a container with a coin on top.

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9 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

But you can't check the temperature from anywhere in the world! 

True, I can not, nor have I ever wanted to. But if I'm somewhere else in the world and decide to check and it is not right, what am I going to do about it?

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We recently got a new washer and dryer. They are both WiFi smart. All I needed to do was download their APP and the world would be good. I started reading the fine print…….


If I installed their APP, I was giving them permission to access any of the information on my phone. This included contact lists, etc. Be very careful if you are using these features. Any and all of your info on your phone can now be read and used by the APP and those Commies that run the APP


Maybe I’m a dinosaur, but I am not using their APP!

Sam Sackett 

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1 minute ago, Sam Sackett said:

We recently got a new washer and dryer. They are both WiFi smart. All I needed to do was download their APP and the world would be good. I started reading the fine print…….


If I installed their APP, I was giving them permission to access any of the information on my phone. This included contact lists, etc. Be very careful if you are using these features. Any and all of your info on your phone can now be read and used by the APP and those Commies that run the APP


Maybe I’m a dinosaur, but I am not using their APP!

Sam Sackett 


As I understand it, when someone installs the TikTok app they give TikTok (Chinese government) the same permission to access anything on your device. I have to imagine that many apps have the same fine print detailing accessibility by entities other than the owner of the device.

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