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Clean powder

Sunshine Sally

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46 minutes ago, Sunshine Sally said:

I’ve been loading 38 special 105 grain using the last of Unique. Any suggestions on a cleaner burning gun powder?  Thanks Sunshine Sally

What's your load.


How old is your Unique?   When I started shooting SASS, I used up some 8 lb of old Unique (paper container) .  Then got a new jug. The new stuff made less smoke. I heard they improved the formula.  


3.0 Bullseye 


American Select


Meters great, a "fluffier" type powder, consistent ignition in all temperatures and it's even currently available.


Tite-Group, 3.4 gr with either 105 or 125 bullet.  That is what my better half uses when she shoots smokeless. 



46 minutes ago, Rattlesnake Slim said:

Clean Shot, from Bullets By Scarlett. Very clean burning and meters beautifully, even at light .38spl loads.

I endorse Clean Shot also.  If I have found any potential issue with it, it might be that it is very small grained powder and can very slowly leak out of the powder measure when charging cases--talking a couple of powder granules here and there...not grains by weight...SB


I’ve been using Winchester 244 for a few years now and really like it! Pretty clean burning. 


I used Bullseye for several years to load all my pistol and rifle ammo. A couple of years ago Bullseye became very scarce in these parts and I purchased some Titegroup because it was what I could get at the time. I have found it to be very satisfactory and have continued to use it even when Bullseye became available again. I, like you, also load a .38 special using a 105 grain bullet.  As to it being clean burning, I have not found any of the popular powders to be really clean especially loading low velocity ammo. I think if you will give Titegroup a try, you will like it. 

58 minutes ago, Sunshine Sally said:

Thank you.  SS  Anyone use Titegroup or VihtaVuori N320? I’ve been loading the Unique 4.2 gr

Do you use a firm roll-crimp? 

I use 4.0gn w/158gn RNFP in .38 Special for my wife's SASS loads.


Titegroup was my main smokeless powder in .38 Specials, 3.5 grains under a 125 grain lead RNFP. Hodgdon lists 3.2 min to 3.8 max for CAS, so I loaded in the middle.  Clean and accurate.  The brass gets hot, and it has a nice bang.  




Was having position issues with Winchester 231 recently so switched to TiteGroup.  Loading 3.4 gr. behind a 125 gr. TCFN with firm taper or roll crimp.  No position issues and the load works well.

20 minutes ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Titegroup was my main smokeless powder in .38 Specials, 3.5 grains under a 125 grain lead RNFP. Hodgdon lists 3.2 min to 3.8 max for CAS, so I loaded in the middle.  Clean and accurate.  The brass gets hot, and it has a nice bang.  



FYI, HP-38 is the same as WW231 ;)

2 hours ago, Sunshine Sally said:

Thank you.  SS  Anyone use Titegroup or VihtaVuori N320? I’ve been loading the Unique 4.2 gr

Sally , I used VV  N320 some years ago , don't remember the load. It was a clean burning powder , a bit expensive. I think  that I won a pound of it as a door-prize , or some similar situation , the reason I had it. 

I don't think you would be disappointed if you try it. Back when I was loading 38's I used mostly Clays.

Good luck and good shooting , whatever you pick.

Rex :D


I've used a lot of VV N320 and N330, mostly in 9mm and .45ACP, cleanest burning powders I've ever used, little more expensive than the others, but not enough to keep me from using it.


When I run out of other powders, they will be replaced by VV.



A lot of the time the problem with Unique is. People don't use enough powder or put on a strong enough crimp .

Hence your gun gets dirty 

14 hours ago, Sandhills Slim, SASS #22998 said:

As to it being clean burning, I have not found any of the popular powders to be really clean especially loading low velocity ammo


If you have an ample supply of your Unique, you could bump the charge up a little bit and it might be a little cleaner. Clean Shot one pounders are available now at https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1094601303044

Powder Valley, Midsouth Shooters Supply,Natchez, Graf also carry it. Some of them showed out of stock. 

Big hugs!



I loaded Unique by the bushels before SASS with no problems.  I started loading lighter charges and bullets for cowboy action shooting and ran into unburnt powder and inconsistent loads. I bumped the charge up and got better results.  I found it best not to go below charges listed in my Lyman manual. 


Thanks everyone.  Several suggestions are easy to do. Will try to find powder around here to avoid fees. Good shooting cowboys and cowgirls. 

17 hours ago, Sunshine Sally said:

Thank you.  SS  Anyone use Titegroup or VihtaVuori N320? I’ve been loading the Unique 4.2 gr

I load N320 for my wife.  She told me to never load Unique for her again after shooting N320.  The new powder Sport Pistol burns quite clean too as does American Select.

18 hours ago, Randy Saint Eagle, SASS # 64903 said:

I use Clays and like it real well, been using it since 2005.



Good luck getting Clays! I called them last week and they told me it will not be available  any time soon! 2025 or longer.


I used 3.4 grains of VV320 and it worked well.  As state it costs more and there are several other good, economical powders. 


You have to balance "clean" with recoil and sometimes consistency. 


I've been using Win 244 in my .38 Special loads for both 125 and 147 grain bullets (pistol and rifle respectively), same charge for both.  I believe it's 3.2 grains.  Start at lowest recommended, of course.  244 seems to be readily available and pretty inexpensive, and burns clean for me.  Good luck.


Try 18gns of any 3FFF. Enjoy the ride. As with most lady shooters I know, I’m sure you clean more than one pocket watch at the end of a match. LOL I’m living proof. I do Titegroup when not doing BP and TG (45 Colt) does make a mess. I can usually spot my brass by the blow-by. If you can get some CSB-1 it burns the cleanest of any powder I have tried. I bought 16 lbs during last powder shortage and great for SG and pistol. Use same data load as Clays and 3gns seem to go ‘poof’ and not ‘pow’


I am on the CleanShot band wagon. I have used it for over 5 years without any issues. I load 3.5 grains with a 125 grain bullet. Accurate and knocks down any plates it needs to.




N320 is a great choice.  A little more expensive, but if it's available to you it's clean and sweet shooting.

Titegroup is a good powder for CAS, fairly clean, easy to download , I use 3.2 grains with 105 grain bullets. Cheap and pretty easy to find.

Bullseye is what I've been using for a while now since I found a 8 Lb. jug.  It's clean and reasonably available.  I also load 3.2 grains of Bullseye.

Clean Shot is what I'll be loading when I run out of Bullseye.  It's very clean burning, not position sensitive, not very temperature sensitive, has been easy to find at a good price.  I will also be using it to load shotshells when I run out of Promo.


Hope this helps.  Basically any fast burning pistol powder will work for you and probably be a little cleaner than Unique.  Unique is a versatile powder, but needs to be loaded a little hotter than most CAS shooters like in order to burn clean.


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