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Feinstein passes at 90

Rye Miles #13621

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32 minutes ago, Smokin Gator SASS #29736 said:

If George Moscone had not been assassinated no one, at least outside of San Francisco would know who she was.

I only got 1 question.


What did George Moscone know about the Clintons?:D



Suicide Hotline Order.jpg

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25 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

Mansplaining to aFB_IMG_1696005128243.thumb.jpg.b44701b1368afb7c2a525ad65a81a17f.jpg colleague and trying to intimidate her



Too late :P

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We should all be ashamed of ourselves…





No one bought a round to toast!


BOTTLES! Drinks all around, my good man and grab yourself one of those fine ceegars! We’re gonna have us a toast!


Okay, I’ll start. 

Here’s to swimmin’’ with bowlegged….no, wait…Here’s to sunny days, Gents!

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I always find it interesting when somebody famous dies.  10,000 people in America will die today.  A lot of unsung heros, got up every day, went to work, paid taxes, raised a family, did things right, added value.


And some entertainer or in this case a politician is a big deal.


How did DF help the guys that did it right?  Did she reward them or punish them?


Didn't know DF but I doubt she was my kind, many of the other 10,000 that died today were....perspective.

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45 minutes ago, Dawg Hair, SASS #29557 said:

I don't like to wish evil on anybody but I'm glad she's gone.

I don't like to wish evil on anybody but I'm glad she's gone.  I'll have a celebratory drink tonight.


44 minutes ago, Dawg Hair, SASS #29557 said:

I don't like to wish evil on anybody but I'm glad she's gone.  I'll have a celebratory drink tonight.


You can say that again!:D


Sounds like you might finish the bottle by the time you're done posting!:lol:

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Remember when she swept everyone with an AR 15 in congress? I’ll try and find a clip of that.

Here ya go…..scroll down 


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Replacing dictators in Iran/Iraq.  Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


Did someone say something about Schiff?


Someone asked Chris Christie why he doesn't run for Senate.  I hear he said something like 'if I'd have wanted it I'd have appointed myself when I had the chance.'

Replacing dictators in Iran/Iraq.  Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


Did someone say something about Schiff?


Someone asked Chris Christie why he doesn't run for Senate.  I hear he said something like 'if I'd have wanted it I'd have appointed myself when I had the chance.'

Replacing dictators in Iran/Iraq.  Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.


Did someone say something about Schiff?


Someone asked Chris Christie why he doesn't run for Senate.  I hear he said something like 'if I'd have wanted it I'd have appointed myself when I had the chance.'

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9 hours ago, Chantry said:

Watching the mess that will be nominating her replacement should be interesting.  Newsom made some promises about who he would nominate so there going to be some people less than pleased with Newsom no matter what he does.


As to that person's death, I really don't much care.

Newsom can appoint a replacement. It’s not until the next election cycle that it comes for a vote. 

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2 hours ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Newsom can appoint a replacement. It’s not until the next election cycle that it comes for a vote. 

Newsome has indicated his appointment will be a :"caretaker" appointment, so not one of the 3 apparent contenders for the office.


He does not want to be seen taking sides in the next election... OK.


But mainly writing to report my impression of a news report on NPR today. Yes, I do monitor what it presents. Of particular note was a story about how Feinstein stood up for herself and her beliefs. She was challenged about her firearms knowledge on the Senate floor. Besides her rhetoric as the the assassinations which catapulted her into office as the SF mayor, she stated she had firearms training and strongly implied he had a firearm. This was due to her home being shot at!


Well, I do find such a shooting deplorable (and the perpetrators worthy of prosecution) but I also find deplorable that she felt apparently some (special?) need (right?) for her self defense but clearly  did not champion the same right for the general population.


May she rest in peace, and may her view of the rights of the rest of us do the same.


And may Newsome actually listen to that same NPR report and note the same thing I did. Certain policy choices are not open for discussion. Feinstein was not special, Newsome is not special, his appointee is not special, the next elected senator is not special. None of their needs is special.  They are our needs too.


May they all pass of natural causes at a ripe age just like DF, but may they also pass humbly as a representatives of all the people.

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She can !@#$% @@#$% and then go xxx %$$@!#$ .

By ! 

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14 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

I don’t normally speak ill of the dead…






May we NEVER see her like again!!

While I agree with the sentiment, those waiting in the wings, such as gruesom or shi**y schiff are untold times worse. It's almost like California has become a pipeline for political corruption.

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7 hours ago, Clay Mosby said:

While I agree with the sentiment, those waiting in the wings, such as gruesom or shi**y schiff are untold times worse. It's almost like California has become a pipeline for political corruption.

And Commie-like thuggery, manipulation and ignorance. Useful Idiots Abound!

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12 hours ago, Clay Mosby said:

While I agree with the sentiment, those waiting in the wings, such as gruesom or shi**y schiff are untold times worse. It's almost like California has become a pipeline for political corruption.

I thought there was already a place where, the licence plates were made by the former governors...

I thought She was the representative of all Evil...


Jabez Cowboy 

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11 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:



   ..... we have some here too .....  :wacko:

There's only some?


Lucky you.<_<


We got a LOT.  More than we really have a use for.


Ya'll want some of the extras?:lol:



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It wouldn’t do to forget her, but most of us would certainly like to!

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