Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 We have seen that Total Time is now the official method of SASS... but is it the best I propose we do it by height, you know, how tall everyone is line the posse up with boots and hats on and the tallest shooter gets 1 point, the next 2 and so on down the line this will allow the shortest to have a large number which helps them in the self-worth department then just put all the posse numbers together and you'll have it...course you'll have several number 1's and 2's (depending on number of posses) but that can be decided on boot size cheyenne
Marshal Chance Morgun Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 No, No, No. What you need to do is award bonus points for the work a posse member does. -5 seconds for picking up brass, --4 for being T.O., -3 for spotting, +10 for being the 5th person in line at the loading table.
Marauder SASS #13056 Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 44 minutes ago, Marshal Chance Morgun said: No, No, No. What you need to do is award bonus points for the work a posse member does. -5 seconds for picking up brass, --4 for being T.O., -3 for spotting, +10 for being the 5th person in line at the loading table. I like it!
Cypress Sun Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 1 hour ago, Marshal Chance Morgun said: No, No, No. What you need to do is award bonus points for the work a posse member does. -5 seconds for picking up brass, --4 for being T.O., -3 for spotting, +10 for being the 5th person in line at the loading table. Is the -5 per stage or overall? Can you do all three for the trifecta? You forgot the target reset folks also. I'm going to have to get me a bunch of cheap pickers and sell them at a "reasonable" price at the larger matches.
Cheatin Charlie Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 5 hours ago, Grizzly Dave said: That whole idea is a number two... BULL # 2 !
Shooting Bull Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 1 hour ago, Marshal Chance Morgun said: No, No, No. What you need to do is award bonus points for the work a posse member does. -5 seconds for picking up brass, --4 for being T.O., -3 for spotting, +10 for being the 5th person in line at the loading table. I think you got T.O. and brass picker backwards.
Springfield Slim SASS #24733 Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 Do I get extra points for bringing my wife and 2 kids to shoot also? I mean, I gotta clean 16 guns afterwards, must count for somthin'!
Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 He who makes the most smoke is awarded the win !!! Because Ya All can't see me miss ... Jabez Cowboy
Lorelei Longshot, SASS #44256 Life Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 Shooting black sometimes works to your advantage and sometimes it works against you. Even though "If you THINK it is a miss, it is a HIT" is told again and again to the spotters, some spotters insist that you had a miss when really it was a hit. Only way to prove otherwise is if you are the first shooter on freshly painted targets and you count the dings. Then again some spotters do give you the benefit of the doubt and give you a hit when it really was a miss.
Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 And sometimes on freshly painted targets a number 8 (two bullets touching one on top of the other ) still gets you call of one miss .... I even took a photo that clearly shows the two bullets just touching one above the other ,,,, 3 spotters all called it as only one hit on that target .... The Match director up-held the call ,,, this at a Provincial /State shoot ... This was years ago ,,,, but it still sticks in my craw when I think of it ... Jabez Cowboy
Yusta B. Posted July 14, 2017 Posted July 14, 2017 16 minutes ago, Lorelei Longshot, SASS #44256 Life said: some spotters insist that you had a miss when really it was a hit. Only way to prove otherwise is if you are the first shooter on freshly painted targets and you count the dings. Then again some spotters do give you the benefit of the doubt and give you a hit when it really was a miss. The old "bug and the winshield" corollary.
Boomstick Bruce Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 8 minutes ago, Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 said: May I make this thread vanish? please, it makes my brain hurt
Captain Clark Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 8 hours ago, Dantankerous said: Naw... The largest spur rowels win. What is this you speak of???? Everybody knows it should be based on BIGGEST HAT Tie breakers would be; Felt / straw Crown / brim style hat band color manufacturer
Pat Riot Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 I think "Grin Factor" should be part of it. A shooter walks away from the stage grinning, they get -5 seconds. Cause everyone else to be grinning for whatever reason during their time at the line, they get an additional -5 seconds... Dang, Stirrup Trouble, great minds think alike and at the same time too.!
Rye Miles #13621 Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 22 hours ago, Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 said: May I make this thread vanish? Please!!!
Two Spurs Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 23 hours ago, Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 said: May I make this thread vanish? That's a good one. Somebody must have told CR that he's snowed in.....
Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L Posted July 16, 2017 Author Posted July 16, 2017 no snow on the Texas Gulf Coast but we had 7 feet of Sunshine today! took like forever to get it all shoveled off the streets and sidewalks
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 On 7/15/2017 at 7:32 AM, StirrupTrouble said: How about who has the biggest grin? On 7/15/2017 at 7:32 AM, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said: I think "Grin Factor" should be part of it. A shooter walks away from the stage grinning, they get -5 seconds. Cause everyone else to be grinning for whatever reason during their time at the line, they get an additional -5 seconds... Dang, Stirrup Trouble, great minds think alike and at the same time too.! Hey! That might just be a method that would favor me.
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 11 hours ago, Blackey Cole said: It who drove the farthest I actually buckled in "who traveled the farthest" once.
The Original Lumpy Gritz Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 On 7/15/2017 at 7:32 AM, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said: great minds think alike and at the same time too.! So doez crazy people- OLG
Sedalia Dave Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 On Saturday, July 15, 2017 at 9:32 AM, StirrupTrouble said: How about who has the biggest grin? The biggest laugh I ever got was shooting a stage where shotgun was last. Went to my belt and had no shells. Placed my pistols on the prop table yelled be right back and ran to my cart and grabbed a handfull of shells. Ran back to the firing line holsterd my pistols and finished the stage. Although it is now ilegal, at the time it was OK. Had just read a "what's the call" where someone else had done the same thing. I still get ribbed for doing that but it was worth it for all the looks on everyone's faces at the time.
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 1 minute ago, Sedalia Dave said: The biggest laugh I ever got was shooting a stage where shotgun was last. Went to my belt and had no shells. Placed my pistols on the prop table yelled be right back and ran to my cart and grabbed a handfull of shells. Ran back to the firing line holsterd my pistols and finished the stage. Although it is now ilegal, at the time it was OK. Had just read a "what's the call" where someone else had done the same thing. I still get ribbed for doing that but it was worth it for all the looks on everyone's faces at the time. That reminds me of the time, many years ago, during a Plainsman side match when I left my pistols on the LT. I ran downrange to shoot the RP targets with my pistols and didn't have them. So I ran back uprange to the LT, holstered them and ran back The topper was Mike Bastain got it all on film. After all that, I wasn't even last.
Sixgun Seamus Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 I think anyone who wears chaps in 80+ degree weather should get at least a 10 second bonus.
Pat Riot Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 2 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said: The biggest laugh I ever got was shooting a stage where shotgun was last. Went to my belt and had no shells. Placed my pistols on the prop table yelled be right back and ran to my cart and grabbed a handfull of shells. Ran back to the firing line holsterd my pistols and finished the stage. Although it is now ilegal, at the time it was OK. Had just read a "what's the call" where someone else had done the same thing. I still get ribbed for doing that but it was worth it for all the looks on everyone's faces at the time. I did something similar. I was up next to fire. I was the last shooter on the stage. Had been the brass picker and just didn't realize the posse was almost done. I Somehow managed to load my revolvers but in the course of loading there was a "Down range" call. It took a while to clear. In the meantime while we were backed away from the table I was jaw jackin' and when things were clear it was my turn to shoot. Fired 10 pistol, grabbed rifle slammed a virtual rounnd home and "click"...again "click". Someone yelled "His rifle rounds are still at the loading bench". So I commenced to loading the rifle from my belt. Took forever. I didn't think about going to get the ammo, but I learned a big lesson that day: 1. PAY ATTENTION WHEN YOUR LOADING AT THE TABLE. 2. Don't leave cartridges in your belt so long they get stuck... 3. Get a belt pouch, forget the bullet loops. I was fairly new New at the time.
SlicLee SASS #16638 Life Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 Who here ALIVE remembers the BIG COWBOY HAT event. Was it a regional, a BIG LOCAL you had to wear it once only, when your name was called you put on your head good for 2 pts you had to walk to the end of line, were allowed to touch one side only I think. If anyone has pictures please post them, thank you, Lee i have a mental maybe, doc you maybe BIIG
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