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Everything posted by StirrupTrouble

  1. SASS Alias: Stirrup Trouble SASS #: 98294 Where you are from: Nebraska How long you’ve been Cowboy Action Shooting: 4+ years, and completely and totally hooked TG and Regulator
  2. Happy, birthday, princess
  3. I know exactly what you mean, Yusta. Most of the people I consider true friends I would not recognize in "civilian" clothes or without a cowboy hat
  4. I like it! I may have to use that one
  5. Thanks to SASS for all they have done. I have loved this sport since I first found it, and most of my friends I would not have if it were not for cowboy shooting. I will continue to do my small part to grow my club and another one I am helping out, and will keep trying to spread the work to keep the sport going
  6. My Stoeger Supreme was purchased from them and they are top notch. Mine had a lockup issue about a year after buying it, and when talking the Jared there was a Stoeger quality issue affecting some of them from the era when I bought mine. I was just looking for advice, as it was in the middle of the season, and my state shoot was coming up in a week. He knew what to do and even though it had nothing to do with his work, he asked if he could fix it and assured me I would have it back in time for state. He emailed me a call tag and paid shipping both ways, would take no money for the repairs, and got it in my hands the day before I was due to leave for the state shoot. It has worked flawlessly ever since, and with the way they took good care of me, I would not hesitate to send anyone to them Awesome folks! You will not regret dealing with them
  7. The Bowie knife idea sounds great
  8. I joined in 2013 even before I shot my first match. I have always loved history, especially the history of the old west. I also loved shooting, but cowboy guns had a special place in my heart. I volunteer at a range with a number of venues, and one Saturday after a .22 match I was an RO/safety officer for ended, I saw the cowboys were still shooting, so I wandered down there to watch. Despite being dressed in a park T-shirt, tennis shoes, and a ball cap, everyone was very open and friendly, and they seemed to trip over themselves to answer my dumb questions. Before I knew it, they had strapped leather on me and walked me through a stage for fun. I was slow as dirt (90+ seconds) and very fumble fingered, but the grin lasted several weeks. I had found the sport that was my shooting "home." When I got home, I looked up SASS and devoured all I could while I worked on slowly gathering gear, and joined SASS and started to learn all I could from the forum. Everyone at the local club kept loaning me whatever I was short as I got a little closer each month. I had never found a shooting sport as open and friendly as this one, and what better way to relax than a fantasy sport where you can just have fun and dress like John Wayne for the weekend. Toward the end of that season, I was finally using all my own gear, and in 2014, I started venturing out to annuals, going to annuals in three states over three weekends throughout that summer. The hook was set hard, and in 2015, I was able to break ten in one summer, 12 last year, and if all goes well, 15 in 2017. I am far from a top shooter, but I truly love this sport and everyone in it, and I try to spread the word and introduce others to this sport. Why did I join SASS?: 1. As a thank you to the organization for creating the sport that I love 2. To continue to support this website 3. For the quarterly magazine in print and the monthly PDF format. 4. To support the continuing standardization of the rules. 5. To remain a part of the greatest shooting sport and to be able to shoot any annual I want. 6. To thank my fellow cowboys and cowgirls to support them. 7. To protect my alias 8. Because it has encouraged me to travel, which otherwise I would not. 9. Because cowboy shooting helps me keep active and outdoors 10. And a number of other reasons that I would bore you of if I continued. I love this sport and everyone I have been lucky enough to meet since I started, most of whom I would have not met if it was not for this sport, and that is why I joined, why I will remain a member, and why I will become a life member if I ever can keep everyone out of the doctor long enough to put the money back. I probably bored everyone enough, so I will shut up now.
  9. The last couple of years we have done medals. They were affordable and the shooters seem to like them. PM me your email and I can send you a pic of what we did Another thing I have seen that was neat was shaped plaques, so instead of just square, they were in the shape of the state or a big badge or boot or hat
  10. Not trying to further stir the pot, but it sounds like some here are shocked that HQ would charge an affiliation fee. We are actually pretty lucky. Back when I shot USPSA, the club I was associated with paid $65/year to be affiliated, PLUS we had to pay $2.50 per shooter for monthly shoots when we would upload our scores. Considering our club size at the time, we were paying over $700 for the privilege. Maybe I have a non-normal experience, but every time I has taken the time to contact SASS HQ, they have been very attentive and helpful with whatever issue I had
  11. Beautiful work
  12. Interesting shotgun. I kind of like it
  13. My Kansas State entry for October is in too
  14. Starline is my go to brass. Winchester has the shortest life for me. The others last longer than Winchester, but not as good as Starline
  15. Prayers headed up, and behave yourself around the nurses
  16. At our monthlies, for those that want to try it out and maybe don't have all the proper gear yet, I offer a .22 category, but it is scored separately. We call it "Sheepherder."
  17. No. The ruling refers to the loops not the belt. Having rifle rounds on the belt is ok, but attaching the rifle loops to the outside of a shotgun loop is not ok
  18. Wow. Those look great. If I had the gold dust I would take them off your hands in a heartbeat
  19. I am a little odd, but I love my 24" octagon. That being said, the 20" is the one I most commonly see at matches
  20. You guys won't regret this match. I love this group and match
  21. I already have my room booked at Super8 in Abilene
  22. PM Major Art Tillery. He loads them a lot, and he wrote and article in the Chronicle on how to do it a while back
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