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Marshal Chance Morgun

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About Marshal Chance Morgun

  • Birthday 08/02/1952

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Illowa Irregulars and Shady Creek Shootists

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Iowa-Illinois Border at I-74. Bettendorf, Iowa
  • Interests
    my grandchildren, golf, fishing, model railroading

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Marshal Chance Morgun's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. From Grandkids Christmas present to watch dog to Halloween prop
  2. Farmer feeding his "livestock"
  3. You want to see pictures of dogs? Well here's a couple.
  4. Actually My Daughter started sizing brass at 8yrs old and I stopped having to load 12ga shells from 1994 until I had to stop shooting in 2010. She loaded every shotgun shell I and she and Judge Wells Spicer shot. The Judge continues to shoot occasionally and is still shooting the 140+ boxes left over when I stopped shooting. She stopped too, it's no fun without DAD. 

  5. The wife is thinking about a road trip the Arkansas and I am trying the find info on your club. Can't access your website
  6. Not that I had a lot of trophies, but my wife hates to dust and I don't blame her. When I had a chance to pick the "trophies" for an event, I got glass mugs and had them etched. I never heard anyone who received one complain. Just my personal opinion, but drinking an ice cold beer out of frosted mug and remembering the fun winning it sure beats listening to the wife complain about dusting a trophy.
  7. Was wondering about dues about annual dues paying members only.
  8. It was around 14-16 months ago that the buffalo chips hit the fan when the higher annual dues and club fees were announced. If I remember correctly, at that time membership was around 18,500. The Invisible Clubs post got me wondering. What is the current membership?
  9. Do we use real math, or Common Core ?
  10. https://sites.google.com/site/cedarvalleyvigilantes/gunsmoke/gscalendar
  11. http://stevesgunz.com/
  12. Have you used a leather stretcher spray on them with the wrapped shell in them?
  13. Call T.A. Spurs. He does casting and I'm sure he can give you all the info and help you would need. I think 158 is a little bigger than you really need, but that is up to you. We use 130 for the pistol and 147 TC for the rifle. Speaking of rifle, are you still looking for one?
  14. " I've made 3/4 and 7/8 ounce loads for folks before, even shot some of them." GJ, I hope that the them you are talking about shooting isn't the folks. I was thinking that a less shot would reduce recoil for the wife, but if there is a chance of a miss, I'll just leave things as they are.
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