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Chaps. - batwing vs shotgun


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I want chaps do’s SASS.  Don’t need just want.  My experience with chaps has been those I wore on a horse farm growing up and for motorcycles. Both had a zipper all the way down each leg. 

my question is do I want shotguns or bat wing.  Here in SW Georgia I am thinking bat wings will be cooler than shotgun. How are bat wings to run in?  Do they hinder movement between stages?  Are they any cooler than shotgun?  Inquiring minds  want to know.  

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Chinks are cooler yet.  Any can be zippered, tie or hook & eye.  My shotgun chaps are full length laced on, my chinks are hook & eye.  

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Batwing are usually a little easier to get into just because they are only strapped to your leg above the knee.  Shotgun usually has a zipper all the way down the leg.  I haven't found too much difference moving around, but the batwing do flap around down at the bottom.  Mine fit fairly close, so I haven't had an issue with that, but I have seen some with a lot of extra material near the feet.  I think if anything the batwing are a little better for running short distances, but YMMV on that.  As for cooler, again I don't think you'll find much difference, but of course the batwing are more open and do allow a lot more airflow.  If you wear the batwing without the jeans they would for sure be cooler.:lol::lol::lol:


As mentioned above chinks may serve your purposes better than full length chaps.

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Howdy Sarcasm,


To be period correct, shotgun chaps would be proper I believe. I would choose the zipper versions (not really correct) If the zipper is hidden. The step in kind are a pain if you have to take your boots off to put them on. Batwings and big hats are from a later period. you'll see them in '30s and '40s westerns. They look cool and nobody will complain if you like that look. I have a set of chinks and that may be a good compromise. I don't wear them when it's hot.


Rev. Chase

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I have had all of them didn't like the chinks , the shotguns I had to take my boots off to put them on , I still have the batwings they are at least 20 years old I don't wear them  much anymore they are heavy and my old legs are pretty tired .



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 I have batwings, shotgun and botas. Wearing any kind of leather in any weather is hot. I have a set of full buffalo woolies that i wear when its cold. I am a Classic so I wear one or the other all the time. I personally dont think chinks are Classic and dont own any.  

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i got the hankerin a bit back and asked my leather lady - she made a lot of stuff for me , we talked it over and i thought chinks , but , they never got made and now im getting older and thinking maybe im just as well off without , its been three years , maybe its a sign ,- fun as they might be i know they would be warm , maybe i dont need them 

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I have tried chinks and do not care for them. Just my opinion if you find you like them run with it. I'm a Classic Cowboy and love chaps. Personally the heat from them I don't really notice.  I have multiple sets. Batwings and a couple that are strap style shotguns. Yes it takes a bit to get use to them but no more that spurs. Find the ones that fit and feel right and after awhile you don't even notice them.

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 I'm Classic Cowboy who likes chaps. i have been wearing the same bat wing chaps for a number of years. They are easy to put on and take off. The chaps were made from a light weight buffalo hide so they are not heavy to wear and not a problem navigating  a stage.  The cool factor for my chaps is there are barb wire  scratches in the leather.



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Cooler weather, nothing beats heavy shotguns. That said I've never worn heavy real woolies but there's a reason Montana cowboys wore those.


Batwings are probably a bit easier to get in and out of.


Shotguns fit a time persona of 1870s through 1900 whereas batwings came about mid 1890's from what I've read. If you're going after a certain period "look" you might research that.


B Western would certainly be batwing appropriate more than shotgun.


Chinks are more modern and often worn in hot weather. CC can be and is  done with chinks but it's more "rule" technical than a period costume look.



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I have all shotgun, batwing, and chinks. Shotguns are my favorite but harder to put on, my current pair have 6 clips for each leg. Batwing have 2 clip, easier to put on, and chinks have 3 clips.

Chinks are the easiest to move and shoot with.

The heat has never bothered me with any of them.

Ease of putting them on will depend on how many things you broke and bent in your youth that have caught up with you.

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I was raised a Cowboy from birth in the late 40's. My Dad was a cowboy that worked many ranches in southern California and Arizona. I have his batwing chaps from the 40's that were made out of Elk hide and  I shot in them for many years. About 25 years ago I came across a pair of  shotgun chaps made of horse hide. They are light and good looking. Never had any problem moving with either pair while shooting. I was taught that Chinks were made and worn by farriers only.

Chaps were made to protect your legs while riding rough country. Chinks would only protect you upper leg, not where most of the brush will be hitting you while riding.


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23 hours ago, Will Kane said:

This reminds me of Gil Favor and Rowdy Yates.

That’s why I chose batwing. There was a scene where Gil Favor jumped off his horse and ran into camp with his batwings a flapping. I thought it looked cool. 

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You might be better served with Botas; they protected the lower leg while riding in the Southwest,  are period correct  and are much cooler than either type of chap. Check out Kevin Costner's character in "Silverado"; he's wearing a set.

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I have worn all 3 versions of chaps, I was raised on a ranch in Oklahoma in the 50s and 60s around to many cowboys to count from ranches all around us, some worn bat wings, a ton wore chinks, some liked shotgun. I always preferred chinks, cooler easier to move around in and during my insane years they were all I wore riding bulls. They are all cowboy, maybe chinks weren’t worn in the 1800s but I think they have earned their place in the cowboy world and I wear them when I want. Bottom line, wear what ever style suits your fancy, they are all three pure cowboy for sure!

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Just sold my Angora shotguns but they were about worn out anyway after many years of wear in Montana winters. If you are getting shotguns there is a special way to put them on. Chinks are ok but in the rain the water runs into your boots when you are riding.

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Some cowboys are short enough chicks wear like chaps. :D

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I have a set of shotguns that have leather roll buttons from the knee down. They are easy enough to put on without having to remove your boots, and can be left unbuttoned if you want some ventilation. 

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Used both shotgun and batwings.  Shot a hot state meet in Utah with shotgun chaps and cut off shorts because I forgot my blue jeans.  Had my boots but forgot to throw in any socks since I drove wearing flip flops.  Had to borrow some transgender socks from a fine lady.  

Gave the batwings to my son since they were heavy working leather type.   When grease and waxed up, the shotgun chaps are used as wind/rain pants when riding in the High Uintas on my mules. 

Never got the protection from melting snow or rain  while riding with the batwings!


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if you get shot gun chaps that zip from the top down, you could zip them down to above the knee and then they would be open on the lower leg. that way you could kinda do the best of both worlds situation.

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im now informed better on the caps than i was before thanks to this thread , , i appreciate it a lot folks , im not shure i even still want them but now i know more of what i want rather than the "no clue"] place i was in , kinda like spurs - ive always thought they might be fun , then i find out there are drawbacks id not considered i appreciate the open discussions , 

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Shotgun chaps are fairly tight fitting on the legs and have a zipper down the leg. Are they much different than the chaps motorcycle riders use?  They seem about the same to me.


Maybe I’m way off base though….


Sam Sackett 

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My shotgun chaps are from an 1880s design. They fasten with 6 buckles down each side. Zippers are sacrilege. 

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