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Johnny Meadows,SASS#28485L

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About Johnny Meadows,SASS#28485L

  • Birthday 11/28/1948

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Bordertown Board and Pima Pistolero's

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sahuarita, AZ
  • Interests
    Hunting, shooting, bowling, Archery,Flying, and working on all types of guns.

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Johnny Meadows,SASS#28485L's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I've never seen a Baikal being made anywhere but Russia. I've bought several over the years that were imported by other countries. J.M.
  2. I don't believe that SKB has any forearms for their side x sides. You stock can be repaired if you have all the parts. I believe that their was one aftermarket maker that had stocks at 80% inlet and unfinished. Johnny Meadows
  3. I have a Rossi 92/45colt with 24" barrels, tang site and hooded front sight in very good shape for $575 shipped. Action work by Johnny Meadows. Also sending a PM I can send pics if interested Johnny Meadows
  4. Send me a PM with your address and I'll send you one. Johnny Meadows
  5. I use a couple rubber bands on all my Dillon measures.
  6. Whispering and I had that collection that we collected for many years. When we down scaled into our new house south of Tucson, we sold the set. It is a great series of books and I managed to read all of them a minimum of 3 time. Johnny Meadows
  7. Tried them and they were absolutely no help. I sent them the info: Rossi Overland 12ga hammered double and the serial number. They replied about 6 or 7 times that they couldn't identify the gun with the information I provided. I lost a lot of respect for Rossi at that time
  8. I bought a 73 from him for one of my kids many years ago and it is a terrific gun. Johnny M
  9. I've had a Rossi Overland 12ga sitting around for 10 or 15 years. I just went through it and find that I need a couple Hammer spring rods to get it running again. I've checked Numerich, EBay and Jack First with no luck. Interested in buying those parts or those parts in a parts gun. Thank you, Johnny Meadows
  10. I believe that the dates are the 21st and 22nd. Bob's big fat finger probably hit two keys at the same time. He may be too tall, but still must have fat fingers. Come to this match, you won't be disappointed.
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