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If I offeded anyone in 2023

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I just have to say .

I'm sure I ment what ever I said and I'm not sorry .

Have a great 2024 .

And let the game begin  !


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As long as gouged out eyes and torn off ears are returned to the rightful owners at the end of the day, and we can sit over a cup of coffee or a beer and laugh about something, all is good.

Happy New Year, sir.

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Happy New Year Rooster

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I probably derserved being offended and I probably don't deserve an apology.

(I'm a charter member of the Rodney Dangerfield club).





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If you don’t come here to be offended, WHERE DO YOU USUALLY GO??  <_< :lol:


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Iam sending via USPO a wet noodle please flagellate yourself until appropriately chastised.  Do not return noddle you may however forward it to Phantom he often makes people feel imaginary offences. 

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Beers all around  !

Subdeacon Joe is Buying :huh:


Thanks Pard .

God bless .

Rooster :D

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Well ya have to give a hoot to get offended .

Happy New Year Rooster:)

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Someone once told me that TN Williams offended them and ask me why he seems to dislike folks from up North (Yankees).


I told them he actually hates Yankees but he ain't prejudice.   Heck, he hates everybody equally except Baptist.


He tolerates Baptist because the Bunkhouse Boss is Baptist..... he calls her BBB.  (Baptist Bunkhouse Boss).


Another true story.




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The older I get .

The better I was .


Life is a matter of how you choose to look a things .

You can have a half Empty glass of beer or You can have a half Full glass of beer .


I say as long as Joe is Buying

I will just have another Beer !

Cheers :D

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9 hours ago, Rooster Ron Wayne said:

I just have to say .

I'm sure I ment what ever I said and I'm not sorry .

Have a great 2024 .

And let the game begin  !



You forgot to offend me, but I'll be patient and wait my turn.

Happy New Year!



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10 hours ago, Rooster Ron Wayne said:

I just have to say .

I'm sure I ment what ever I said and I'm not sorry .

Have a great 2024 .

And let the game begin  !



You didn't offend me in 2023 so you'll need to try harder this year.  Maybe the extra day in February will help you in your fruitless quest.

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"To all the girls I loved before, who came in out my door" ......Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I was on a different website.   Love the Wire Saloon, because the folks on it will always when the "you know what" hits the fan, still stand behind their brothers in arms. 

And may 2024 be better for all the honest, law abiding, tax paying American citizens who support our sport. 

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2 hours ago, John Kloehr said:

Was going to post the form, but the someone might get butthurt due to a word in it:




So you need to follow the link. I guess that means it is NSFW. As if anyone following the link is actually working...

Yep it works !


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4 hours ago, Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life said:

I personally don’t care if others don’t like me,

except for dogs,

I want dogs to like me! :)  :)  :)


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

I'm a Dog Man myself. 

I like dogs more then most people. 

And dogs are usually a better judge of caricature then people. 


I had a buddy back in the day .

We used to drink together after we finished our Third shift .

I have always been a German Shepherd Man Sence I was 5 years old .

My Dog Tom hated Corey with a passion. 

No matter if I let him in the garage and he went back out .

Tom would Not let him back in .

Corey said to me one day .

Bro that is one stupid dog .

I said No bro !

He is smarter then You & I .

He knows something is wrong with you and I'm not seeing it yet .


It did not take all that long to find out Corey we a real peace of work.


Any way Gatway Kid .

If I have not offended you Yet .

Don't take it personal. 

It's Coming  !


PS. Have a beer on my tab .



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3 hours ago, Rooster Ron Wayne said:

I'm a Dog Man myself. 

I like dogs more then most people. 

And dogs are usually a better judge of caricature then people. 


I had a buddy back in the day .

We used to drink together after we finished our Third shift .

I have always been a German Shepherd Man Sence I was 5 years old .

My Dog Tom hated Corey with a passion. 

No matter if I let him in the garage and he went back out .

Tom would Not let him back in .

Corey said to me one day .

Bro that is one stupid dog .

I said No bro !

He is smarter then You & I .

He knows something is wrong with you and I'm not seeing it yet .


It did not take all that long to find out Corey we a real peace of work.


Any way Gatway Kid .

If I have not offended you Yet .

Don't take it personal. 

It's Coming  !


PS. Have a beer on my tab .



Sounds like a plan. I’ll be waiting! :)

Guessing we can start with discussing the virtues of light beer and work our way from there!


:FlagAm:  :FlagAm:  :FlagAm:

Gateway Kid

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On 1/3/2024 at 5:24 PM, Phantom Falcon, SASS # 46139 said:


You forgot to offend me, but I'll be patient and wait my turn.

Happy New Year!



Hay Phantom. 

Every time I read one of your comments.


I tried to offend you with a comment back .


But you was already band off the Wire again .


PS. Your the only Pard I know who has been band more then me lol



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16 hours ago, Rooster Ron Wayne said:

Hay Phantom. 

Every time I read one of your comments.


I tried to offend you with a comment back .


But you was already band off the Wire again .


PS. Your the only Pard I know who has been band more then me lol




I think you're talking about Phantom; I'm Phantom Falcon and I've never been banned off the wire. Maybe should have been but haven't. I also don't think you've ever offended me. I don't get offended real easily. You'd have to work really hard to seriously offend me.





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On 1/5/2024 at 4:27 PM, Phantom Falcon, SASS # 46139 said:


I think you're talking about Phantom; I'm Phantom Falcon and I've never been banned off the wire. Maybe should have been but haven't. I also don't think you've ever offended me. I don't get offended real easily. You'd have to work really hard to seriously offend me.





So the other Phantom has been banned off the wire.  That’s rich.  He be talking like he is “pure as the driven snow” to me on PM.

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38 minutes ago, Come On Christmas said:

So the other Phantom has been banned off the wire.  That’s rich.  He be talking like he is “pure as the driven snow” to me on PM.

A long time ago...come on Shameless Womanizer, you were around back then and know it.


How's about I post your rambling PM's that you sent me with folks. Then they can see what kind of person you really are:o


Me...I'm consistent. I don't try and be someone different on Social Media.




PS: You lied again by saying that I portrayed myself as "pure as the driven snow". Never did...and I'll be glad to post the whole thread.

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