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Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life

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    Thunder Mountain Shootists

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    Grand Junction CO
  • Interests
    My Lord, My Family, CAS/SASS, Shooting Firearms of any type old or new

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Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

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  1. Having been on several “clothing optional” beaches I can say for certain most who go naked shouldn’t! Regards Gateway Kid
  2. Sparked a memory of my early 286 computer and the day I got a co-processor! Man that thing could fly!!!! Regards Gateway Kid
  3. This seems to be a very common problem right now. I have a ‘73 in my hands that was in for an action job (no SS) and would feed and eject unfired reloads and dummies great but once fired they would drag so badly that you could hardly open the lever. Closer examination showed not one but two visible burrs at the chamber mouth. I took some fired but not resized pieces of brass and some would hang up tight leaving scratches on the case and some would extract smoothly. Thinking it may need the chamber reamed/polished by someone with more appropriate equipment. Regards Gateway Kid
  4. As usual, even when they uncover a nugget of truth ("no correlation between hunting and gun violence") through their own research, they proceed to push forward with their unscientific AGENDA to demonize those things they are supremely unqualified to comment on. Getting so tired of "scientists" and "researchers" who have no skills to claim to be either, running their mouths and screaming JUST CAUSE THE DATA DOESN'T SUPPORT OUR CONCLUSIONS YOU SHOULD STILL DO WHAT WE SAY!!!!! Once upon a time science was objective and verifiable, now days lets call it what it is........ a two year old throwing a temper tantrum and demanding money to pay for it! Disgusted by the left Gateway Kid
  5. There fixed it for you! Regards Gateway Kid
  6. Sad you had to go through that. Many many years ago we had been supporting a different discipline by buying their supplies, targets, tape and wood to mount stuff. All our bays are marked “lead bullets only”. They shot Saturday, we came in Sunday and six or seven of our steel targets had holes clear through them (223 & 308 size). This lead to the argument of “they were like that when we got here”, “who shoots modern rifles at 40 feet?” and “where did the holes come from in some of our props”. Finally settled when we found some pieces of their targets attached to our props! Asked them to replace what they broke, they said not our problem, asked them to leave! Still hard feelings to this day. Not all jerks are nonshooters, some of our own community are just as bad. Regards Gateway Kid
  7. My buddy (since I don’t golf) told me the idea has occurred to him more than once! Usually after a large splash into the water following his sixth or seventh stroke. Regards Gateway Kid
  8. Just saw a psa about leaving kids in the backseat of the car. Don’t know how to cross post from one platform to another but the gist is this. The authorities are suggesting you leave something IMPORTANT with them so you don’t forget to take them out of the car!?!!! Geeeezzzzz! Regards Gateway Kid
  9. Same for the uncles babysitting nieces and nephews! Regards Gateway Kid
  10. Not having a beer with breakfast on Sunday morning kind of implies that you quit drinking sometime after the Saturday night party! Heresy! I can recall a few situations where beer WAS breakfast! Ahhh the good old college days! Regards Gateway Kid
  11. Trade you one of my nieces Taylor Swift tickets! of course I made the mistake of teaching her long range shooting so may be a little difficult to pry them from her! LOL Regards Gateway Kid
  12. The second is what mine look like and they work just fine. Regards Gateway Kid
  13. At the past EOT swap meet, I sold two of the 9 oz. Jars for $40 each. Didn’t want to rip any one off and made $8 bucks per jar. Just as I started to pack up saw a guy carrying them (recognized the writing on them) and asked did he just buy them. He said yes at $80 each and was glad to get them. Just saying……. Regards Gateway Kid
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