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.44 Special and .44 Magnum

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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I have mentioned in the past how when I was first getting in to this game, I was sure that .44 Special was gonna be my caliber of choice.   This was because I had a pre-safety Rossi 92 in .44 Magnum.  I figured I'd run .44 Special in it, and eventually get a couple of revolvers in the same caliber.

It didn't turn out that way.   Without getting into what I did wind up with, I'll just say that finding guns in .44 Special is, at best, difficult.  I also found that .44 Special had a tendency to stovepipe in my Rossi, and in my real Winchester that had been rebarreled to the Magnum caliber.  I eventually found 3 pistols, all SAA clones, in .44 Magnum, and some pistols in .44 Special.  Two clones and 4 Colts.   But I've only ever seen 1 rifle in .44 Special.  It was a Uberti made 73, that I foolishly did not purchase the day I saw it, and when I went back a week later with the cash, was gone.   I do have another rifle "on order" in the caliber that someone is customizing for me, but that's not what I wanted to talk about.

Over the years, I have noticed that not very many people run .44 Special.  Probably due to the difficulty of finding guns chambered for it.  I do see the occasional pard running .44 Magnums, but that is also rare.    It is fairly easy to find guns in this caliber, but the selection is limited.   There's the Marlin and the 92, but no 73.  Ruger revolvers can he had in the Magnum, but no Colt, and Colt clones exist, but are not very common.  This likely contributes to why we don't see more use of the caliber, most folks want a full battery in the same caliber, and that seems difficult to do.


That being said, this thread is for those few who do manage to use one or the other caliber.  Do you mix and match, that is to say, have a rifle in Magnum but revolvers in Special, or do you have all Magnums and runs specials?   Using the Magnum is fairly simple, it can be downloaded to SASS comfy levels, but do you download it to be no different from a Special, or do you load it a still mild for the caliber, but closer to the top end of what is okay for SASS usage?  If your rifles are Magnums, do you find that Specials do or do not work in them?  Running Specials in Magnum revolvers is of course as easy as anything, but do you find the carbon ring to be problematic if you do.   Have you ever run black powder (or a sub) in these calibers?  

I have to admit that I have a BUNCH of .44 Special ammo loaded up that I have never used cuz I don't have the rifle to complete the battery.   When I do run my Rossi or Winchester, I use Magnums and the revolvers in the same caliber.   I do have a LOT of .44 Magnum brass, but not a lot of loaded ammo.   Finding data for downloaded .44 Magnum is not easy, most of the data out there is for hotter stuff for some reason.   And of course, with Trailboss not available right now, an obvious powder to use to make mild loads is not an option.   I am sure there are others though, I've just not had occasion/need to research it too much.  


In other words, let's talk about the straight wall .44's.   I suppose that .44 Russian can be brought into the discussion as well, even though I don't have a gun in that caliber.   But it seems it would have the same things working for and against it as its son and grandson do.


Any takers?


I run Rugers (New Model, but stamped Vaquero) chambered in 44 Special, and 73s in 44 special. The are a lot of 44 special Colt clones, SAA, and open tops available. 


My 44/40 pistols I found 44 special cylinders for them & using 44 Russian in them.Uberti'sI wish my Henry was Russian



We are new to SASS, started shooting in May. My pard and myself use 44 special. I run two Ubertis 4 3/4  and a 73 Us Marshall chambered in 44 special. My buddy uses two vaquero's chambered in mag and a 24 inch Uberti 73 chambered in special. We load a 180 Truncated cone bullet for all. We shoot classic now but I did shoot a Cimarron 92 in mag and had no problems using the special case.

On the other hand my misses shoots two model p Jr.'s in 38 special and we tried a rossi 92 and it is giving us fits. I just gave up and ordered her a US Marshall in 357. It will eat any OAL special case we feed it.

Had I known then what I know now, 45 Colt would have been easier to outfit for but would not trade my 44 specials for anything.  Having said that if I could find two SAA clones set up like a sass pro or runnin iron in special I would gladly trade my Bisley Uberti's. The Bisley is fine for two handed shooting but CC requires one handed. I do all right for a newbe with the Bisley one handed but my 45C runnin iron feels better in my hand. The last match I shot I used my US Marshall in special and my SASS pro and runnin iron in 45C. Not ideal but not really a problem either.

T Bone Johnson


I have been running 44 Special sixguns since 2004. Finally got a 73 in 44 Spec. in 2006.  That has been my main battery ever since.

For a good bit of that time I shot BP , and used 44 Russian brass in the sixguns for several years. Not too long ago I got rid of the Russian brass , just to streamline the reloading to one load. And that was the second time that I did the very same thing.:lol:, about 5 years apart.

I expect that this will be my setup for the rest of my shooting days.

My very first CAS match , in 1995, I used an old Ruger Flat-top 44 Mag. We only used one sixgun at that time. Used 45's and 357's at various times before I got the first set of 44's , and that was it for me.

Rex :D , who likes his 44's.



I've dabbled in the 44 Mag/Spl for cowboy. Truthfully, I've dabble in a few and have at time had 3 different calibers on the line. This is not ideal, doable, but there are provisos for sure. 


You have firearms to allow you to go 44 Mag for all. Bullet selection is important, first it has to feed in a rifle, be flat point for the rifle and the OAL cannot exceed 1.6" so it will feed in a rifle. Basically you develop a rifle load and use it in your handguns. Load data is a bit of a Red Herring, as most of the data out there is too fast. 


But, the internal volume of the 44-40 and 45 Colt are in the same zone as the 44 Mag. A load that works in either of those can be applied to the mag, not quite that simple, but not too far off. 


Trail Boss works well, as do several other powders. What powders do you have access to? I ended up using the LEE 429-200-RF and a Lyman 427666 with some success with 4.9 gr of Trail Boss. That was a few years ago, I lost access to a R92 in 44 Mag so I've left that project for a while. If I were to load it with another powder, I'd try Red Dot, or Clays. 

As far as rifles, any Marlin pre Ruger is a waste of time and money. The rifling is too shallow, the groove diameter too large and the twist too slow. If you cast soft, and perhaps powder coat, and use TB or real black powder, it may work. The issue isn't the caliber, it's the way Marlin made the gun. If a Ruger marlin crosses my path, I'll be buying it. Just saying, YMMV. 





I have used .44 Magnum cartridges in my OM Ruger Vaqueros, as well as in a Rossi M65 (M1892). As my Vaqueros have been set up for .44-40 cylinders, as well, I simply grab my Rossi chambered for .44-40, depending on what ammo I have the most of at the time. I developed loads in both .44-40 and .44 Magnum that match ballistically at around 950 ft/sec, using 213.5gr bullets in both, with Hodgdon's Universal. Due to the thicker walls on the magnum brass, the charge weight in the magnum is reduced by 7% from the .44-40 brass.  With .44 Magnum brass there are no feeding problems in the M1892 actions. I will grant the point that the New Model Vaquero cannot handle the magnum cartridge. :(


I had ten 4 5/8" stainless .44 Special Vaqueros, and sold two to another pard on here. So currently -


Eight Vaqueros


Two USFA's

A Bond derringer barrel

Two 1866's


About ten years ago, I had an 1873 round barrel carbine in .44 Spl too, but sold it to Wolfy - don't remember why...?


People contact me about the Vaqueros every so often, but they've got it in their mind that a Vaquero is a Vaquero, and the .32-20/.32 H&R convertibles, .38-40/.40 S&W convertibles, and these .44 Specials are bringing double or more what they're willing to part with.


I've also got three Uberti 1871 #3 Russians - the earlier shorter cylinder .44 Russians, NOT .44 Special.


Top it off with a Rossi '92 .44 magnum and a pair of 8 3/8" Virginian Dragoon .44 mags, and I think that's it for straight-wall .44's.


I started with OM Vaquero's in 44 mag because they were the cheapest guns to start with. I got a Marlin 94 44 mag. at Big 5 for $299 and had a little action work done and it shot 44spl. like a champ. 44 spl was all I shot back then.


.44 Special is a favorite of mine for reloading and shooting, either smokeless or BP, Cowboy Action or Keith loads.


I'd LOVE a pair of Vaqueros for Cowboy in .44. I've hundreds of BP .44 specials and hundreds more .44 smokeless that need to be shot and although I have open tops I occasionally use in .44 I'd prefer Rugers.


I use FFFg and 200s, Trailboss, Unique and Power Pistol in .44 Special with 180s, 200s, and 240s. All great loads.


My one rifle match in .44 is a Longhunter '66 carbine that is a hoot to shoot!


I shoot Ruger OMV's and a Marlin 94 chambered in .44 Magnum. 

While my Marlin will feed either Special or Magnum without issues.

I only load Magnum cases because they are way easier to get from Starline. 

My load is .44 Special level at 6.5gn Unique and a 240gn moly-coat RNFP bullet.


1 hour ago, The Original Lumpy Gritz said:

I shoot Ruger OMV's and a Marlin 94 chambered in .44 Magnum. 

While my Marlin will feed either Special or Magnum without issues.

I only load Magnum cases because they are way easier to get from Starline. 

My load is .44 Special level at 6.5gn Unique and a 240gn moly-coat RNFP bullet.


I have the same revolvers and rifle as OLG.  I don't shoot them much anymore since arthritis forced me to shoot smaller calibers.  I did shoot them in the King of Kaboom category at a match this summer with APP and enjoyed them a great deal.  The rifle feeds either 44 Special or 44 mag well.  I used to only shoot 44 mags as they were easier to buy once fired than 44 Specials.  However, I was given a thousand 44 Special cases and now shoot them in the Ruger OMVs.


When I shoot my .44s I can't help but remember the refrain to Gene Autry's "Back in the Saddle Again."


Ridin' the range once more
Totin' my old .44
Where you sleep out every night
And the only law is right
Back in the saddle again

32 minutes ago, Edward R S Canby, SASS#59971 said:

I have the same revolvers and rifle as OLG.  I don't shoot them much anymore since arthritis forced me to shoot smaller calibers.  I did shoot them in the King of Kaboom category at a match this summer with APP and enjoyed them a great deal.  The rifle feeds either 44 Special or 44 mag well.  I used to only shoot 44 mags as they were easier to buy once fired than 44 Specials.  However, I was given a thousand 44 Special cases and now shoot them in the Ruger OMVs.


When I shoot my .44s I can't help but remember the refrain to Gene Autry's "Back in the Saddle Again."


Ridin' the range once more
Totin' my old .44
Where you sleep out every night
And the only law is right
Back in the saddle again


Well, I suppose I should mention that for .44 Specials, I have a Colt Buntline 12", 2 Sheriff's models with 3" barrels, and a New Frontier with a 7.5" one.   I also have a pair of clones with 4-3/4" bbls.  One is a Uberti and the other is an Adler Italy.   For .44 Magnums I have a Uberti clone, an original Great Western, and a Virginian Dragoon which seems to be more of an imprecise copy of the New Frontier than the regular SAA.  For rifles, the aforementioned Rossi has a 20" barrel, and the Winchester has a 17.5" one with a large loop lever.

But if I want to have Gene's song in my head, I'll pair a 1st Gen Colt made in 1880 something with a New Model 3 S&W, cuz they are OLD .44s.   (44-40's) 



I have been running 44 special from the day I started in SASS or even Cowbay action shooting before I joined SASS .

I seam to scarf up any and all 44 special anything I find .

But I did long before I shot Cowboy action anyways. 

I can show you how to run 44 special in your Rossi 92 just as fast and smooth as 44 Magnum. 

Just PM me .

I have shot and owend about any and everything 44 special over the years .

Some stuff I sold and regretted it and some stuff I kept. 

I think 44 Special is one of the most versatile cartridges of all time .

So Saith The Rooster 

8 hours ago, Rex M Rugers #6621 said:

I have been running 44 Special sixguns since 2004. Finally got a 73 in 44 Spec. in 2006.  That has been my main battery ever since.

For a good bit of that time I shot BP , and used 44 Russian brass in the sixguns for several years. Not too long ago I got rid of the Russian brass , just to streamline the reloading to one load. And that was the second time that I did the very same thing.:lol:, about 5 years apart.

I expect that this will be my setup for the rest of my shooting days.

My very first CAS match , in 1995, I used an old Ruger Flat-top 44 Mag. We only used one sixgun at that time. Used 45's and 357's at various times before I got the first set of 44's , and that was it for me.

Rex :D , who likes his 44's.


If I'm not mistaken. 

I think you bought a pair of 44 special Ruger Vaqueros from me years ago ? 

I wish I never sold them.

I had a set of blued and a set of SS in 44 special.

Although I like my Colt Clone Open Top 44 Specials and my Colt 73 44 Specials better then the Rugers .

I wish I still had them .

So Saith The Rooster 


Well , that is close , Rooster. I didn't buy a set from you , but you provided me with the name of the dealer that I did buy them from , for which I am eternally grateful. 

It was a lady dealer up in your neck of the woods. That was in 2010. I got them a week apart. In 2020 I got a third one from a good Pard from Texas.

They are all blue. And about all that I have in my safe for CAS sixguns. Still have the old 3-screw flat-top , but what others I have are either double-action or autos.

Rex :D


I have a JM Marlin 1894 Deluxe in .44 Magnum.  .44 Special cycled and shot well but the very tight chambering made cleaning the chamber mandatory if I wanted to cycle Magnum-length cartridges after shooting the shorter Specials.

Now I just load the Magnums down to Special pressures (5 gr of Reddot or 5.2 of American Select under 200 gr LRN).

9 hours ago, Rex M Rugers #6621 said:

And about all that I have in my safe for CAS sixguns. Still have the old 3-screw flat-top , but what others I have are either double-action or autos.

Hmmm...    In the same place as my CAS type revolvers, I also keep a pair of Colt 1877s, a pair of Colt 1878's a S&W Model 3 DA, a S&W Model 1899, and a  Colt M1894, all pre 1900 DA revolvers.   I also have a pair of Broomhandle Mausers in that place, which, are pre-1900 autos.   And, I just learned that, while it was not adopted by anyone's military until later, that the Luger actually came out in 1899.   Does that mean I can put them in with the other old stuff?


I've been a fan of the .44 for years, used it in a Redhawk shooting bowling pins, shot bullseye matches with the same, even shot my first deer with that wheelgun.  I  occasionally will shoot an IDPA match with a 629 that I had cut for full moon clips.  I was a dedicated .44 shooter for most of my years in SASS (I've retired from participating now).


I used various OM Vaqueros in .44 Mag and would load in either .44 Special or .44 Russian brass.  I typically used a 200 grain RNFP I cast from a Lee mold, but would sometimes use a 160 grain RNFP I bought from Fireball back when he was running a bullet casting business (great bullets, by the way).  When I was feeling the BP vibe, it would be cases full of BP and the 200 grain bullet, lubed with a homebrewed BP lube.


For rifles, my main rifle was a Marlin Cowboy II, back when they first made the .44 Magnum model, and it was slicked up by Bill Oglesby.  It'll feed Magnums, Specials, and even Russians if I use a longer nosed bullet (Russians work best with the 240 grain semi-wadcutters).  I've also had a .44 Rossi that fed both Specials and Magnums, and I had an 1866 Cimarron short rifle in .44 Special that I foolishly let a pard talk me out of (and I've regretted selling that one for years).


For loads, I used to use up Clays powder by the 8 lb keg, but the fall back load of 7 grains of Unique worked also.


I have a SBH in SS with 10 1/2 in bbl, it used to be my sg for JW. Also a Rossi 1892 that feeds .44mag flawlessly, a omv in .44mag and a transfer bar Uberti in .44mag. The OMV is now my SG for JW. I have some .44special loaded the same as .44mag- 200gr RNFP over 4.4 gr of Cleanshot.. This load make SG targets fall without being difficult to control or anywhere close to max. .44 has always been my favorite caliber.




With regard to running Specials in a .44 Magnum rifle, I have read that sometime the problems they have is related more to overall cartridge length than to the case being too short.  A solution I have seen touted here is to crimp the bullet, not in the crimp grove, but in the grease groove, which, depending on the bullet, gets you a cartridge length identical, or at least very close to, the length of a .44 Magnum.

Questions about this....

This operation would of course, increase the case capacity of the cartridge to something more akin to the Magnum.  Do you then load "Cowboy Level" Magnum loads, or continue to use Special loads?  It seems to me that having even that small amount of extra space would change the loading requirements in some way.

Obviously, such rounds would not fit in a rifle chambered for .44 Special.  But would they fit in a .44 Special revolver?  I have a feeling they might, as long as the cylinder is long enough.

Does anyone actually DO this?

What about a similar action with .44 Russians?

Any first hand knowledge would be appreciated.

As an aside, I suspect a similar course of action could be taken in the .38SC/.38LC/.38SPL/.357Magum family, and maybe even in .45 S&W/.45 Colt.  It's an interesting question.


I have fallen into the 44 Special pit just this year, buying a 44 SPL Uberti '66 tuned by Lassiter and one Lipsey's Ruger Vaquero in 44 SPL from 2010 in Stainless.  I previously had been loading 44 Magnum for a Chiappa 1892 I use in Wild Bunch using 200gr moly-coated RNFP and dropped my Clays or Titegroup load .2-.3 gr for the 44 Specials now.   My '92 feeds either magnum or special with no issue, but the '66 is of course 44 special only (and much faster in competition).  I've not gotten into BP, but would probably lean toward 44 Russian for that, based on comments from others.


That said, I would probably advise against starting 44 Special in this day and age due to the lack of current manufacturers selling that caliber in CAS guns.  If I'm not mistaken, only open top pistols and the 1866 rifles are in current production for 44 SPL.  45 Colt is just as versatile (especially with the option for 45 Cowboy) and in current production by more manufacturers.


44 Special Vaqueros can be had, but pretty much only through word of mouth or luck.  If anyone has one like I have listed above they would be interested in adding to my single, please PM me.

30 minutes ago, Tennessee River said:

...That said, I would probably advise against starting 44 Special in this day and age due to the lack of current manufacturers selling that caliber in CAS guns.  If I'm not mistaken, only open top pistols and the 1866 rifles are in current production for 44 SPL.  ...

Not sure about other importers, but Cimarron carries 44 Spcl in Opentops, conversions, No.3 Americans, Model P, Thunderer, Bisley, '66, and '73.

45 minutes ago, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said:

No.3 Americans,


When Cimarron announced the American in .44 Special, I oh so greatly desired one in that caliber for a host of reasons.

But all I could find was .45 Colt.  Not that I am complaining, I happily got the .45, and know that I know the Russian is available in that caliber, I just might get one to round out the collection, but I'd still like an American in .44 Special if I could find one.  

17 hours ago, Rex M Rugers #6621 said:

Well , that is close , Rooster. I didn't buy a set from you , but you provided me with the name of the dealer that I did buy them from , for which I am eternally grateful. 

It was a lady dealer up in your neck of the woods. That was in 2010. I got them a week apart. In 2020 I got a third one from a good Pard from Texas.

They are all blue. And about all that I have in my safe for CAS sixguns. Still have the old 3-screw flat-top , but what others I have are either double-action or autos.

Rex :D


I remember that now .

I wish I still had them .

But then I say that about everyone I let go lol 


If anyone is looking for a Uberti 1873 in 44 sp there is one for auction on gunbroker 

  • 2 weeks later...

I have used both .44's and 38's in cowboy action with a full brace of cowboy guns for each caliber and multiple choices for .38 caliber rifles.  However, my reason for posting is that I have Marlin Carbines in both .44 Mag. and .357 Mag. and have always loaded the magnum brass for them simply because they feed better and are more reliable overall than using the shorter cartridges.  This also means that I have pretty much always loaded separate rounds for these rifles and my handguns and have never had a problem doing so (my USFA SAA's are .38 Special and will not take the magnum length).  Having all three guns use the same load is primarily a convenience in my opinion.  However, I do shoot all .38 Special when I shoot my Uberti 73, as it doesn't seem to care much about overall cartridge length.  Anyway, that's the true beauty of loading your own ammo, as you can taylor it to your own needs.  Good luck and good shooting to all. 


I love the 44 special, and carry it in one of several revolvers I have for CCW.  I shoot 44 special a couple of times a year in a pair of original 44 magnum Ruger Vaqueros.  I also have a Marlin 1894 in 44 magnum that feeds 44 specials quite well, but I don't shoot a lot because accuracy is sorely lacking with lead bullets and micro groove barrel.  


I started this journey 12 years ago with a 44 mag Marlin and 1858 NMA Remingtons with conversion cylinders to 45 Colt. Added a 44 mag Rossi as a backup, always wanted guns to match rifle. I went the other way, I got a 45 Colt Marlin and Pietta GW 2’s in 45 Colt and looking back, it don’t matter having guns not matching caliber, a lot of us load different loads for pistols than rifle anyway lol. I still have my beautiful 44 mag Marlin and shoot it from time to time and just love it, great main match rifle, and oddly enough mine like 44sp length instead of magnum. /shrug 



Wife and I have 3 sets of 44 special chambered open tops. Also have a pare of regulators I converted from 45 Colt to 44 special by changing the barrels and cylinders. We use 44 Russian cases in them all with black and smokeless. Also converted a Uberti 66 from 45 Colt to 44 special by simply replacing the barrel. I ran Russian cases in it as well until I broke my modified carrier. Holy black in a 44 model 66 and open tops running the same ammo just seems natural.


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