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what firearms wil lyu your sons and grandsons


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I have several, not all pertaining to SASS but dear to my heart. First off is my 1885 Browning 45/70 and my Ruger Vaquero in stainless steel with a 4/34" inch barrel. Then my first rifle, a Savage Crackshot .22 LR.  I also have a Wichita International IHMSA in .22Lr that is fairly rare. Then my favorite shooter on the 0pen prairie, a Ruger Bearcat. 



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I have several, not all pertaining to SASS but dear to my heart. First off is my 1885 Browning 45/70 and my trusty Winchester 94 in .45 Colt. Also my Ruger Vaquero in stainless steel with a 4/34" inch barrel. Then my first rifle, a Savage Crackshot .22 LR.  I also have a Wichita International IHMSA in .22Lr that is fairly rare. Then my favorite shooter on the open prairie, a Ruger bearcat that can handle most varmints with ease.

Last but not least is my father-in-law's grandpa's Iver Johnson's top break 38 SW caliber revolver. He was a train detective back in the early  1900's






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Since I have no descendants and really not much interest in guns from the extended family, I keep a list of my guns and their current values so the executor of my estate will have an easier time of it.  :)

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All of them. I have only one child. 

Easy-peasy for me. 

He should not ever need to buy anything. 

I am giving them to him as soon as he can get a few gun safes to put them in.

No use waiting until I've gone under, to give them to him.

I want to enjoy the reaction, while I am yet here to enjoy it.


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My kids have been telling me which ones they get when I'm dead for a lot of years. My son gets my dad's Remington 700 in .270 so my daughter gets his .30-30. Maybe. Hell, let them fight it out. 

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I have two Sons .

So many years ago .

When I started collecting firearms. 

I started buying them in two's .

I have at least two of just about everything I own .

My Son's will be Sad and Happy  at the same time when I'm gone .

Hell they both are already eyeing my four Harleys because I can't ride anymore lol.

So Saith The Rooster 

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"Dad always wanted me to have it."


"Everyone knew this was the gun I used when I hunted with Dad."


Whatever the laws in your state are for wills, ownership after death, etc, get it done. The above statements don't mean squat without something in writing. Might be as simple as mailing a letter to yourself with your wishes.


I did see an instance between two siblings over dad's guns. One sibling hunted and shot with dad all the time. The other had no interest in guns ever. The one with no interest, developed an interest when a friend pointed out potential value in a couple of pre 64 Winchesters, that dad had. It never got to court, but one sibling did pay off the other to keep the guns in the family. Last I heard, they still don't talk to each other.

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Son receives all of my firearms.  Daughter receives an equal monetary value in cash.

Executor sales all of our assets.

10% of our Estate goes to our church.

Remaining assets are divided equally between our two children.

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On 7/31/2023 at 4:50 AM, Sawhorse Kid said:

I may as well take them with me.... as there is nobody wanting them after I am gone.



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We have no clear migration path.   Oldest son has never had an interest in guns, shooting or hunting.  Has two daughters that I let them shoot 22 when kids and got BB guns for Christmas but interest was short lived.  They have kids but it doesn't look likely they would appreciate guns.  Younger son and wife have no kids and not going to have.  He's a shooting nut, loves to hunt and anything outdoors.   But I've pretty much handed down family heirlooms and other guns he's shown interest in.  Still have a gross amount of guns.  Mary won't let me sale any.  Guess I'll have to take them with me.


Besides that, I have a lot of reloading equipment,  powders, bullets and brass.  One time when son was down I loaded up a box of cans of rifle powders I didn't expect to use.  Still have good supply of Unique, TiteGroup, Red Dot, black powder, BlackMZ,  many thousands of bullets and primers. Dillon 450, Dillon 550b, and several other presses. Mec600 in 12 and another in 10. Shot, wads, hulls. 


Gunsmith tools,  parts.

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On 7/28/2023 at 11:10 PM, Reverend P. Babcock Chase said:

Hey Uncle Abilene,


Don't forget me, your favorite, long lost nephew.


Rev. Chase

Uncle Ab, don’t forget who got you 200 million views :D


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Side question:  You guys with more than several guns, have you inventoried them?


Mary and I cleaned out the safes and built a spreadsheet of model, some description (barrel length, caliber,  etc.) and serial number. List needs to be stored some way off site. That I don't think we've done. 

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I was supposed to get a few of grandpa' and dads firearms.   My drunk brother claims he had to sell them to pay medical expenses.  BS!  

Just last Month in front of all I handed out guns to great grand kids.

  22 single shot was taller than my G Grand daughter.  One G great grandson did not know about what is a Weatherby.  Bet he does by the time I pass.  


Do it today it was well worth the smiles...

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We went to a local gun show and an old guy had 3 tables full of long guns.  Most were custom rifles in wildcat calibers and of the 1960s style. Anyway,  he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and didn't expect to live another 6 months.  He and wife had moved to some place more convenient.   In the move,  several relatives helped by hauling guns.  Said one car load didn't make it to the new residence.  I may have bought a few little flea market items but he had a pretty proud price on guns. 

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LOL.  My sons are not waiting for me to go.!!   Pas them out as the need/ want comes up as long as I am not using at that time in life       What will tick them off is all the cast iron cookware and gear that comes with it.      GW

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On 8/1/2023 at 9:50 AM, Rip Snorter said:

Mine will get alternating choices and swap / trade if they missed something important to them.  Enough good stuff to go around.

Same. My daughter already claimed some. I just handed her an M1 carbine to put in her safe. I'll borrow it back when I need it.

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On 8/3/2023 at 7:53 AM, Michigan Slim said:

Same. My daughter already claimed some. I just handed her an M1 carbine to put in her safe. I'll borrow it back when I need it.


I always thought of you as Dad.:D

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All of them.  First, SIL; then grandsons #1 and #2.  They can decide what to do with them.

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I've told our 3 kids they aren't getting anything. Two are leeches, and the other OK. Grandkids will get money by trust based on how they propose to use it. Otherwise local pet shelters.


Biggest family fights are after parent(s) die and the kids fight over stuff. Had one daughter come into the house and started pointing at furniture and claiming it as hers.

I'd rather send it to the dump that now give it to her.

Already selling off all the guns.

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My folks wanted us to put post-its on things.  Wouldn't do it. I took a few things of sentimental value and others that were promised to my kids. Left the rest.  No fights.  An old friend in a family with lots of guns, medals and militaria ended up completely estranged from each other after battling over stuff.

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I'm a little concerned that my kids / grandkids won't be interested enough to value these the way I do, but I hope they'd appreciate the true antiques I have.  I don't have many, but was inspired by "Roughing it" (by Mark Twain) to purchase a S&W model 1, a Thurber and Allen pepperbox, and a 1849 Colt pocket model.   


Also not sure my sons will value my SASS guns.   They'll come to matches now and again, but I think they only do it to humor the old man.   My hope is that they'll stick with it when I'm gone, but who knows.

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