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irish ike, SASS #43615

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    High Plains Drifters, ROOP County

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    Reno, Nevada

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  1. A friend once told me how he'd react to the confirmation the west coast was going to be hit with a nuclear device. He said he'd go in the garage, get a can of spray paint, paint an X on his chest and lay down in his driveway. I, we, can't do anything about this so why bother getting all rilled up?
  2. I flew for work for 30+ years. Mostly Southwest. But when the Santa Ana winds hit So. Calif. landing in Ontario was always fun. Up and down and rocking the wings. sticking the one side landing gear then flipping the plane straight. Good times.
  3. As a weekend classic car mechanic I am now reluctant to tell someone I am working on my Tranny!
  4. It's TV, so there's that.
  5. I sum up super speedways like this. Watch the start and the first 15 laps. Turn the sound off. Do something else. Come back at 25 laps to finish when the race actual happens. The race isn't won by the best driver, fastest car, or best team. Its won by getting through the big one. As Byron did. And as usual they need an extended race to finish because the cautions ran them past 200 laps.
  6. Howdy Irish Ike, please check your inbox regarding the Schofield's you want to sell.

  7. I won't watch anything that has some sort of ball and pro's. NASCAR and NHRA. While they're pro drivers they put their lives in the line whenever they stomp on the go pedal.
  8. Christmas of 63. My brother gave me a 22 Remington single shot bolt action. I still have it. I taught each of my 3 daughters to shoot with it.
  9. He's given $$$$$$$$millions over the years to children's hospitals. He's cut his salary so they could hire the other actors they wanted, He's given $$$$$$$$ to support staff on movies.
  10. Maybe the wrong place but, all you Schofield guys; I want to sell my Uberti 7" Schoefields in 44-40. They have had the internals re-worked to allow your finger to touch the trigger without locking up. Any ideas on an asking price for these? Thanks Ike
  11. Ya'll's mindset is pouring a cup of coffee. 90% of the people in line aren't getting a cup of coffee. Thats called an Americano. So, espresso, lattte. Mocachino, added flavors, double shots, teas. etc. Also the big thing is convenience. Who here has a real latte or espresso machine at home? Regular coffee made on an espresso machine is far better than "brewed" coffee that sits in a pot. Its fresh and lava hot. Their brewed coffees have multiple flavors you can ask for. So you don't have 4 bags of beans sitting at home going stale. Its not abut being part of the in crowd. Its getting coffee and food you can't get at home without a lot of hassle and expense. Me, chai tea latte with a shot of espresso!
  12. I have heard of Outlaw, Josey Wales, Tom Horn etc. Our annual match we offer Tom Horn. Single shot or lever, BP or smokeless all big bore calibers. About 30% of our shooters shoot these categories. I'll stir the pot. Going to EOT or the like is a great experience. I never thought I'd win. But shooting with some of the nations best was an experience. So someone wants to shoot EOT but can't shoot a shotgun. At the end of the day its 4 minutes +/- of penalties. There is no way they would be in contention for a some bling. Let them shoot. Same for someone in a wheelchair with someone assisting them. For many folk its the fun factor.
  13. They need someway to spend all the membership money. They are compensated and expenses to get to the meetings are covered.
  14. A Yugo was a cheap car. Look how it lasted!
  15. The desk man at the Continental has been dead for 2 years! AI/CGI. I predict it will flop like the Ghostbusters with an all woman cast.
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