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My Surgery Countdown Begins: UPDATE

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T minus three days and counting.


Got my Covid test today in advance of back surgery on Thursday. An old lumbar issue that's time to fix. I've had major orthopedic surgery before with knee replacements and shoulder reconstruction, so the surgery & hospital experience doesn't concern me much. However, the recovery does a little bit as I don't know what to expect in terms of mobility. I could always drag a leg or reach with my other arm, but this will be different as my movements will be severely restricted in the short term. The upside is long-term recovery is supposed to be 100%, so I'm looking forward to getting this behind me.


If you have any positive thoughts or energy to spare on Thursday, please send them our way. My wife Patty will especially need them as she's gonna have to put up with me for awhile.



Everything went great and I get to go home today! No bending, twisting or lifting anything over 5 lbs for a month. (A gallon of milk weighs 8lbs.) That’s gonna take some adjustments!


Your hands should still be able to function so grab your phone and send us updates.  Hang in there!




I had surgery for a herniated disc last May. I did not have the vertebrae fused. That is the next step should something go wrong. My overall mobility was impacted for a couple of weeks but I was back to work 2 weeks after surgery. They key was physical therapy. Stretching exercises. I did them every day and continued to do so up until my latest accident in February. 

I bought stretching straps and exercise bands to use at home. Doing the lower back stretches REALLY helped. 

Here are the items I bought for your reference should you wish to try them.  

BalanceFrom Resistance Loop... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077Y835TP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

This is an 8’ stretch strap 

SANKUU Yoga Strap, Multi-Loop... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H4LXTZV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


This is a 6’ stretch strap

Tumaz Stretch Strap - 10 Loops &... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X931SXT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Also, get yourself a large pillow to elevate your legs when you sleep on your back, once you’re able to. 

Good luck and I will say a prayer for you. (Kind of opposing sentiments but I like to cover my bases)
The most important thing that you can do is follow doctors orders and do your PT, even if you don’t want to. You can literally wipe out two weeks of progress by skipping PT for two days. Guess how I know. 


Best wishes, Abilene! Been there myself recently. All my best energy, thoughts and prayers coming your way as requested.  :D

1 hour ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

T minus three days and counting.


Got my Covid test today in advance of back surgery on Thursday. An old lumbar issue that's time to fix. I've had major orthopedic surgery before with knee replacements and shoulder reconstruction, so the surgery & hospital experience doesn't concern me much. However, the recovery does a little bit as I don't know what to expect in terms of mobility. I could always drag a leg or reach with my other arm, but this will be different as my movements will be severely restricted in the short term. The upside is long-term recovery is supposed to be 100%, so I'm looking forward to getting this behind me.


If you have any positive thoughts or energy to spare on Thursday, please send them our way. My wife Patty will especially need them as she's gonna have to put up with me for awhile.



You're getting back surgery and you're looking forward to getting it behind you!  HA!  Hahahahhaaaa!  Keep your sense of humor, Slim.  Mine has always served me well.


Prayers for Patty.  Yeah, and for you, too.


Praying for you here

1 hour ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Your hands should still be able to function so grab your phone and send us updates.  Hang in there!



Will do. They may not be coherent whilst I’m on the meds, so I apologize in advance! ^_^

Just now, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Will do. They may not be coherent whilst I’m on the meds, so I apologize in advance! ^_^

How will we know the difference?:D

17 minutes ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Will do. They may not be coherent whilst I’m on the meds, so I apologize in advance! ^_^




Good luck, get well soon!


Best wishes for a successful surgery and quick recovery.


Pat Riot's advice is sound!
I can add only a very little:

After surgery, when you'll be getting P.T. in hospital, TAKE YOUR PAIN MEDS BEFORE YOU HAVE P.T.!

(voice of experience)

It takes meds taken by mouth, an average of 30 minutes to START to take effect (voice of old veteran med-surg nurse), and you want to keep ahead of the pain. Don't wait until you're hurtin' to ask for the pills!


4 hours ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Will do. They may not be coherent whilst I’m on the meds, so I apologize in advance! ^_^

Enjoy them while you can!




Prayers up. 

On 4/26/2021 at 11:47 AM, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

T minus three days and counting.


Got my Covid test today in advance of back surgery on Thursday. An old lumbar issue that's time to fix. I've had major orthopedic surgery before with knee replacements and shoulder reconstruction, so the surgery & hospital experience doesn't concern me much. However, the recovery does a little bit as I don't know what to expect in terms of mobility. I could always drag a leg or reach with my other arm, but this will be different as my movements will be severely restricted in the short term. The upside is long-term recovery is supposed to be 100%, so I'm looking forward to getting this behind me.


If you have any positive thoughts or energy to spare on Thursday, please send them our way. My wife Patty will especially need them as she's gonna have to put up with me for awhile.



Everything went great and I get to go home today! No bending, twisting or lifting anything over 5 lbs for a month. (A gallon of milk weighs 8lbs.) That’s gonna take some adjustments!

Okay, siphon off three pounds of milk and then lift the difference.  Seriously, get some flex tubing and put a hole in the lid of the milk carton, put an "alligator" clip or one of those three piece spring paper clips on the down hill end, and when you need a glass of milk just open the clip, take what you want and re-clip it.  Note: two clips are better thaan one, just incase.


Glad it went so well.


Having been through this twice,  I'll add my advice to that of others.  DO THE REHAB!!  Don't be manly man!!  Use the meds in a timely manner!!


Get well soon and completely!! 


Still praying here, so very glad to hear the good report!


Get well soon.  We missed you today, but all got an update on you and Jake.  Your return will be a joy to you and many others.  Best wishes.

On 4/26/2021 at 11:47 AM, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Everything went great and I get to go home today! No bending, twisting or lifting anything over 5 lbs for a month. (A gallon of milk weighs 8lbs.) That’s gonna take some adjustments!

Excellent! That is great news. 

If I may...take it from someone with lots of injury and surgery experience ;)

Since you have lifting restrictions you will need to be very VERY conscientious of this. I recommend you only use one hand for everything. IN YOUR DOMINANT HAND - Carry something like a tennis ball, a lighter, a piece of wood, something light, easy to carry and something you don’t normally carry. Keep it with you all the time. Heck, carry your phone, but keep one hand occupied. When you go to lift or pickup something the thing in your hand will help be a reminder of your limitations. 


Thanks Pat! I’m using a walker for the next 3 weeks which has both my hands occupied. It’s meant for some protection against falls in case I lose my balance or trip over something. That’s a great suggestion for the future as recovery progresses. 


Hope your recovery goes way better than expected! Been there and was sooooo glad I had the surgery tho I don’t think mine was as extensive as yours, best to you and the wife!    SCJ


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