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Small pistol primers needed.

Chert Rock Chuck

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As titled, need a source that has some in stock.

 I know this is a widespread issue, how is everyone getting by without an existing supply on hand?

 Thanks, Chert Rock.

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Hi, got the same issue,

I’m going into my stock that I put away pre China virus.   
I talked to my local Cabela’s and they told me the ammunition makers actually recalled (pulled back) all their primers in order to make their own ammunition. So except for a few shotshell primers,there aren’t any out there.   

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  I'm fortunate to have had a fair amount of large as I shoot Classic Cowboy, but have a young man I need to load for with .38's. At this rate, he won't be shooting this year. I'm building a respectable stock of brass and casting the bullets, but stumped on primers.  If it stays like this for much longer, I too will be at a stand still with .45Colt.

  Hopefully the first of the year brings change, I am ready to put this one behind us to say the least.

 Be well, Chert Rock.

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My understanding with a bit of Googling is primers are being used up to supply factory ammunition manufacturers.. and there is no surplus allocated to reloading... and no one seems to know this situation will end.  I too have plenty of brass, boolits and powder.. just NO primers .  

and at this point wont pay the 5 to 10 fold increase that sellers are getting on gunbroker... 

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I talked with a local gun shop owner yesterday (ran into him when we were on our dog walk).  When talking primers he said that he doesn't see it ending any time soon.  His supply is on back order just like ours.  When asked if he thought it might end with the election, he said no. 


Sooooo, let's all cross our collective fingers and hope that there is an end in sight sometime in the near future.



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I just looked at Gunbroker for the heck of it and just realized my 6,000 primers are worth $1000 per brick. Glad I have them or I wouldn't be able to shoot. They are not for sale even at that price. I can't believe the price gouging they are doing. Mine should last me for a while since I am the only one shooting SASS from my stash.



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1 hour ago, Navy Davey said:

Time to buy that flintlock that you always wanted....

Just get your BP ordered soon B4 that's gone too!

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1 hour ago, Texas Maverick said:

I just looked at Gunbroker for the heck of it and just realized my 6,000 primers are worth $1000 per brick. Glad I have them or I wouldn't be able to shoot. They are not for sale even at that price. I can't believe the price gouging they are doing. Mine should last me for a while since I am the only one shooting SASS from my stash.



Auctions are not price gouging. If you buy a stock at $35 a share and it’s now trading at $100 share and you decide you would like to put it on the market for a strike price of $100 you can sell it with no remorse or guilt. No need to demonize the free market. 

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16 minutes ago, John Barleycorn, SASS #76982 said:

Auctions are not price gouging. If you buy a stock at $35 a share and it’s now trading at $100 share and you decide you would like to put it on the market for a strike price of $100 you can sell it with no remorse or guilt. No need to demonize the free market. 

Guess you are right when you look at it that way. I would just feel bad selling what I have for $1000 a brick when I only paid $32 a brick. But that is just me.  Then again if I sold them I would have money but no reloads so guess I will hang on to them so I can continue shooting SASS. LOL Just hard to think I have $6000 sitting in my cabinet instead of $192.



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10 minutes ago, Texas Maverick said:

Guess you are right when you look at it that way. I would just feel bad selling what I have for $1000 a brick when I only paid $32 a brick. But that is just me.  Then again if I sold them I would have money but no reloads so guess I will hang on to them so I can continue shooting SASS. LOL Just hard to think I have $6000 sitting in my cabinet instead of $192.



I completely understand. I have some but can’t bring myself to sell them because at this time I have no idea what my replacement cost would be or when I could even get more. If you don’t have any and $100 a 1000 is something you can tolerate budget wise buy some.

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When desperation truly sets in, you will find yourself buying cartridges in calibers you don't need so you can deprime them and put the primers into your CAS loads...

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At some point you wonder if the industry is making a strategic mistake not increasing their prices (margins) and supplying components to the reloading market rather than keeping all the supply for fully loaded ammo.  The reloading community is a steady sustainable market, and many might give up or never get started should this continue too long, but at some point one has to think supply will catch up as they invest in capacity.  But maybe not...

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It's sad to see prices so crazy on gunbroker. We have made it a whole year being new to cas and have been able to have some stock of primers. I have 2 youth shooters using 38spl and myself. If need be i(dad) can let my boys shot and I can just watch them have fun!

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Got all excited and worked up this morning when I found a plentiful supply of primers IN STOCK!

Sadly, they are in Canada and will not ship to USA, NO EXCEPTIONS!

How do these hosers have plenty of primers available and we can’t get a single card anywhere!?

CCI, Winchester, Federal, they have them all.....

Damn you Bullseye North.

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On 10/20/2020 at 4:22 PM, John Barleycorn, SASS #76982 said:

Auctions are not price gouging. If you buy a stock at $35 a share and it’s now trading at $100 share and you decide you would like to put it on the market for a strike price of $100 you can sell it with no remorse or guilt. No need to demonize the free market. 

Another way to look at it is like gold panning. I go out, wash a pan and find a one-ounce nugget worth $2000. I have $10 gas money and a half-hour in time invested. Should I feel guilty for my good luck and knowledge of where to pan and sell it to a buyer for $50 or should I sell it for the market price of $2000?

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3 hours ago, Cholla said:

Another way to look at it is like gold panning. I go out, wash a pan and find a one-ounce nugget worth $2000. I have $10 gas money and a half-hour in time invested. Should I feel guilty for my good luck and knowledge of where to pan and sell it to a buyer for $50 or should I sell it for the market price of $2000?


I think you need a middle man, Cholla. Don't want to wait for an end user who's willing to pay full price? Sell it to me for $1,000 and I'll deal with the marketplace headaches! 

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9 hours ago, Bramble Mountain Buzzard said:

Not "nearly"... At $1000 per brick ALL of mine are for sale!!!

I’d keep a couple hundred of each SP, LP, LR. Between those 3, I have 20-25,000. 

Probably 3-4,000 shotgun primers.



Locally I’m seeing $60-90 per thousand, from individuals

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8 minutes ago, RIDGE WALKER said:


White box, silver colored primers...  Haven't seen them in years!  Wonder how old they are? 


I stopped by my local toy store on the way home from today's match, and they had Winchester Large Pistol Primers in stock.  I'm sure they won't last long.,


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9 minutes ago, RIDGE WALKER said:

Thanks, I do appreciate the lead, I'm simply not willing to pay those prices. ($100 or more)

I have negotiated a barter for enough to continue training the kids for a while longer. 

I shoot CC and have plenty of large to carry me for a while longer.

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Well.....someone was willing to pay a bunch for this box of 1,000 primers recently......makes $100 per box seem a bit cheap....LOL!!!



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It's the "free market" ... 


Toilet paper ... face masks ... baby formula are all off the table right now ... so let's do primers!! 

I imagine during times of war ... famine .. gas shortages or whatever (even Wii consoles or popular Christmas talking dolls) there will always be the "free market" ...

You know when you see on TV ... airplanes dropping palets of food/medical supplies that "someone" down there will end up with a lot more than most ... because "they worked hard" and "used their know how" to reel in the palet/s and set up shop. 


The free market re-sellers (scalpers) are not evil like the hoarders who keep the stuff for themselves (worrying that they might need it). The free market re-sellers are "entrepreneurs" and should be celebrated. 


BUT ... they shouldn't be re-selling this stuff on web sites ... they should take their to their local match (if they shoot) and sell it to their buddies for $100 a box ...  and give those friends a chance to show how much the thought is appreciated. s11.gif.ae914f9d2298ce80379f9caceca84db4.gif


IMHO anyhow ...  


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