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    Granite Mountain Outlaws, Whiskey Row Gunslingers

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    Rattlesnake Hunting, fishing, hunting, exploring, American West history, firearms...

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  1. Life is filled with unsuffered consequences.
  2. If I recall correctly, the formation that makes the beautiful red rocks around Sedona, AZ, also appears near Grand Junction, Colorado, as the Colorado National Monument. The @Gateway Kid SASS# 70038 Life can verify if my memory is correct.
  3. Yes, my mom bought books so I could read about growing up in the early 1900s, only to find out the world wasn't like that anymore: hippies ruled the streets, girls wore miniskirts, and guys who wanted to be HAM radio operators were absolutely not cool.
  4. The one cover looks like what I remember. We also had The Radio Boys, which made me want to become a HAM radio operator. I built my own crystal radio (and won the school science fair) by following the directions in one of the books. However, I failed at winding my own coil and had to buy a pre-made coil at Radio Shack. I never did get a HAM radio when I started thinking about the outcome. Did I really want to spend night talking to old men around the world just to exchange call cards? The more I got into cars and girls, the less the idea had appeal.
  5. Way back when I was a wee lad my mom found a series of books about the adventures of a troop of Boy Scouts. They were from the first half of the 1900s and much like the Jerry Todd and Poppy Ott books. Good books but nothing like what scouting was like in the 70s and later.
  6. Most 6mm cartridges use a .243 bullet when 6mm actually is .236". The Lee Navy Rifle and cartridge, used by the US Navy in the late 1800s and offered commercially by Winchester in a straight-pull rifle, used an actual .236" (6mm) bullet. About 20 years ago, a reloader/gun enthusiast went to the range with his new to him rare Lee Navy rifle and some ammo he loaded with "6mm" bullets. The .243 bullets trying to swage down the .236 bore caused too much pressure and sent the bolt into the man's brain. Other shooters wanted to save him but were unsuccessful. The same thing almost happened again not long ago, but the shooter was not seriously injured. The lesson is that nominal size and actual size are rarely the same thing with guns, and if you have a Lee Navy rifle, get a mold for the correct size or leave it on the wall to admire.
  7. The same reason a 6mm isn't really a 6mm, which has killed at least one person.
  8. That stuff was gone long ago. I joined in the 1970s, just after the change to what was then the modern curriculum and uniforms. My friend was still able to follow the old track, which had all the skills I wanted to learn, like tracking, camp craft, etc. I had to learn all the modern social skills and wear that goofy red beret.
  9. Just to be clear, you're not talking about taping your fingers so you can fan the hammer like the guy on YouTube, right? SASS doesn't allow fanning.
  10. This is a popular gun because it is a copy of the original Colt military model. It has the US stamped on the side, and if memory serves, it should have the inspector's marks and initials. They would have had the cartouche if it still had the original grips.
  11. The 7 PRC remains.
  12. Most of the time, that's safe, but USPS money orders are being counterfeited, so always cash them at a post office before sending anything, and a tracking number only means you were sent something. Scammers love to ship garbage (rocks, broken car parts, etc) to buyers as it provides a tracking number. It doesn't prove what is in the package.
  13. Did you get the message via email? Is your email exposed somewhere on the wire? Sagebrush Burns is most likely not who's contacting you if it isn't through the wire PM service. Edit: You have your yahoo email listed under your profile so any scammer can email you. Remove your email and only deal through the wire PMs.
  14. The 6.5 Creedmoor is the most popular cartridge for long-range shooting. It is the most used cartridge for NRL Hunter competition, and they shoot out to 1000 yards. It will take anything in North America, with proper shot placement and the correct bullet for the job. The common twist rate for the 6.5 Creedmoor is faster than older cartridges, so it can stabilize long ogive bullets that maintain velocity long with less wind drift. NRL Hunter is the fastest-growing shooting sport right now, and younger shooters dominate it. It's perfect practice for real hunting.
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