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About cowrustler

  • Birthday 05/17/1942

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    SW South Dakota

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  1. Go ahead and sell it to Usta. I just got defrauded on this site a few weeks ago and there have been too many red flags appearing on this deal to suit me. I'm out.
  2. I got it and replied, cowrustler
  3. I will buy this revolver but need addresses, cowrustler
  4. Color it sold. E-mail me on payment. Having just been ripped off for $40 on this site by a scammer, I am very cautious, cowrustler
  5. Bad, send me an e-mail so I can contact you with an offer on the rest of the .45-70 brass. I can't figure out how to send a private message here. Thanks, cowrustler

  6. Received a pay-pal for the knife ($25.00), but it was posted at ($29.00) No big deal, it's

    called an oops. I'll rebox it and send it to your Son, he's going to love it!


    1. cowrustler


      Sorry about that. Fixed now, Bill (cowrustler)

    2. Quick Draw Granpaw #48525

      Quick Draw Granpaw #48525

      Bill, appreciate that Bill. Just returned from the post office, mailed your

      Sons package, VIA USPS tracking # 9500 1138 1834 3208 0042 00

      with an ETA of Monday 07-31-23


  7. Bill, OPPS, the knife was posted @ $29.00, PP $25.00, OPPS

    Happy trails


    1. Quick Draw Granpaw #48525

      Quick Draw Granpaw #48525

      Received a pay-pal for the knife ($25.00), but it was posted at ($29.00) No big deal, it's

      called an oops. I'll rebox it and send it to your Son, he's going to love it!


  8. It's on the way via USPS #9500 1138 1834 3188 9915 83 expected eta 07-11-23.

    Happy trails & thank you!


    1. cowrustler


      Thanks, Mike. Your knives are incredibly handy, Bill

    2. Quick Draw Granpaw #48525

      Quick Draw Granpaw #48525

      I'm glad you like them, Bill!


  9. Cowrustler; My pay pal, MCORY514@ATT.NET Don't forget I'll be needing your shipping information.

    Happy trails


    1. cowrustler


      Mike, Bill Curran, Box 75, Edgemont, SD, 57735    Payment will be there shortly. Thank you- a man can't have too many knives (or is that guns? horses? who knows?), Bill

    2. Quick Draw Granpaw #48525

      Quick Draw Granpaw #48525

      Bill your knife is on the way via USPS TRACKING #9500 1138 1835 3173 9403 04,

      ETA Monday 06-26-23.

      Happy trails & thank you.


  10. Dawg, e-mail me at billcurran44@gmail.com  I can't figure out SASS's method of deleting e-mails. I wish they would spend some money on their software, cowrustler

  11. I don't have any brass but I do have 3 or 4 boxes of factory ammunition. Would need about $50/box if any interest, Bill (aka cowrustler)

  12. Received funds.  Bullets will be shipped tomorrow.  Thanks Kirk

    1. cowrustler


      Kirk, thank you, cowrustler

    2. Kirk James

      Kirk James

      Had good luck with 17 grains of XMP 5744.  Have fun and good shooting.  Kirk 

    3. cowrustler


      Got 'em. Thank you, Bill

  13. Email is gkirkham@iccs-k8.org.  Will get you 1000 for $95. total.  They should fit in a medium flat rate box.  If not I will make up the difference.  My address is 65 Essex Ave.  Sedona AZ   86336.

    1. cowrustler



      Kirk, I will take these. Do you take Paypal? Bill

    2. cowrustler


      Never mind I see you don't take Paypal. will do the extra effort and get a check in the mail. Bill

    3. cowrustler


      Kirk, I will get a check off to you tomorrow, Bill

      Bill Curran

      Box 75

      Edgemont, SD


  14. Howdy Cowrustler.

    My FFL needs your FFL's contact info- website, phone, email, and/or fax. They will contact your FFL to do the FFL thing. They will not accept it from anyone but the receiving FFL.

    Meanwhile ronwsmith59@gmail.com is my email.

    Send USPS money order, bank counter check or personal check to:

    Ron Smith

    14651 Indigo Ct.
    Harvest, AL 35749

    Money order and bank check go to my FFL next business day, personal check has to clear first (1-3 business days).

    I'll need your real name and phone number to put with the gun so your FFL knows who it's for and can call you.

    Thanks, Ron "Ironhead" Smith

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Ron "Ironhead" Smith

      Ron "Ironhead" Smith

      Excellent Bill, let me know how you like it.

    3. cowrustler


      Ron, just picked it up and it looks great. If the wind wasn't howling I'd take it out and shoot it. very pleased and thank you, Bill

    4. Ron "Ironhead" Smith

      Ron "Ironhead" Smith

      You're welcome Bill and thank you. Enjoy!

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